#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
美國生活用語:蔬菜篇之 potato🥔馬鈴薯
1⃣ a couch potato
2⃣ small potatoes
3⃣ hot potato
4⃣ drop sb./sth. like a hot potato
From their native home in Peru, potatoes have spread all over the world, becoming a staple in many countries. One of those countries is the U.S., where we like to eat them boiled, baked, fried and mashed. They’ve also become part of our language, as you’ll see from the idioms below.
原生於祕魯,現在普及於全世界的馬鈴薯,已經成為許多國家的主食,其中一個國家就是美國。美國人喜歡吃水煮、烤、炸馬鈴薯,還有馬鈴薯泥。當然,potato 馬鈴薯這個字也成為美語的一部分。
What would a potato do if you put it on a couch? Well, it would just sit there doing nothing. 1⃣So a couch potato is a lazy person who just sits around watching TV. And if they sit there long enough, they may even start to look like a potato! Ex: Since Dan got Netflix, he’s turned into a real couch potato.
如果你把一棵馬鈴薯放在沙發上會發生什麼事?嗯,它就會動也不動地坐在那裡。所以 a couch potato 就是形容「一直坐在沙發上看電視的懶人」,而且如果坐得夠久,他們也會越來越像顆馬鈴薯!如:Since Dan got Netflix, he’s turned into a real couch potato.(丹自從有了網飛帳號後,就成了一顆貨真價實的沙發馬鈴薯。)
Americans like to eat big Idaho potatoes—the bigger the better. 2⃣So what does “small potatoes” mean? It means a tiny or insignificant person, thing or amount. Ex: Last week’s storm was small potatoes compared to the hurricane we had two years ago.
美國人愛吃愛達荷州黃褐皮馬鈴薯,越大顆越讚。所以,small potato是什麼意思呢?指的是那些「不起眼或不重要的小人物;微不足道的小事;聊勝於無的數量」。如:Last week’s storm was small potatoes compared to the hurricane we had two years ago.(跟兩年前的颶風比起來,上禮拜的暴風雨根本只是小意思。)
When you bake a potato, you have to be careful when taking it out of the oven because it may be too hot to handle. As an idiom, 3⃣ a “hot potato” is a difficult or controversial issue that people avoid dealing with or discussing. Ex: Gun control is a political hot potato in the U.S.
當你烤好一顆馬鈴薯,你必須小心翼翼把它拿出烤箱,因為它會燙到你幾乎無法拿。因此hot potato在諺語中就是指「燙手山芋,難以處理或具爭議性的議題」,大家都不想碰觸或討論。如:Gun control is a political hot potato in the U.S.(槍枝管制在美國一直是燙手山芋。)
The phrase “hot potato” also appears in another idiom with a different meaning: 4⃣ “drop sb./sth. like a hot potato,” which means to abandon someone or something as quickly as possible, usually to avoid potential problems. Ex: Kim dropped her boyfriend like a hot potato when she found out he had a criminal record.
hot potato也出現在另一組諺語中,不過意思完全不一樣:drop sb./sth. like a hot potato,這個諺語是指「在事情變大條之前,儘快擺脫某人或某事」,如:Kim dropped her boyfriend like a hot potato when she found out he had a criminal record.(金在發現男友有前科的時候,就馬上擺脫他了。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
a couch potato意思 在 傻笑鱷魚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#英語小教室 #小知識
今天的諺語是「Couch potato」,
一定也很多人都知道是什麼意思 對吧!
英文couch一字是指放在客廳的「長沙發」。在一般現代家庭中,這長沙發通常是對著電視。因此在20世紀七十年代末期,就有人造出了couch potato一語。couch potato直譯是「沙發馬鈴薯」,引申為「老坐在電視機前的人」或「終日懶得出去走動的人」。
Do more outdoor activities. Don’t become a couch potato.
a couch potato意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【獨家揭露】英文 Idioms 的 4 種分類學習方式
前幾天連假去爬山時,跟家人討論到爬山或是運動一開始會有的「撞牆期」。其實「撞牆期」英文也有非常類似的表達方式就叫做 hit the wall.
但因為每個語言都有一些片語、諺語和慣用法,常會跟文化 (六六大順)、社會、地理、歷史 (四面楚歌)、宗教 (e.g. 借花獻佛) 等等背景所影響,所以在學習英文時,一定要特別留意「到底可不可以用中文的思維,套在英文上」,不然可能會鬧笑話喔!
例如因為 potato 這樣的作物對於美國來講很重要,所以自然而然有很多的表達方式,都跟 potato 有關,例如 a big potato (大人物)、a hot potato (燙手山芋)、a couch potato (慵懶癱坐在沙發上看電視,什麼都不做的人)。
而雖然在中華文化裡頭「紅」大多是好的(赤字暫當例外),但在西方文化裡頭,紅色就不見是好的囉!像英文的 catch sb red handed 就有「當場逮著正著的意思」!
✔︎ 搶了風采 steal one’s thunder
✔︎ 早上起來吃錯藥 get up from the wrong side of the bed
✔︎ 如履薄冰 walk on eggshells
✔︎ 說曹操曹操到 speak of the devil
✔︎ 雞毛蒜皮的事 small potatoes
✔︎ 五十步笑百步 the pot calling the kettle black
✔︎ 一石二鳥 kills two birds with one stone
✔︎ 以眼還眼,以牙還牙 An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
✔︎ 雙面刃 double-edged sword
✔︎ make one’s hair stand on end 以中文思維看起來像是怒髮衝冠,但英文真正的意思是使人「害怕」、「毛骨悚然」的意思
✔︎ pull one’s leg 以中文思維看來像是扯人後腿,但英文真正的意思卻是「開人玩笑」的意思
✔︎ Eat one’s words 以中文思維看起來像是食言的意思,但英文真正的意思是「承認自己說錯的事情」(admit what you said was wrong)
✔︎ A piece of cake 一塊小蛋糕
Happy learning!