Find your center, in #sirsasana ( #headstand ) and #adhomukavriksasana ( #handstand ) both with #garudasana ( #eaglepose ) legs. I #loveinversions because it gives me a sense of #control and #empowerment in my own body. When you find that point where everything feels lighter and you can actually feel your fingers working...
What pose makes you feel #empowered ?
Tip: In most arm balances or inversions, once you bring your hips more over your shoulders, you will feel that lightness😉😉😉
Thank you for taking a beautiful photo @lukegraeber and thank you for being my other half
#marshayuan #marshayuanyoga #原子鏸 #yogalover #yogaposes #pureyoga #pureyogateacher #yogalife #upsidedown