喬這周在口說課程中學習到二選一的口說技巧,所以今天要分享的是自己在課程中學習到的心得以及放上自己練習"Do you prefer getting married after or before 30?”的練習聲檔。喬現在每天也會練習托福口說題目,因為要在15秒準備時間內回答45秒的確是有難度,這跟生活中對談完全不一樣,其實練習到後期最大的困難在於「想法缺乏」以致於無法回答45秒。這跟寫作一樣,缺乏可以舉出的例子其實反而是完成一篇文章的阻礙,尤其是時間非常短暫,所以練習真的很重要。英文好的人不一定可在短暫時間內交出一篇好的作品,唯有練習才能盡可能讓自己磨練出短時間內完成一篇作品的能力。
(1) 當題目給兩個選擇,立刻選擇一個立場
(2) 提示讀者自己有幾個支持自己論點的說法
(3) 第一個支持說法(開頭Obviously/ Apparently)
(4) 第二個支持說法(開頭Besides/ In addition/ What’s more/ Additionally)
(5) 第三個支持說法(開頭Also/ Plus)
(6) 再次強調自己一定會選擇這個立場站(All in all /Consequently/ In brief)
(1) It seems to me getting married after 30 is preferable.
(As far as I am concerned, I prefer getting married after 30.)
(2) There are quite a few reasons to support what I’ve just said.
(3) Apparently, young couple with solid income is capable of supporting the whole family without burden.
(4) What’s more, with the advancement of technology, modern people no longer need to worry about giving birth to unhealthy babies even after the age of 40.
(5) Also, according to a study done by National Tsing Hua University, those getting married after 30 tend to have mature attitude towards life, and thus the divorce rate is lower, resulting in less social problems.
(6) All in all, I think getting married after 30 is definitely a better choice.
[1] 口說練習分享(1)- http://goo.gl/aOndhf
[2] 口說練習分享(2)- http://goo.gl/xQ23Bm
[3] 口說練習分享(3)- http://goo.gl/t9UVyd
[4] 超重要!發語詞分享!- http://goo.gl/GlQmvK
[5] 自身經驗口說練習示範(The Most Influential Person)- goo.gl/hRWWrR
[6] 自身經驗口說邏輯(The Most Influential Person)- goo.gl/mcBGqt
- 關於additionally同義字 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
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additionally同義字 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[學術寫作] Coherence and Cohesion in Writing
英文寫作強調文字和文意上的連貫,包括字句連貫 (cohesion) 以及語意邏輯連貫 (coherence),也就是說句子和段落之間的詞彙及主題都必須環環相扣。同學們在學習進階英文寫作時,需要多留意這些準則,寫出來的文章才能符合字句連貫 (cohesion) 及語意連貫 (coherence) 兩大原則。
Coherence 一般來說是指將論點與想法合邏輯地安排。從語意的觀點來看,欲寫出思路清晰、邏輯連貫 (coherent) 的文章,需要注意兩大重點: 1. 主題一致 (unity) 整篇文章所傳達的意念需要有一致性,將相同主題的句子放在同一段落。2. 承先啟後 (logical order and transitions) 有系統地和有邏輯地提出論點。在說明論點方面,要按部就班地說明,藉此作者對於自己論點提出足夠的支持理由,使讀者有足夠的資訊來理解作者的想法,如此一來也可使作者的論點更具有說服力和邏輯性。先介紹主題 (topic sentence),然後循序漸進地鋪陳 (major support),最後以最新資訊作結 (details and/or exemplification)。
Cohesion 簡單來說是指用有相關性的單字的語言來串連句子、段落與文章使讀者在易於理解前後文。指標詞(signposts and linking words) 可以加強語意連貫 (cohesion): 1. 主要指標詞: 示意文章中的目的,結構,作者的立場,主要觀點,爭論的方向,和結論。 2. 關聯詞和片語: 呈現出句子和句子與段落和段落的連結。
Cohesion 的詳細說明: http://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=fulltext&aId=17303
The aim of this study is to ....
The purpose of this thesis is to ....
This essay argues that ....
The main questions addressed in this paper are ....
