Receive Divine, Sinless Life Through the Lord’s Supper
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life. Therefore I have said to the children of Israel, “No person among you may eat blood, nor may any stranger who lives as a foreigner among you eat blood.”” (Leviticus 17:11-12 WEB)
Even under the New Covenant, according to the letter that the apostles wrote to the ex-Gentile believers, we are instructed by the Holy Spirit to abstain from eating blood.
“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality, from which if you keep yourselves, it will be well with you. Farewell.”” (Acts 15:28-29 WEB)
God does not want us to feed on life that has been stained by sin.
There is only one person’s blood that we are told to drink:
“Jesus therefore said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don’t have life in yourselves. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he who feeds on me, he will also live because of me. This is the bread which came down out of heaven—not as our fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this bread will live forever.”” (John 6:53-58 WEB)
Many of Jesus’ ‘disciples’ left Him after hearing the words in the passage above. The Law said that the children of Israel were forbidden from eating blood. No wonder they found it difficult to believe that drinking Jesus’ blood was actually a godly thing to do.
The blood of Jesus is full of His divine, sinless life. Every time you partake of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death at the cross, you receive a fresh infusion of His life.
The more you receive His blood this way, the more your soul and body will live.
This is not just heavenly food like manna—it is the very life of God.
Don’t rush through the Lord’s Supper. It is not like popping a pill, a mathematical formula, or a magical incantation.
The Lord’s Supper is a token of Jesus’ love for you. He has designed it such that every time you partake of it in a worthy manner, you receive His life. Enjoy the moment.
How much do you want to live and be full of life? Receive the blood of Jesus every day through the Lord’s Supper, and watch as health and healing springs forth mightily in your soul and body!
The Holy Spirit taught me about God’s youth renewal promises, and they are compiled in an ebook called “Younger and Younger”. Join me on a 31-day journey to a younger, healthier, fitter, and more beautiful you. People in the Bible like Sarah, Caleb, Moses, and Naaman experienced physical youth renewal in their bodies.
Readers of the ebook are writing in to share how people around them are noticing the transformation in their looks, and how they are able to do things that they could only do in their teenage days. The ebook is full of rhema words that contain the power to work miracles. The bonus audio included will help to saturate your heart with God’s youth renewal promises. One lady likes it so much that she listens to it a few times each day!
Get “Younger and Younger” here:
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Robynn Yip,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「給晴晴:媽媽不想你經歷我所走過的彎路、再捱過我吃的苦……」 “I found very best in me because of you One day I'll try to be a mom as great as you” 遙送「回信」給天上母親 憑歌寄意唱出最真摰情感 一張泛黃的信...
「a letter to my father」的推薦目錄:
a letter to my father 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
【 點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡?】
造圖,諗落咩字,腦海中想到甚麼便打出來,一看,就連自己也忍不住笑 ── 「點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮」,乜料?繼而想起,每年奧斯卡舉行前夕,總會分享「奧斯卡神婆」畢明的預測文章,再例牌寫一句:「一年容易奧斯卡」!來到今年,同一句話,要再加多句:「一年容易奧斯卡之其實過去一年已經好不容易」。怎會估到,自中學時代開始,總會倒搭咁早打開電視看明珠台直播奧斯卡/夜晚一邊睇字幕一邊學英文的習慣,來到2021年竟然冇得繼續,更要翻牆收睇?
身處網絡世代,閱後即焚,看直播的重點不是直播的過程,而是知道結果、得獎者在台上說些甚麼,或者留意唱歌環節,帶起話題,跟友儕討論,僅此而已,反正近年的主持及講稿質素已大不如前,收視每況愈下,去年甚至不再有主持,想起那些年親眼見證Billy Crystal,或Whoopi Goldberg,或Steven Martin,或如今已經變成乞人憎代表的Ellen DeGeneres,他們於頒獎典禮開始一刻,站在台上講一大輪,或播放惡搞短片,大放笑彈,笑到台下全部人收唔到聲,夜深偶爾也會在YouTube上找來重溫。我相信,就算大家今早不看直播,賽果也會如叫外賣般透過社交平台直接送到眼前,然而香港與國際社會脫鉤,真真正正成為中國大陸的一個沿海城市,折射政治現實和虛偽,這才是最教人痛苦吧。
記得那天(29/3)一覺醒來看見《英文虎報》(The Standard)率先爆的料,指香港將會自1969年以來,首次不轉播奧斯卡頒獎典禮,霎時間有種嘔吐的感覺,連帶暈眩的反應一併襲來,我實在接受不來,這個世界真的名副其實的「黐L綫」!原本以為,HBO會是看直播的「最後機會」,可惜早幾日再向有關人士打聽,得到的答案是:「香港嘅HBO唔播!」查實台灣那邊的HBO也沒有直播,所以死心,決定買VPN算數。聽薯伯伯(Pazu)的建議,花了數十美元,買下ProtonVPN來翻牆看台視直播,作為媒體工作者,這些錢不得不花。
假如讀者不急於一時,可以密切留意twitter更新,或者鎖定幾大美國娛樂網站:《Hollywood Reporter》、《Variety》、《Entertainment Weekly》或者《Vox》等社交平台,一定能夠知道誰人獲獎,更有耐性的話,Oscars的YouTube頻道也很大機會會上載得獎者領獎片段。如果大家有興趣,亦可以在早上八時開始,留意影視評論人:月巴氏、方俊傑、紅眼和小雨於Clubhouse的直播,今時今日,從事媒體或者娛樂事業的人,應該互相幫忙,搞旺個場,而不是分黨分派,各不相干。至於賽果,老實講,今年入圍,看了的很少,想看的又未上畫/未有時間看,故無意亂說,多等一回,便知分曉。
【 第93屆奧斯卡足本提名名單 】
《爸爸可否不要老》(The Father)
《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《超犀女王》(Promising Young Woman)
《寂靜的鼓手》(Sound of Metal)
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》(The Trial of the Chicago 7)
Thomas Vinterberg《醉美的一課》 (Another Round)
大衛芬查(David Fincher)(《曼克》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Riz Ahmed《寂靜的鼓手》
查特域克保斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)《藍調天后》
安東尼鶴健士(Anthony Hopkins)《爸爸可否不要老》
加利奧文(Gary Oldman)《曼克》
Steven Yuen《農情家園》
Viola Davis《藍調天后》(Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)
Andra Day《The United States vs. Billie Holiday》
雲妮莎卻比(Vanessa Kirby)《心碎的女人》(Pieces of a Woman)
法蘭絲麥杜曼(Frances McDormand)《浪跡天地》
嘉莉慕萊根(Carey Mulligan)《超犀女王》
沙查巴朗高漢(Sacha Baron Cohen)《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Daniel Kaluuya《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Leslie Odom Jr.《One Night in Miami》
Paul Raci《寂靜的鼓手》
Lakeith Stanfield《Judas and the Black Messiah》
Maria Bakalova《波叔出城2》(Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan)
格蓮高絲(Glenn Close)《Hillbilly Elegy》
奧莉花高雯(Olivia Colman)《爸爸可否不要老》
雅曼達施菲(Amanda Seyfried)《曼克》
Will Berson、Shaka King、Keith Lucas、Kenny Lucas《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Abraham Marder、Darius Marder、Derek Cianfrance、D. Marder《寂靜的鼓手》
Aaron Sorkin《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
沙查巴朗高漢、Peter Baynham、Jena Friedman、Anthony Hines、Lee Kern、Dan Mazer、Erica Rivinoja、Dan Swimer、Nina Pedrad《波叔出城2》
Christopher Hampton、Florian Zeller《爸爸可否不要老》
Kemp Powers《One Night in Miami》
Ramin Bahrani《白老虎》(The White Tiger)
《Fight For You》《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《Hear My Voice》《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
《Io Sì (Seen)》《前路有你》
《Speak Now》《One Night in Miami》
Terence Blanchard《誓血五人組》(Da 5 Bloods)
Tent Reznor、Atticus Ross《曼克》
Emile Mosseri《Minari》
James Newton Howard《結叛同行》(News of the World)
Trent Reznor、Atticus Ross、Jon Batiste《靈魂奇遇記》(Soul)
Sean Bobitt《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Erik Messerschmidt《曼克》
Dariusz Wolski《結叛同行》
Joshua James Richards《浪跡天地》
Phedon Papamichael《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Alexandra Byrne《EMMA:上流貴族》(Emma)
Ann Roth《藍調天后》
Trish Summerville《曼克》
Bina Daigeler《花木蘭》(Mulan)
Massimo Cantini Parrini《木偶奇遇記》(Pinocchio)
《Hillbilly Elegy》
《Love and Monsters》
《The One and Only Ivan》
《The Man Who Sold His Skin》(突尼西亞)
《Quo Vadis, Aida?》(波斯尼亞)
《飛奔去月球》(Over the Moon)
《超級無敵羊咩咩大電影之天外飛咩》(A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon)
《希望之夏:身心障礙革命》(Crip Camp)
《The Mole Agent》
《我的八爪魚老師》(My Octopus Teacher)
《A Concerto Is a Conversation》
《Do Not Split不割席》
《Hunger Ward》
《A Love Song for Latasha》
《Genius Loci》
《無論如何我愛你》(If Anything Happens I Love You)
《Feeling Through》
《The Letter Room》
《The Present》
《Two Distant Strangers》
《White Eye》
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #奧斯卡 #第93屆奧斯卡 #OSCARS2021
月巴氏 / Work Super Guy 紅眼 方俊傑 小雨 快樂的 做乜膠睇電視 我睇咗啲乜嘢 港人講電視 葉一知 Pazu 薯伯伯 潘小濤 午夜翻牆 電影潭 The Tarnished Angels
a letter to my father 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
Jesus Came to Fulfill, Not to Destroy
““Don’t think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I didn’t come to destroy, but to fulfill. For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-18 WEB)
Even though I write that we are not supposed to keep the Law of Moses today, I am not calling the Law evil or making it seem like something bad.
