✌出版中心線上書店開站慶 全品項88折優惠✌
Online NTU Press Bookstore’s Opening Sale: 2018 Graduation Gifting--12% Discount for All Items
全站商品88折優惠將進行至6月10日截止,而在畢業典禮前夕,出版中心策劃了線上畢業季主題推薦禮品展,2018 NTU紀念熊也同步預購中,歡迎大家至書店逛逛,為即將畢業的學長姊或要揮別校園的自己挑選合適的禮物。
❇更多活動訊息請見 >> https://shop.press.ntu.edu.tw
❇2018 NTU紀念熊熱烈預購中 >> https://goo.gl/TUF6u2
NTU Press officially launched an online bookstore featuring souvenirs and gifts this month! Before the graduation ceremony on June 10, NTU Press offers 12% discount on every purchase at the online store, and free delivery for orders NT$1,500 or more in Taiwan.
Currently, NTU Press has three physical bookstores on campus. The one on the 2nd floor of the Gallery of NTU History mainly sells NTU-related souvenirs and gifts, and has been very popular among visitors, students, and alumni alike since its opening in 2014. Now, with this online bookstore, everyone can select and buy a wide variety of gifts and souvenirs on offer wherever and whenever they like!
✌Visit the online bookstore: https://shop.press.ntu.edu.tw
✌Pre-order 2018 NTU Bears: https://goo.gl/TUF6u2
an select門市 在 Sunny 王陽明 Facebook 的最讚貼文
明天開始!Starting Tomorrow!
金銀帝國五週年來了!來跟我們一起慶祝!11月30日-12月5日. 整個禮拜天天送禮!
凡消費就送12月5日由Sunny 王陽明所主持在統領 Club Omni的金銀帝國五週年派對門票一張(可換一杯酒/11:30前入場),現場還會有一連串的特別表演!當天下午三點到六點也可以在金銀帝國門市與 Sunny 近距離接觸!網路、門市同步,
*消費滿兩千就送限定Tee Shirt
*活動期間內單筆消費滿一萬(門市憑發票/網路會有專員與你聯繫)可享店內商品 任選一件七五折優惠 !
注意事項:活動期間:11月30日-12月5日,滿萬優惠僅限活動期間內使用、逾期無效。 金銀帝國保留活動公告修改權利.
Come celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Imperial Taels! Starting from November 30th to December 5th. We will start the week off right with gift give-aways and end with a Banger on the 5th of Dec at Club Omni. Don't forget to come by and meet Sunny at our store starting from 3PM-6PM(Dec. 5th).
*11/30-12/5 All week long, enjoy with ANY
PURCHASE a free entrance ticket (Web customers can select free shipping or free ticket) to the Imperial Taels 5th Year Anniversary Party at Club Omni on Saturday (Dec. 5th) hosted by Sunny Wang and will feature an array of special performances (one drink included with every ticket, admission before 11:30pm).
*with purchases over 2,000NTD receive a Free Tee Shirt.
*With purchases over 6,000NTD receive a Free Buddha Bead Bracelet.
*With purchases over 10,000NTD receive a 25% off voucher (your purchase receipt) off on 1 other item (web customers will be contacted through email).
Notice: Event schedule: Nov 30th - Dec 5th 25% off vouchers are only valid through the active event period. Imperial Taels retains the right to change any details pertaining to this event.
#imperialtaels #金銀帝國 #anniversaryevent #sunnyboyyy Sunny 王陽明 #clubomni
an select門市 在 Sunny 王陽明 Facebook 的最佳解答
金銀帝國五週年來了!來跟我們一起慶祝!11月30日-12月5日. 整個禮拜天天送禮!凡消費就送12月5日由Sunny 王陽明所主持在統領 Club Omni的金銀帝國五週年派對門票一張(可換一杯酒/11:30前入場),現場還會有一連串的特別表演!當天下午三點到六點也可以在金銀帝國門市與 Sunny 近距離接觸!網路、門市同步!
*消費滿兩千就送限定Tee Shirt
*活動期間內單筆消費滿一萬(門市憑發票/網路會有專員與你聯繫)可享店內商品 任選一件七五折優惠 !
注意事項:活動期間:11月30日-12月5日,滿萬優惠僅限活動期間內使用、逾期無效。 金銀帝國保留活動公告修改權利.
Come celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Imperial Taels! Starting from November 30th to December 5th. We will start the week off right with gift give-aways and end with a Banger on the 5th of Dec at Club Omni. Don't forget to come by and meet Sunny at our store starting from 3PM-6PM(Dec. 5th).
*11/30-12/5 All week long, enjoy with ANY PURCHASE a free entrance ticket (Web customers can select free shipping or free ticket) to the Imperial Taels 5th Year Anniversary Party at Club Omni on Saturday (Dec. 5th) hosted by Sunny Wang and will feature an array of special performances (one drink included with every ticket, admission before 11:30pm).
*With purchases over 2,000NTD receive a Free Tee Shirt.
*With purchases over 6,000NTD receive a Free Buddha Bead Bracelet.
*With purchases over 10,000NTD receive a 25% off voucher (your purchase receipt) off on 1 other item (web customers will be contacted through email).
Notice: Event schedule: Nov 30th - Dec 5th 25% off vouchers are only valid through the active event period. Imperial Taels retains the right to change any details pertaining to this event.
#imperialtaels #金銀帝國 #anniversaryevent #sunnyboyyy Sunny 王陽明 #clubomni