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同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過187的網紅Roxanne Gan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A 15 minute Prenatal Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan. This easy-to-follow sequence is suitable for beginners and all trimesters. Learn how to breathe...
「acknowledge email」的推薦目錄:
acknowledge email 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
另外,2020年雖則在我身上發生好多事,但整體都係不錯。想2021知得更多,同埋助養本人(畀人炒咗啦!),請訂Patreon,一星期至少六篇,一個月一舊水有找,已經近1000人 join(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
投資 —股票總值升咗100%
1. 2020回顧,寫寫下變咗7000字。分上下集出。另外呢篇文係免費的。表面好似上集好睇啲,但大教訓在下集。所以睇晒佢吧。你仲未訂Patreon嘅,即刻去吧,月頭訂抵呀。(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
2. 一個字形容我嘅2020?就係NBA。真係籃球嘅NBA。咩意思?籃球L勿鬧,好可能基於我錯嘅印象:但即使我青春期啲朋友一定一齊睇,我就一路唔太鍾意睇NBA。因為發現,總係睇最後一節就得,我睇都係最後一節先開始睇。最後一節,總係能人所不能,好似幾多分都會追到,又幾多分領先都會被人反先。感覺好似頭三節熱身咁。當然事實可能唔係(歡迎拎數字講),但你應該明我講乜。正如足球賽事,都有統計,補時嗰幾分鐘,入球量不成比例地超高。因為防守嘅冇力,落後嘅豁出去,而又有時畀人打反攻。
3. 2020,原本是如此美好。C’est bon.但下半年比較多事,特別係12月。如果呢個回顧在11月做,應該會幾唔同。
4. 成個2020年,我自己打分,應該係6-7分。但如果11月尾打分,會有7-8分。
5. 2020對大家嚟講,兩大件事,可能係肺炎,同埋國安法。但講真,帝力於我何有哉?我又唔係東渧汶人。唔係冇影響,但如果我拍戲嘅導演,我都係拍小人物嘅故事,細節你咪會睇到。甚麼人類福祉呀命運共同體呀香港已死呀,講真,I couldn’t care less
6. 而舊文都講過,我呢啲情況,人大咗,冇小朋友,又唔係搞生意,真係冇乜好寫的。搞生意嘅,每年講開分店新產品都得。有小朋友嘅,呀佢今年識屙屎啦呀佢今年打飛機呀,又有得講。我呢?冇乜好講喎
7. 後生,仲會有升班呀(唏果時升班轉同學好大件事,同心儀女同學編咗唔同班可能就咁GG,而家好似少子化就冇呢啲嘢),考試呀,入大學呀,出嚟做嘢呀,初夜呀(我就連初夜都寫過),轉工呀,結婚呀都可以寫
8. 但到我咁年紀,唔生仔,唔搞生意,就冇乜好寫。最多係紅事白事,托賴冇乜。
9. 咁所以,往往要寫嘅,都係去旅行(well),(被)轉工,睇咗幾多戲,食咗幾多粒星,去咗幾多次日本,咁上下。
10. 不過今年都係有啲唔同,去片。
11. 就是咁。12月14日,我在台北14天隔離中。忽然有人通知我,我被炒了。唔止send個email嘅,有開埋Zoom,仲堅持想見我個樣。係想睇我咩反應?好彩我掉走咗啲自瀆完嘅紙巾(14天隔離有乜做?)。又,好似應該係Letter of Redundancy,但what can you expect?而咁並唔會令我翻生嘅。呀,我當然係去到29號佢地三催四請我先acknowledge 啦,what can you expect?而聽講,我係放緊年假的。
12. 往後我會再寫篇文講,但,唔少人都問三個問題,我呢度答埋先。第一,「點解?」。噢,我早已學會唔問呢樣嘢。重要嗎?當然另文可能都會講,但真係不重要,你畀人飛都唔使問「點解」的。第二,「等你放假唔在香港先炒?」。咁to be fair,你放假唔在香港唔係一個要等你返嚟先通知嘅理由,況且唔止我一個。第三,「咁你會唔會在台北長住?」。咪玩啦,就算我想(而我暫時唔會),都不能。我出糧出到3月,傳說中的3個月通知
13. 影響?當然是有的,冇咗個收入來源喎。朋友都紛紛鼓勵,「係佢地唔識貨」(我不反對),「以你才華實好易XXX」。幾乎搞到連我都信埋。但,朋友梗係講呢啲,唔通講「你條仆街多行不義必自斃抵你有今日,我睇你點供樓?」?「你條死肥西嚴重overpaid仲邊有競爭力?」。可能事實,但唔會有人講。
14. 現實啲睇,我搵返份人工爭唔遠嘅工,我唔覺得好難。問題係,除咗人工仲有其他嘢嘛。「要做到我仆街我又唔願」。所以係有點難。
15. 至於生計呢?你睇我Patreon成千人訂,咁你大約都知我一個月收幾多。咁,點講都係冇咗份工我會冇錢開飯供唔起樓甚至要去少次日本。頂多食米芝蓮冇咁爽,不如唔好食兩星食一星(但,兩星先性價比高!)
