"I have not seen any case of animal cruelty result in penalties that cannot be commuted to fines," said Lu Chiu-yuan (呂秋遠), an #animalwelfare advocate and lawyer who is representing Lee's ex-girlfriend in filing a lawsuit against him. #animalprotectioin
animalwelfare 在 阿尼尛 Anima Facebook 的最佳貼文
#你知道尛 | 戈登‧拉姆齊對這個法案按讚。
除了將無脊椎動物列入人道屠宰保護範圍,將水生動物保存在低溫中進行活體運輸,也將在法案通過後被禁止。該法案目前已通過上議院(House of Lords)二讀通過,正躺在委員會裡接受審核,進度大約落在前1/4的階段。
#美國某餐廳還會在宰殺前將龍蝦浸在盛滿大麻煙的缸裡 #但美國動保組織PETA說讓龍蝦鏘掉並不會讓龍蝦下鍋時比較不痛 #尛編
草案的創立或修訂,可由上議院或下議院(House of Commons)進行提案,但需在兩院都順利通過,該草案才能正式進到最後兩個階段。上議院與下議院內部各有五個階段,但有些微的不一樣:
§ 一讀階段(1st reading):由提案人將草案原名宣讀出來、正式造冊。
§ 二讀階段(2nd reading):議員們針對法案內容進行第一次辯論。
§ 委員會階段(Committee stage):逐條審查,將所有的修改建議皆納入考量,如議員認為有需要可一直討論下去,政府不得干預或提出時間限制。
§ 報告階段(Report stage):針對草案內容進行更細部的討論與修改。
§ 三讀階段(3rd reading):上議院可在三讀階段對草案進行最後調整,確認草案可正確被執行。
§ 一讀階段(1st reading):由提案人將草案原名宣讀出來、正式造冊。
§ 二讀階段(2nd reading):議員們針對法案內容進行第一次辯論。
§ 委員會階段(Committee stage):逐條審查,將所有的修改建議皆納入考量。政府草案在通過二讀後,需在原定期程內結束討論,特定法案甚至不會進入下議院的委員會階段。
§ 報告階段(Report stage):針對草案內容進行更細部的討論與修改。
§ 三讀階段(3rd reading):針對草案上的既有內容進行最後的辯論。下議院無法在三讀階段提出任何修訂,議員需決定通過與否。
§ 修改審議(Consideration of amendments):待兩院都三讀通過後,草案會回到最初進行提案的議院。以上議院提案為例,在下議院三讀通過修訂版後,上議院需決定是否接受下議院的修改建議,若修改版遭否決、草案會被重新發回下議院。由於兩院要取得共識常需要多次來來回回,這個階段又被稱做「打乒乓」(ping pong)。
§ 皇室認可(Royal Assent):好不容易在兩院都滿意修訂後的草案後,英國女王會正式同意將草案立法成案。
#一言以蔽之 #英國立法程序有夠麻煩 #難怪還留著一堆奇奇怪怪的舊法
Source: Evening Standard, Insider, UK Parliament, Marijuana Moment
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#AnimalWelfareSentienceBill #AnimalWelfare #活煮龍蝦 #人道屠宰 #gordonrumsey
animalwelfare 在 Simon Twu 涂世旻 Facebook 的最讚貼文
This was such a crazy and memorable experience in the Philippines! SO many interesting animals that I have never seen in my life including this lizard that I was able to hold. There are over 30,000 endangered species in the world right now and more and more are becoming extinct quicker because of human activity. It is only up to us now to protect these animals so that the generations to come are able to co-exist and see all these beautiful animals as well.
#la #animalprotection #animals #animalwelfare #nature #wildlife #art #animallovers #animalconservation #animalrescue #animalrights #vegan #endangeredspecies #animaladvocate #artwork #conservation #volunteer
animalwelfare 在 Animal welfare - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Animal welfare is the well-being of non-human animals. Formal standards of animal welfare vary between contexts, but are debated mostly by animal welfare ... ... <看更多>
animalwelfare 在 International Fund for Animal Welfare | IFAW 的相關結果
With projects in more than 40 countries, we rescue individual animals, act locally to prevent animal cruelty, and campaign for the protection of wildlife ... ... <看更多>
animalwelfare 在 Animal Welfare Institute 的相關結果
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has sought to reduce the human-inflicted suffering of all animals since its founding in 1951. ... <看更多>