This essay critically examines ....
This chapter reviews the literature ....
In conclusion, ....
Indicating order:
First (ly), ... / Second(ly), ... / Finally, ... /
Indicating addition or similarity:
also, ... / additionally, ... / furthermore, ... / similarly, ...
Indicating contrast:
however, ... / nevertheless, ... / on the other hand, ... /
Giving a reason:
for this reason, ... / because ... / because of ... / due to ...
Indicating result or consequence:
therefore, ... / thus, ... / as a result, ... / consequently, ...
Reformulating an idea:
in other words, ... / to put it simply, ... / that is ...
for example, ... / for instance, ... / to exemplify, ...
要讓一段文字的字句有連貫性 (cohesive) 可透過以下方式:
1. 重複 (repetition): 可以在第二句再重複前一句所用過的字彙。
2. 同義字 (synonym): 若不想直接重複字彙,也可以用同義字來代表你想重複單字或其概念。
3. 對稱構句 (parallelism): 重複句子的結構。這個技巧雖是最基本的,但也是製造cohesion的有效的方法之一。
4. 連接詞 (conjunctions and transitions): 使用適當的連接詞或副詞使句子符合邏輯地串聯在一起。
一段文字可能符合字句上的連貫性 (cohesion) 但不符合語意邏輯上的連貫性(coherence)。文章中要達到 cohesion,在句與句之間必須字彙上主題要有相關,而 coherence 是要達到語意上邏輯上的一致性或相關性。
1. 有字句連貫(cohesion)及語意連貫 (coherence)
"My favorite color is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes me. I often go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look into the clear blue sky when I am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say my favorite color is blue."
Cohesive AND coherent: blue --> calming and relaxing --> clear blue sky --> reduces stress --> blue.
2. 有達到字句連貫(cohesion)但不符合語意連貫(coherence)
"My favorite color is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast. Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause many car crashes. I had a car accident once and broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe because of the injury."
Cohesive NOT coherent: blue --> sports car --> fast driving --> car crashes --> broken Leg --> very sad --> miss holiday in Europe
如你所見,這段文字間具有相關性 (cohesion),但當這些句子放在同一個段落中卻無法構成意義。文字一開始說明我喜歡藍色但卻以歐洲的旅行作結,語意上的不連貫導致理解困難。
3. 有達到語意連貫(coherence)但不具有字句連貫(cohesion)
"My favorite color is blue. I'm calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and look up."
Coherent NOT cohesive: blue | calm and relaxed | looking up
這段文字語意邏輯上符合一貫性,但缺乏足夠的連接用語 (connector) 把想法串連起來導致整個段落缺乏cohesion,也會造成理解困難。
字句連貫 (cohesion) 和語意連貫 (coherence) 的教學影片
1. http://tw.91voa.com/home/advanced/ielts/ielts-preparation/3-03-cohesion-coherence-in-writing
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43AlGwz1Aq0
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhGnPh84Vkg (Unity, Coherence, Cohesion)
學術寫作資源 (Writing Resources): http://goo.gl/5HzXvh
Image source: http://www.rgd.ca/database/images/SLD_BrandCoherenceStudy_Final.jpg
心智圖詞彙攻略: https://bit.ly/2OcAJTb
additionally同義字 在 What's more 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 輕鬆健身去 的推薦與評價
What's more 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库- Collins DictionaryWhat's more 另一个词: besides, also, in addition, moreover, furthermore | 柯林斯英语词库.contribute to同義 ... ... <看更多>
additionally同義字 在 講話的時候總是一直想到新點子「另外」「此外」「而且」根本 ... 的推薦與評價
除了besides之外,大家想得出幾個可以替換「此外」的同義詞? 在此VT貢獻出珍藏的6個「此外」壓箱寶用法, 讓你在行文時有了各式... ... <看更多>
additionally同義字 在 What's more 同義在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 輕鬆健身去 的推薦與評價
What's more 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库- Collins DictionaryWhat's more 另一个词: besides, also, in addition, moreover, furthermore | 柯林斯英语词库.contribute to同義 ... ... <看更多>