16. 不過話說回頭,冇咗份收入,影響都係十是釘嫂(最撚憎啲人美式口音講十是單嫂,例如我大老細)的。你試下叫你公司個CEO減一半人工丫。係呀,對佢生計完全冇影響,但都覺痛的。
17. 寫得太長,大約係咁,另外寫篇新文講。
18. 舊年嘅回顧寫過,2019成就之一,係Facebook Page有點成績。今年呢?2020年頭講緊7000人。去到年尾差不多一個double,當然亦都帶到啲收入畀我
19. 但,同我開咗Patreon比,Facebook Page不值一提。
20. 如果唔係12月畀人炒咗,咁我諗全年我放最重要嘅,就係,8月開咗個Patreon.十分,十分,十分重要。因為,真係算非常,非常,非常成功。4個月我上咗近1000個讀者。固然係我有料到(唔通我覺得自己廢都好意思收錢?),但亦係大家有眼光,肯支持我。
21. 亦都有機會另文寫。但正係因為有咗Patreon,所以12月14日我台北知道被炒時,雖然係有啲意外(12月頭先同我講緊下年大計),但我亦只係「哦」咗一聲。甚至好快手咁同埃汾太,朋友,網友講。
22. 我再冇好似2014年咁憤恨(唏嗰時第一次嘛),亦冇擔心生計。唔係故意扮不在乎,而我真係不太care.「話唔care你仲寫篇文?」。你就搞錯咗了,主要係娛樂你地,同埋用嚟吸新讀者。我本人真係冇乜感覺,甚至唔覺得值得要寫多幾篇文。至少你見我而家都仲未寫,頭七過晒,七七都嚟緊。
23. 唔係有咗Patreon嘅收入,我點會咁老定?況且,除咗錢,亦係認同。你地真金白銀畀錢覺得值,就係最簡單嘅認同。唔想好似好自大,但,我呢度嘅收入,已經多過唔少人嘅正職。仲唔係代表你地十分認同?肯定唔係阿豬阿狗都可以有咁成績
24. 我真係覺得開心之至,甚至幻想,原來我嗰種midnight in Paris嘅想像(睇得耐嘅讀者應該知道我幾鍾意歐洲),已經成真。就係以前啲畫家作曲家咁,靠啲貴族養,專心做創作。不過而家科技先進,你地變咗貴族。喂,幾咁寫意
25. 我甚至諗,我可以日本住兩個月,韓國住兩個月,台北住兩個月。周圍去。試問有乜工作可以咁?至少以我嘅能力,冇。美中不足係因為疫情冇得周圍去。
26. 所以,多謝大家。你仲未加入嘅,好快啲了。
27. 第三件大事,當然係拎咗台灣居留證,都係12月發生。亦係我年尾去台灣嘅purpose,舊年回顧都講過。2019年尾拎咗個副本,今次去換個正本,就係上面呢張卡。原本想復活節去換,但當時已爆疫情。延期一次,去到年尾,疫情依然。再唔搞?又要再搞良民證,又要做多次體檢抽多次血。咁反正剩埋好多年假,所以即使隔離14日都照去。中途仲畀人炒埋就估唔到。
28. 又係FAQ:咁我變咗台灣人未?請define 台灣人。但如果你講中華民國公民,我唔係。我冇護照,冇得投票,唔係公民。我拎嘅只係居留證,正如綠卡都唔同美國公民。但我可以在台灣工作(雖然我唔會)唔使額外申請,同埋入境唔使再拎台證。大約係咁。
29. 幾時過台灣?另文再講吧。但唔會係短期內。兩三年,應該唔會。但十年八年後?應該幾大機會。
投資 —股票總值升咗100%
30. 今年嘅投資,我覺得係不錯嘅。具體?我都唔係好知實數。知都唔同你講。一係啲友又話你炫富晒命(但我可以有幾錢?唔通有幾億港紙?定窮到得幾皮嘢?),一係又話你嘩咁撚少錢都拎出嚟講,冇意思。
31. 但我發現,真係好少人嘅個人回顧,會寫呢樣嘢,令我大感不解。而呢個同我做唔做金融係冇關的,我估即使我2021全年失業或唔係做返金融,我個回顧都仲會寫呢樣嘢,
32. 你話港豬又好,小乘佛教又好,顧掂自己先又好乜都好。但真的,冇人畀你自己更愛你,而做大事都係銀紙,銀紙,同埋銀紙。蔡英文政府批個居留證畀我,係因為我投資咗600萬台幣,唔係認同我有任何才華。講真,你嘅個人投資,點會唔重要過咩疫情重創經濟之類?
