That peace and quiet moment when my girls are at school and Naufal is still asleep. Being a stay/work-at-home mom can be very overwhelming, especially when you have small kids. On top of the demands of my kids, I have the house, the work, and the hubs. I don’t know about you mommies, but I really need my me time every single day (and night), or I’d go bonkers and easily snapped over little things #anditaintpretty #askmyhusband.
I usually have 1-2 hours in the morning before Naufal wakes up and I’d have my breakfast, check my emails, scroll through Instagram, watch my fave beauty gurus on youtube, do a little bit of online shopping (or just browsing) and plan my day ahead. It’s my favorite time of the day! Indulging in these quiet moments has been the golden ticket to my sanity 🙌🏻💪🏻
What do you usually do for “me time”? #momlife #metime #breakfast