The Law shows God’s holiness, revealing that only perfection is acceptable to God. Anything short of God’s glory is unrighteous.
Jesus did not come to destroy the Law. He didn’t say, “Oh Israel, I guess this is too hard for you to keep. It’s okay, let Me snap My fingers and cancel this Law. Let’s forget about it okay?”
No, Jesus came to fulfill the Law on our behalf. The requirements of the Law can be summed up by the following verse:
“Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins, he shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:4 WEB)
Sin is a crime that demands the penalty of death. God is holy, so He must punish sin.
However, God also loves us, so how can He spare us and yet justly punish sin?
The answer is the cross. God the Father placed all our sins upon His Son Jesus Christ, and punished Him fully in our place, so that the wages of sin which the Law requires was fully paid by Jesus’ death. The divine, sinless blood which He shed is worth much more than all the sins of the world throughout the passage of time.
So for us who have faith in Jesus, the issue of sin is settled. We are forgiven. He has fulfilled the Law’s requirements on our behalf, making us righteous.
However, the Law will not pass away until God creates a new Heaven and new earth at the end of time. The Law still has a purpose to be met.
“For there is no partiality with God. For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without the law. As many as have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it isn’t the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified (for when Gentiles who don’t have the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying with them, and their thoughts among themselves accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men, according to my Good News, by Jesus Christ.” (Romans 2:11-16 WEB)
At the Great White Throne judgment, Jesus will sit as judge, and the unbelievers will be judged based on their conscience if they are Gentiles, and by the Law (Ten Commandments) if they are Jews.
Jesus has record books of their works, and will measure out the appropriate degree of punishment before they are cast into the lake of fire. Each unsaved soul will experience a different level of torment based on the works they have done in their lifetime. Of course, the one screaming the loudest will be Satan.
“I saw a great white throne, and him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. There was found no place for them. I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and they opened books. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. The sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them. They were judged, each one according to his works. Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. If anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15 WEB)
After that final judgment, when all humans, fallen angels, and Nephilim giants have been judged and sentenced to their appropriate eternal abodes, then the Law will pass away. At that point in time, all things will be accomplished, and eternity will begin. Christ shall reign supreme and be all in all.
For us who believe, the future is bright. Read this passage which will happen after the Law has passed away:
“I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things have passed away.”” (Revelation 21:1-4 WEB)
Isn’t it beautiful? Come back soon, Lord Jesus! We praise and worship You this Passover!
Do you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and be forgiven of all your sins? Go to the following link and speak the prayer to be saved:
Want to grow in your understanding and revelation of God’s word? Use the coupon code “HEISRISEN30” in my website store upon checkout to enjoy 30% off all eBook purchases within the next 4 days:
a letter to my father 在 Robynn Yip Youtube 的最讚貼文
“I found very best in me because of you
One day I'll try to be a mom as great as you”
遙送「回信」給天上母親 憑歌寄意唱出最真摰情感
一張泛黃的信紙,伴隨著叫人掛念又窩心的筆跡,是歌曲《Fifth of May》誕生的起端。以新生代音樂人身份再度回歸的Robynn(葉晴晴),推出個人第二支深情之作,而今次所刻劃出的情感,源自於一份平凡卻教人動容的母愛。