33. 言歸正傳,今年我嘅股票倉位總值,由低位(當然係3月),係反彈超過100%嘅。如果用年頭同年尾比,都差不多有100%。嘩。
34. 但唏,唔好興奮住。首先,唔代表我啲股票回報係100%.你心諗我買乜?我推嘅股票,Patreon讀者大約都知係邊啲,個別可能低位真係有一個開,但夾埋晒照計唔會。事實我亦只係追求同大市差不多同步,已經好夠。咁即係,我係有新錢放入去嘅。「包括大家Patreon嘅錢」「仲有啲人交年費」「其實Patreon嘅錢夠我買層新界樓首期」
35. 另外,股票倉位升100%,唔代表我副身家升咗100%(當然由3000蚊變6000蚊都係100%)。有其他嘢嘛。「喂你又話叫人stay fully invested?」。係喎,但,「咁我仲有層樓嘛」。冇正式計,但照計全年應該變動不大,可能估值微跌添,但我又還咗12個月錢,拉勻個net value(賣出去減返爭銀行嘅錢),應冇乜點變,都係200萬多啲。冇乜秘密丫,唔少人都知我住邊,一個單位幾錢好易知,咁我上年亦寫過爭銀行唔夠200萬。一計就計到。呢部份,當然原地踏步
36. 仲有,本人搞投資移民台灣,咁600萬台幣搞咗間公司嘛。咁撇除啲各種租金呀,入貨呀,水電呀,出糧呀,董事人工(即係埃汾太當年嘅生活費)之類,都仲有約100萬港紙剩。嗰度又係冇郁過。「點解唔買台股?」。有諗過架,但雞同蛋問題,我都唔係公民,又冇地址,難啲開戶。
37. 「咁現金呢?」。冇喎,除咗以上講嘅台幣外,我冇現金的。真係幾皮嘢都冇架。抽iBond都問朋友借錢,服未?
38. 2020對投資嚟講係極特別嘅一年,甚至特別過2008/9。會再寫文講
Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,4個月已900人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
acknowledge email 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
(好波🤣❤️👍🏻!I love this letter!)捷克參議院議長韋德齊(Miloš Vystrčil)30日率89人團抵台,中國駐捷克大使館發言人對此事表達強烈譴責和堅決反對,中國外交部長王毅甚至聲稱要韋德齊為訪台「付出沉重代價」。
對此,布拉格市Řeporyje 的區長Pavel Novotný昨日直接發公開信給中國外交部王毅,怒斥他竟敢威脅捷克議長,「你這個無禮的小丑」,並要求王毅24小時之內道歉。
另外,他指出,「由於總統Miloš Zeman跟你們簽了一些沒腦子的條約,讓我們被迫和你們來往 ,你們不能這樣欺辱捷克。」直指王毅是「昏了頭了,你不能在我們頭上拉屎,這種事不會再出現第二次。」
Addressed to: Comrade Wang, minister of foreign affairs People's Republic China etc..
