最近在香港就找到兩家蔬食店是以【自由定價】來經營的,即按自身能力去付費,我昨晚去的這家是【 蘇波榮 So Boring 】,只開星期三到六晚上7pm到10:30pm,感覺他們開店就沒有要賺錢,主廚也不是每次一樣的,我去了兩次,都讓我蠻有驚喜的!這類沒有任何商業成份的小店,大家真的要多多去支持啊!
昨晚我帶了一個於今年11月份因為拍攝才認識的朋友去,記得第一次拍攝是去Vegan Fitness拍純素健身室,他對於吃純素卻可以練得這麽壯感到非常驚訝,慢慢的接觸愈多,他也愈了解蔬食,漸漸的他把最愛吃的牛肉戒了。
Have you ever had the following experience?
had a meal in a restaurant but the quality of the food is not worth the price. or the quality of the food is too high but too cheap that you even talked to the owner ask them to raise the price?
Recently I found two vegan restaurants they offer 【Pay What You Want (PWYW)】in Hong Kong - So Boring is one of them. They only open on Wednesday to Saturday's at 7pm to 1030pm. I feel like they open this restaurant not for making profit, I have been there twice, chefs are different and the food are quite surprising. This type of non-profit business is worth to support!
I brought a friend that we met in November this year because of filming. The first time we met was filming those Vegan bodybuilders of 【Vegan fitness】, he was so surprised all of them are vegans but still can be that strong and muscular.
He went to most of the filming with me, helping me, he gradually knowing more and more about veganism, he starts eating less meat and even cut out his favourite meat - BEEF.
Last night, he told me one day he can't find anything to eat on the street, so he went inside McDonald's (I hate this fast food restaurant sooo much), he hasn't been there for so long so he didn't pay attention on what kind of meat he just ordered, then he found out it was beef, he said he was quite guilty that he ate the beef.
I was quite happy after I heard that because he will never had that guilty feeling in the past, but now at least he's more conscious when choosing "FOOD".
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