日本浸溫泉小貼士: 大部份溫泉旅館都唔俾着泳衣㗎 ❌👙 所以如果你好似我比較怕羞嘅話🙈 就記得搵間有私人溫泉嘅旅館啦! 今次間旅館有呢個可以預先book嘅 #隱湯 ♨️ 呢個完全隱藏係山裡頭嘅 #私人溫泉,係咪好有feel呢?☺️
#芝味旅遊 #賞紅葉 #浸溫泉 #湯之花溫泉 #溫泉旅館 #龜岡 #日本
Tip: Most onsens in Japan don’t allow you to wear swimsuits ❌👙That’s why if you’re relatively shy like me 🙈, then make sure you check that the ryokan you are staying in has a private onsen! The ryokan we stayed in this time has a Secret Open-Air Onsen #YamaNoKakureYu which you can book in advance ♨️ A private onsen just for you secretly hidden on the hills, what more can you ask for? ☺️
#TravelWithJoyceN #AutumnLeaves #Onsen #YunohanaOnsen #Ryokan #Kameoka #Japan
yunohanaonsen 在 Joyce Ngai 魏韵芝 Facebook 的最佳貼文
喜歡浸溫泉❤️ #你知唔知 溫泉水中含有嘅礦物質可以幫助促進血液循環及新陳代謝,放鬆及舒緩肌肉疼痛,緩解壓力及放鬆心靈,提升睡眠質素,改善乾燥皮膚! 今次去咗 #龜岡 體驗 #湯之花溫泉,一邊賞紅葉一邊浸溫泉 ,咁先算係 #芝味旅遊 🍁♨️
#美麗從健康開始 #健康開心share #浸溫泉 #韵芝健康日記
Love Onsen❤️ #DidYouKnow The minerals contained in onsen water helps with improving your blood circulation & metabolism, relaxes & alleviates muscle pain, relieves stress & relaxes your mind, improves sleep quality, as well as improves your skin condition. This time I went to try the #YunohanaOnsen at #Kameoka, it is my first time enjoying Onsen under autumn leaves, what a beautiful experience 🍁♨️ #TravelWithJoyceN
#BeautyBeginsWithAHealthyLifestyle #HealthBlogger #SharingIsCaring #HappyShare #JoyceNHealthDiary
Thank you for the feature on.cc 東網/東方日報 東網巨星 @sinyeelam_cindy ☺️🙏🏻
@ 龜峰庵 Sumiya Kiho-An