Calling for immediate apology for threats against Czech Republic.
this was the last time you opened your mouth about CR! Your behavior have substantially crossed the lines of what is diplomatically acceptable. You dare to threaten senate chairman with pay heavy price, you unmannered rude clowns!
Now listen to me, comrade minister. PRC will apologize asap for the shameless threat. And when I say asap, I mean right now! I want to have it in 24 hours on the table of Czech foreign minister. Btw, he agrees with me, but has to keep his mouth shut because of pact of not very sane mercenary Miloš Zeman with our premier, co-conspirator Babiš. But that doesn't mean you will bully us like this.
Be ashamed and acknowledge that in future even a tone which would implicate threat towards representatives of our sovereign country I will make you pay a heavy price for bullying, and you won't like it. You will not train us from position of strength and I warn you that reaction from our side will be same even if you had invested 14x more than our friends from Taiwan instead of 14x less.
Wake up. You will not shit on us. Do not let this to be repeated.
Send me the copy of the apology on email, so I can put it in archives and forget your pathetic diplomatic fuck up you have just made. Don't piss me off.
With pretending regards.
acknowledge email 在 Roxanne Gan Youtube 的最佳貼文
A 15 minute Prenatal Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan.
This easy-to-follow sequence is suitable for beginners and all trimesters.
Learn how to breathe properly to connect with your baby as we stretch and release tight lower back and hips.
Roxanne is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Pre and Post- Natal Yoga Instructor and a Certified Personal Trainer.
More Yoga and Fitness tutorials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxannegan_
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/roxannegan
email: hello@roxannegan.com
By participating in this Yoga session, you acknowledge and represent that:
1. to the best of your knowledge, you suffer from no medical or physical condition or disability that will or might increase the normal risks associated with exercise.
2. 2. Your doctor/ gynae/ obgyn has approved your participation in any physical activity.
3. Roxanne does not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that you will not suffer from any injury upon participation, and will not be responsible for any injury sustained.
#prenatalyoga #pregnancyyoga #yogaforpregnancy #pregnancy

acknowledge email 在 Roxanne Gan Youtube 的最佳貼文
A 45- Minute Power Vinyasa Yoga sequence led by Roxanne Gan.
This powerful sequence focuses on twisting and binding while working on your core and balancing strength. This sequence includes inversions.
Connecting the breath with the postures and movements, these poses help to get stronger as you challenge yourselves
Roxanne is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Pre and Post- Natal Yoga Instructor and a Certified Personal Trainer.
More Yoga and Fitness tutorials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxannegan_
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/roxannegan
email: hello@roxannegan.com
By participating in this Yoga session, you acknowledge and represent that:
1. to the best of your knowledge, you suffer from no medical or physical condition or disability that will or might increase the normal risks associated with exercise.
2. 2. Your doctor/ gynae/ obgyn has approved your participation in any physical activity.
3. Roxanne does not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that you will not suffer from any injury upon participation, and will not be responsible for any injury sustained.
#powervinyasa #vinyasaflow #vinyasayoga #poweryoga

acknowledge email 在 Roxanne Gan Youtube 的最讚貼文
A super sweaty full-body HIIT workout that will get your heart rate up, burn fat and calories to help you lose weight!
Do these 2-3 times a week to see results!
Shoes are optional here.
Roxanne is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Pre and Post- Natal Yoga Instructor and a Certified Personal Trainer.
More Yoga and Fitness tutorials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxannegan_
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/roxannegan
email: hello@roxannegan.com
By participating in this Yoga session, you acknowledge and represent that:
1. to the best of your knowledge, you suffer from no medical or physical condition or disability that will or might increase the normal risks associated with exercise.
2. 2. Your doctor/ gynae/ obgyn has approved your participation in any physical activity.
3. Roxanne does not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that you will not suffer from any injury upon participation, and will not be responsible for any injury sustained.

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4. Simple Email Acknowledgement Reply ... In very many situations, you will be asked to confirm the receipt of emails where you have little or no ... ... <看更多>
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How to Ask for Acknowledgment of an Email · You need to maintain a formal tone. · Respectfully request an acknowledgement from the recipient upon ... ... <看更多>
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This kind of emails may end with, “Please acknowledge receipt of this message”, “Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email” or “Please acknowledge receipt of ... ... <看更多>