Do you know what fake news is? 🤔 Let’s take a quiz below to see your skills in spotting fake news.
你知道怎麼辨識假新聞嗎? 🤨 不知道沒關係,就讓來臺參加「培養媒體識讀以捍衛民主」的工作坊學者法莉 (Maggie Farley)來教我們幾招吧!🤸♀️🤸♂️
話說法莉開發了「Factitious」(虛假謊言)辨識假新聞的線上遊戲,讓網友在沈迷遊戲的同時,就不知不覺學會分辨真、假新聞的技巧惹....😮 是不是很棒呢?
#媒體識讀 #medialiteracy
👉🏻1. 海關新規定:從海外攜帶藥品回台,一次不能超過1,200顆或12瓶。
👉🏻2. 檸檬可以殺死癌細胞。
👉🏻3. 吸食香菸有助增強記憶力。
AIT本周邀請來台的學者麥姬·法莉(Maggie Farley)開發出「Factitious」(虛假謊言)這套辨識假新聞的線上遊戲,讓參加者邊玩遊戲也能學習分辨真、假新聞的技巧。點擊連結來測試你有多了解假新聞 ➡️。我們的限時動態也有辨別假新聞的遊戲喔!快去看看!#MediaLiteracyWeek
*資料參考來源:TFC 台灣事實查核中心及自由時報《謠言終結站》
Do you know what fake news is? According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) definition, fake news is disinformation and propaganda intended to mislead the public by blurring the lines between disinformation and media products containing independently verifiable facts.
Let’s take a quiz to see your skills in differentiating fake news. Which are the fake news titles below?
1. Starting from July 1, new customs policy regulates that it is prohibited to carry medicine into Taiwan totaling more than 1,200 capsules or 12 bottles of those at one time.
2. Can lemons cure cancer?
3. Can smoking enhance your the faculty of memory?
The answer is all of the above!
Maggie Farley, expert on fake news, developed “Factitious,” a game that cultivates the skill of differentiating between real and fake news. Check it out to see how good you are at spotting fake news! ➡️ Also check out our FB Stories for quizzes on spotting fake news!
ait faculty 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
👉🏻1. 海關新規定:從海外攜帶藥品回台,一次不能超過1,200顆或12瓶。
👉🏻2. 檸檬可以殺死癌細胞。
👉🏻3. 吸食香菸有助增強記憶力。
AIT本周邀請來台的學者麥姬·法莉(Maggie Farley)開發出「Factitious」(虛假謊言)這套辨識假新聞的線上遊戲,讓參加者邊玩遊戲也能學習分辨真、假新聞的技巧。點擊連結來測試你有多了解假新聞 ➡️。我們的限時動態也有辨別假新聞的遊戲喔!快去看看!#MediaLiteracyWeek
*資料參考來源:TFC 台灣事實查核中心及自由時報《謠言終結站》
Do you know what fake news is? According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) definition, fake news is disinformation and propaganda intended to mislead the public by blurring the lines between disinformation and media products containing independently verifiable facts.
Let’s take a quiz to see your skills in differentiating fake news. Which are the fake news titles below?
1. Starting from July 1, new customs policy regulates that it is prohibited to carry medicine into Taiwan totaling more than 1,200 capsules or 12 bottles of those at one time.
2. Can lemons cure cancer?
3. Can smoking enhance your the faculty of memory?
The answer is all of the above!
Maggie Farley, expert on fake news, developed “Factitious,” a game that cultivates the skill of differentiating between real and fake news. Check it out to see how good you are at spotting fake news! ➡️ Also check out our FB Stories for quizzes on spotting fake news!
ait faculty 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
有關SUSI計畫的詳情請參考: #SUSIProgram
AIT is now accepting applications for the Study of the United States Institute (SUSI) scholarship program from Taiwan university faculty and secondary school teachers. The application deadline is January 15, 2018. The SUSI program aims to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions. The program includes a four-week academic residency followed by a study tour. The exchanges are scheduled to take place in summer 2018.
“Having had the chance and privilege to participate in the SUSI on Contemporary U.S. Literature is without doubt once in a lifetime. If you are lucky enough to have been in the SUSI as a young or mid-career scholar, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for the SUSI marks a new beginning for memorable friendship,” said Chou Ting-Jia, an English Contract Lecturer from the Language Center of the National Dong Hwa University, who participated in the SUSI program in the summer of 2015.
To learn more about SUSI program, please visit: