如何撰寫令人印象深刻的recommendation letter
[明報專訊] 好多人寫personal essays或獎學金申請信,或替下屬寫reference時,喜歡整篇寫滿形容詞,什麼passionate呀,devoted呀,logically minded之類。其實這類字完全沒有impact,只係撻幾個形容詞,係人都識,有何難度?讀信的人,也是見慣。
最近英國演員Alan Rickman逝世,同演Harry Potter電影的「哈利仔」Daniel Radcliffe在其Google+ account寫了一篇悼文,在網上瘋傳。這篇文用字不深,造句不特別,但令人印象最深的是一兩三件小事,表現出Alan Rickman的特別性格。第一段他講Rickman對後輩如何supportive and encouraging:
He is also one of the loyalest and most supportive people I've ever met in the film industry. He was so encouraging of me both on set and in the years post-Potter. I'm pretty sure he came and saw everything I ever did on stage both in London and New York. He didn't have to do that.
假如沒有寫he came and saw everything I ever did on stage both in London and New York,而只用形容詞loyal、supportive同encouraging,就沒有原文的impact了。
I know other people who've been friends with him for much much longer than I have and they all say "if you call Alan, it doesn't matter where in the world he is or how busy he is with what he's doing, he'll get back to you within a day".
下一次寫求學信或替人寫reference letter,不妨用心想想要寫什麼qualities,再想有什麼特別的經驗或故事可以講,可能效果更好。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過137萬的網紅聖結石Saint,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這是在講述一個等朋友等到走火入魔的BANG態故事...全部BANG起來! 👉馬上訂閱聖結石囉!►► https://goo.gl/c5v7cQ 👉更多《聖結石Saint 音樂作品》! ►► https://goo.gl/FjgZ0P 雞腿「BANG」當、「BANG」形金剛,什麼都要BANG,也...
all you have to do is造句 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Word Map 1: Health care]
老師幫同學設計的一種新的單字學習方式結合了 collocation、lexical chunks 和 semantic mapping 更有效率地學習單字:
我們可以使用 collocation(e.g. totally convinced, strong accent) 的方式來更有效率地學習單字( http://goo.gl/MHfDzx )。或是我們可以使用 lexical chunks (e.g. by the time, if I were you) 這會幫助你更快地在口說和寫作中產出適當的語言 (http://goo.gl/jswS0E)。更有效率的方式是把所有相關的lexical chunks (詞彙組塊) 歸納在一個主題下,在有上下文的情境下用 semantic map (語義圖) 讓你用一個主題展開一系列的話題的學習。接下來再利用時事英文加深同學們對這一些相關的lexical chunks 的認知來進行討論,進行有意義的學習。
今天,我們將要學習和health care有關的單字。我建議各位可以先讀過下面的字句,用他們造句,在讀過我提供的範文。接著,在自己使用剛剛學會的這些單字撰寫自己的文章。假如同學覺得此單元對自己學習英文有幫助或者想聽到老師錄的音檔 (甚至拍相關的影片) 請在下方留言喔!我會繼續努力提供新的教材給各位學習喔!
Set I. 我們從preventing diseases預防疾病相關的lexical chunks開始:
1. improve our hygiene (加強衛生)
2. wet (弄濕), lather 起泡, scrub (搓洗), rinse (洗淨), and dry our hands (擦乾我們的手)
3. cook poultry and pork thoroughly (煮熟雞肉和豬肉)
4. refrigerate all leftovers (冷藏剩菜)
5. get vaccinated (注射預防針)
6. develop an immunity to (對…產生免疫)
Set II. 當我們生病時我們應該用甚麼相關的lexical chunks來表達?
