【美國橋水基金創辦人Ray Dalio:別再用一個英文「形容詞」描述人了】
▍文章 Highlight:「抗壓性好」,可以說 I stay calm under pressure. 或 I don't get stressed out easily. 幾乎沒有母語人士會用一個形容詞 I + am + adj. 來講這句話。
管理高達 9 兆資產的美國「橋水基金」(Bridgewater) 對沖基金創辦人 Ray Dalio,日前與世界頂尖的心理學家、商學院教授們推出了一版目前世界上最完整的 personality assessment(之一), 也是唯一一個在測試階段就讓像 Elon Musk、Bill Gates 般的企業家做過的評量。
以學習英文的語塊視角來看,在學習形容的時候,過去我們都只學「單點」的形容詞,像是 outstanding, extroverted (外向的)、considerate (體貼的),其實是不夠的。
「抗壓性好」,可以說 I stay calm under pressure. 或 I don't get stressed out easily. 幾乎沒有母語人士會用一個形容詞 I + am + adj. 來講這句話。
在 assessment 當中,他們想出了這樣的表達(舉例參考):
1️⃣ I stay calm under pressure. (我在壓力下能保持冷靜)
2️⃣ I am able to recover quickly from most setbacks. (遇到挫敗我通常能很快地站起來)
3️⃣ I adapt easily to new situations. (我能很快適應新的狀況、環境)
4️⃣ I usually go with my gut rather than spending a lot of time analyzing decisions. (我通常喜歡照直覺走,而不是花費很多時間分析決定)
5️⃣ I like to keep to a strict schedule instead of winging things. (比起見機行事,我更喜歡按照一個固定的時程走)
6️⃣ Others seek me out for advice on personal problems. (對於一些個人 / 私人的問題,別人喜歡向我尋求建議)
7️⃣ I am often the life of the party. (我常常是團體中的靈魂人物)
8️⃣ I always follow through on my commitments. (我是個不會虎頭蛇尾的人)
我將整個測驗中的英文用法,全部使用 #notion 和 #3D筆記術 整理起來給大家,會當作 #3D英文筆記術 5月份的 #補充講義(6 月初會發送)。
3D 英文筆記術目前已經額外發送 2 份學習補充講義,日後 #每一個月都會有一份,這是一個長程陪你學習英文,CP 質無限的線上課程。
因應疫情,我們跟課程平台 #hahow好學校 另外申請了一些 #8折折扣碼,只能用到週五 (5/21) 23:59,數量有限,有興趣加入課程的同學,儘速私訊我拿折扣碼喔!
《3D 英文筆記術》課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/ntealex-3dnotetaking
adapt用法 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的最佳解答
Adapt作為及物動詞使用時也可表示「改編」,常用來描述小說的改編影劇。Adapt sth. for television意思是「把…改編成電視劇」、adapt sth. for the big screen意思則是「把…改編成電影」。
#英文 #字母 #教學 VoiceTube 看影片學英語
adapt用法 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文
為了協助有意在台創業的外籍人士,今天就業金卡辦公室特別舉辦「What Resources are Available to You?」講座及交流活動,邀請台灣科技新創基地、國發基金、亞洲•矽谷、文化內容策進院,介紹國內相關的創業資源,同時邀請重量級創投、蜂行資本共同創辦人陳柏雨擔任嘉賓,分享創業的心路歷程,講座內容豐富,頗受好評。
#國發會 #NDC #就業金卡 #EmploymentGoldCard #外國專業人才延攬及僱用法 #台灣就業金卡辦公室
【NDC's Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office x Foreign Entrepreneurs】
The Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office (TEGO), supported by the National Development Council (NDC), has officially begun servicing members starting in October. Their first official event was held in November with the goal of helping entrepreneurs to develop their business in Taiwan.
The "What Resources are Available to You?” networking event was held today, Monday, November 2nd, for foreigners interested in learning more about starting a business in Taiwan. The panel included representatives from Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA), the National Development Fund’s (NDF) Angel Investment Program, Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), and the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), all of whom introduced the resources available under their respective programs. TEGO also invited John Chen, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Hive Ventures and current Gold Card holder to share his experience starting a fund in Taiwan.
Overall, 65 participants attended this event, with 20 others who joined virtually online. After a lively panel discussion, attendees and panelists were able to network over some food and drinks. We hope that new ideas and inspirations will sprout from this event and hopefully blossom into new businesses and startups, paving the way for more foreign talents to come to Taiwan.
TEGO will be hosting more events in the future, including events that will help foreigners adapt to their new life in Taiwan and working in Taiwan. We will keep you posted!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at help@taiwangoldcard.tw
#NDC #EmploymentGoldCard #TaiwanEmploymentGoldCardOffice
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