歌名《Fifth of May》,5月5日正是代表著Robynn一個極其重視的日子——母親的生日。Robynn的媽媽於多年前罹癌病逝,雖無緣欣賞到女兒在出道後的舞台,但她卻一直留在Robynn的心中,無盡地給予Robynn力量與信心。而每逢5月5日,Robynn都會抽空回到她從小成長的家,感受與媽媽擁有共同回憶的地方。在一次的巧合之下,她找到了一封未曾翻閱的信,是母親在Robynn考進大學之時所書寫的。信中的內容除了讓Robynn憶記起昔日的點滴,亦被那份來自母親的憂心所感動,促使Robynn更想以媽媽作為榜樣,希望有朝一日能成為她一樣好的母親。
《Fifth of May》繼續由Robynn包辦曲詞創作,一字一句都飽含著她最真實的情感,深信在天上的媽媽也能夠收到這封「回信」。歌曲以清脆厚實的木結他聲作主軸,隨後編曲層次漸見豐富,搭配Robynn細膩的演繹更顯箇中張力。透過唱出自身所經歷那份堅定不移的母愛,Robynn希望也能同樣地把這份情感傳遞到聽眾的內心深處,也為世上每一位偉大的母親送上暖意。
Robynn出道9年,原本準備以個人歌手姿態回歸樂壇,驚喜迎來了天賜「禮物」,新的身份亦賦予了這首歌多一層的意義。懷胎四月拍攝了MV,與攝製隊冒熱同行為取靚景,雖然對懷孕中的她是一大挑戰,但她非常感激MV導演張蚊把兩首歌的MV連貫中有不同故事, 《Fifth of May》延續首部曲《Lost Forever》, 透過走訪小女孩曾身處的各個場景,回憶起她昔日的成長片段。而導演張蚊在創作整個故事的同時,亦巧妙地加入了兩個Robynn的親身經歷,分別是母親因癌病逝世,以及Robynn重回舊居偶然地找到一封母親寫給她封存多年從未寄出的信。透過這些細微的連繫,張蚊希望能進一步呈現出Robynn在寫這首時歌的真實心境,讓觀眾更能細味到箇中的感動,遙送「回信」給天上的母親。
Music & Lyrics by Robynn Yip
Produced & Arranged by T-Ma
Mixed by John Benedict Pereira
Mastered by Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound
Something 'bout the light breeze
on the Fifth of May
Takes me back to the bedroom
where I was raised
With the out of tune piano
that mended all my heartbreaks
I wrote my first songs ever here
while you just listened as I played
Nostalgia trickles down my face
onto your letter for me before you went away
it said...
"When I was young like you
I was tough like you
and I fought like you
but I hope it's easier for you;
I wasn’t as loved as a daughter
But as a mother oh I knew
No matter what I’d save the very best for you”
Dad hair is thinner and greyer by the day
But rest assured he’s healthy and in a happy state
Our house is so old
though he never wants to renovate
But I guess it’s great the place has
always stayed the same
Suddenly nostalgia trickles down my face
And on the fifth of May I thought of what you used to say
"When I was young like you
I was tough like you
and I fought like you
but I hope it's easier for you;
I wasn't as loved as a daughter
But as a mother oh I knew
No matter what I’d save the very best for you”
Even though you’re not here anymore
Empty house dusty frames rusty doors
Every year on this birthday of yours
I feel you here beside me
When you were young like me
You were tough for me
And you fought for me
And it wasn’t as easy as can be
You loved both your daughters
And there is one thing that holds true
I found very best in me because of you
And in your final weeks
You were tough as can be
and you fought for you
Against all the pain you went through
With every changing chapter
You’re still my rock my strength my truth
I found very best in me because of you
One day I'll try to be a mom as great as you
MV Credits
Girl- Suey Kwok
Boy- Jeffrey Ngai Tsun Sang
Mother- Tina Cheng Pui Na
Father- Clifford Tsang
Director/ @IrvingCheung 張蚊
Assistant Director/ Lok Tsz Hong
Scriptwriter/ Ng King Lung
Director of Photography/ Tam Wai Kai
Focus Puller/ Tai Yun Hong
Camera Assistants/ Yeung Hiu Tung, Man Ho, Yu Hau Ming, Ng Yu Tat
Gaffer/ Ko Wing Chai
Lighting crew/ Lee Kwan Wai, Wong Wei Tung, Man Chi Chun
Photographer/ Quist Tsang @quistography
Art Director/ Nononino @n_n_n_o
Assistant Art Director/ Rex Loong
Costume Designers/ Jeff Mui & jumbotsang
Makeup Artist/ Anitalomakeup @anitaaal0125
Hair Stylist/ GLORIA Lam
Production Manager/ Annie Lau
Unit Manager/ Lai Yiu Chung
Production Assistants/
Christiana Yeung
Chan Siu Lun
Post-production/ Glance Limited
Post-production Producer/ Philip Chan
Editor/ Lam Chi Hang
Colourist/ Li Man Lok
On-line/ Steven Cheung Chun Ho
Graphics & Subtitling/ Nononino @n_n_n_o
Artiste Management / Jennings Wong @RYE Music
Special Thanks / amanwithahat, Dionne Lee, JT, Nicky Ma, Connie Yau

a letter to my father 在 serpentza Youtube 的最讚貼文
The very unique challenges that students and newly immigrated Mainland Chinese people suffer in the west...
Link to the letter I read in this video:
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Mail order brides are a bad idea
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A message for Chinese nationalists!
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