1. contract a disease (感染一種病)
2. receive treatment (接受治療 )
3. seek help from a medical professional (尋求專業醫療照護)
4. do not diagnose our own illnesses (不要自行診斷)
5. follow the doctor’s orders (聽從醫師的指示)
6. take our medication and follow the prescription (遵循處方吃藥)
7. follow the prescribed course of treatment (遵循處方/治療)
8. not finishing the prescription may slow down the healing process (沒吃完處方簽的藥物可能會減緩復原的時間 )
9. cause germs to develop antibiotic resistance (導致細菌產方抗藥性)
Set III. 以下是與流行疾病的相關 lexical chunks:
1. contain an outbreak (阻止疫情的爆發)
2. contagious disease (傳染病)
3. an epidemic (流行病)
4. a pandemic (國家疫情爆發或擴散)
5. a global pandemic (國家和全世界的流行病)
6. avoid touching our mouths, noses, or eyes (避免觸碰我們的口鼻眼)
7. cover our mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing (咳嗽或打噴嚏時請遮口鼻)
8. avoid crowded places (避免前往人多的地方)
9. reduce human transmission 減少人類傳染
10. stay home if you show signs of illness (若感到不適請留在家中)
11. develop symptoms of the diseases (產生生病症狀)
12. seek medical attention by contacting your health care provider (與您的健保提供者聯絡尋求醫療協助)
13. have severe symptoms (有嚴重的症狀)
14. difficulty in breathing (難以呼吸)
15. wear a surgical mask (使用外科口罩)
16. reduce chances of contracting a disease (避免染上疾病)
17. pay attention to public announcements about the disease (注意關於疫情的公告)
18. be prepared for possible pandemics (對於疫情爆發要有準備)
Set IV. 最後我們要如何保持健康的lexical chunks:
1. stay healthy (保持健康)
2. mentally healthy (心理上的健康)
3. understand our own emotions (認識與了解自己的情緒)
4. talk to others about problems such as depressions
5. stay socially healthy (維持社交上的健康)
6. maintain good relationships (維持良好的關係)
7. stay physically healthy (維持生理上的健康)
8. exercise regularly (定期地運動)
9. get plenty of rest (有充足的休息)
10. maintain healthy eating habits (保持健康飲食習慣)
11. eat nutritious meals (每餐要吃得營養)
這些字可以用主題來組織成這個word map,好處就是可以方便各為同學在需要的時候做聯想。不過單字跟單字的mapping只是第一步。現在我們來看看如何在時事新聞使用這些字。
News English:
The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, known as MERS, is a viral respiratory illness. The most recent outbreak occurred in South Korea with over 150 reported cases and 19 deaths as of June 15th, and over 2300 have been placed under quarantine, making it the largest outbreak outside Saudi Arabia, its place of origin. Most patients who contracted MERS developed severe acute respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent the MERS infection, but numerous countries are exploring the possibility of developing one. To prevent MERS, doctors have recommended the following: wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds each time, and help young children do the same. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid personal contact, such as kissing, or sharing cups or eating utensils, with sick people. Clean and disinfect touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs, frequently. Lastly, stay away from crowded places and pay attention to public announcements. Although there is no specific treatment recommended for MERS infection, individuals with MERS can seek medical care to help relieve symptoms. Stay healthy, everyone.
學習單字的方式 (Vocabulary Words): http://goo.gl/dESCms
Co-writer: Ray Du's English
Eric的心智圖詞彙攻略: https://bit.ly/2UbvFCj
all you have to do is造句 在 聖結石Saint Youtube 的最佳貼文
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向來愛玩Free Style的許書豪,更為這首歌獻聲和音。讓歌曲玩味更加豐富!
👉「人生大爆炸」試聽購買 這BANG請 🔜 https://webtvasiataiwan.lnk.to/pHP7Y
👉2018 聖結石 X LINE「官方有聲貼圖」: https://goo.gl/fPjKhx
「人生大爆炸」LIFE'S A BANG!簽唱會
3/04 台北|西門聯合醫院
3/17 台中|新時代廣場
3/18 高雄|草衙道
簽唱會詳細資訊請洽 @上行娛樂 @Webtvasia Taiwan
《朋友BANG不見 Where Have You BANG》
作詞/曲:曾勝傑Saint 羅凱Lo kai
製作人:廖晉儀 LIAOBOY
編曲:何官錠 AL Ho
和聲編寫/和聲:許書豪 Haor
執行製作:詹潔如 Z.RuLE
錄音師:賴彥中 Lai
錄音室:WebTVAsia Taiwan Studio
混音師:陳陸泰 A-Tai
助理混音師:鄭正鴻 Parker Tee
混音室:原艾音樂錄音室 Mugwort Studio
MV出品:WebTVAsia X 上行娛樂
演員:王淳永 方少剛 杜易宸 黃志穎 蘇竣平
製片: 聖嫂DODO
執行助理: 謝昇伯
攝影師: JuniorLo
攝影組:絕對映像工作室 大宇傳播
燈光助理:唐竣偉 林大洋 顧立琳
影像後製: 翁林楷
彩妝/髮型:Candy Hair Studio
藝人經紀:WebTVAsia Taiwan / 上行娛樂
/// 非商業合作影片 This video is not sponsored ///
聖結石Saint【安儷】►► https://youtu.be/r4NGGqmX_W4
聖結石Saint【真的不想嘴】►► https://youtu.be/fWuq67-VSTM
聖結石Saint【根本就不會再見面】►► https://youtu.be/LAPXqtxxstE
聖結石Saint【一定會追到你】►► https://youtu.be/V2mZYvAiLsw
聖結石Saint【說不出口的想念】►► https://youtu.be/0dxtL9c_Yxs
聖結石Saint【只能懷念】►► https://youtu.be/AN3nAmTSeEk
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