【找亮點😎】今晚是敦南誠品歇業前的最後一夜😞 從 1999年就一直點燈到現在,算算也超過二十年了...💡
在那個沒手機的年代,書店就是最好的消磨時間的方式😌 尤其每年暑假回台灣,每次有機會就會往敦南誠品跑。
我爸曾經說過:「你要看什麼書,我都買給你。」也因為有了他這句話,培養出我的閱讀習慣👀 更覺得書本是最容易投資自己的方式📚
今天下午 山岳文化 的主編寄給我上個禮拜她在誠品拍的照片,發現在那倒數燈旁邊居然有我的書!😲
敦南誠品歇業,代表舊的世代結束。希望未來大家還是能夠保持閱讀的習慣,不要讓紙本文字消失❤️ 各位有機會的話記得要到書店走一走唷😘
Ps. 如果有人今晚在誠品,可不可以幫我看看我書還在不在哪裡啊?已經過七天了 😅
Pss. Winny 目前兩本書都大特價喔!一本才 NT$249!趕快買起來珍藏或是送人唷😁
✅ 地心引力抓不住的冒險家➡️ https://goo.gl/RYPSTp
✅ 跟著 Winny 勇闖中美洲➡️ https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
#誠品敦南 #再見我的青春
Tonight Taiwan's oldest 24 hour bookstore is closing down 😞 It's been lit 247 since 1999...💡For more than 20 years...
My dad used to say, he will never stop me from buying books😌 So this bookstore was my favourite place everytime I go back to Taiwan during summer📚
It's really sad to see it go😢 So glad my editor sent me a photo that she took last week, after realizing that my book is next to the main countdown clock 😲
A prime location I must say. Felt like my book is part of this history ❤️
Thank you for being part of my childhood😌 I hope everyone of us can continue the habit of reading and not only use our phones😆
#ahistoricmoment #travelwithwinny #byebye