昨天在印第安納,今天在紐約綺色佳 ❤️
It is like a dream to come back to Ithaca College today!!!! I’ll be playing a recital this coming Friday 7pm at Hockett Family Recital Hall with Without Borders Percussion Quartet!!
A thing that made this trip even more special is that we are having my (white) Brother Andrew Sickmeier coming with us! He’ll be taking over for Alex, who is current conducting research in Ghana!
Andrew, Will, and I are all back with our dear friend Kathryn, and of course, our lovely professor and mentor Gordon Stout. It is like going back to school again !!!
禮拜五晚上七點在Hackett Recital Hall, 我會與Without Borders擊樂四重奏一同演出~每次和大家合體都好開勳~
這次合體更特別的是,有我的白人哥哥- Andrew Sickmeier加入我們,他將代替Alex與我們共享最特別的夜晚!(我們親愛的Alex正在甘納主持一個很酷的研究計畫!)
就像是重回學生時代,Andrew, Will 和我都回歸了!一併帶著我們的朋友Kathryn,最後當然還有我們最愛的指導教授Gordon Stout! 這讓這次的演出別具意義!❤️
#WB #withoutborders #percussion #quartet
#andrewsickmeier #willalderman #kathrynirwin #yunjupan #alicepan #ithacacollege #proudalums #iamhome
andrewsickmeier 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳貼文
Some pictures from Gordon’s party! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
#GordonStout #friends #laugh #ithaca #ithacacollege #AndrewSickmeier