Check out @awethenticgallery will be exhibiting at @fineartasia from this Fri 29th Sept-Tues 3rd Oct, Booth G17-19, Hall 3C, @hkcec 👏🏻👏🏻
We're one of the first galleries to utilize augmented and virtual reality to enhance the visitor experience.
See works by acclaimed artists @rekanyariphotography @frankfreemanhk and Wing Chan including myself.
And come along and make your own #virtualreality art masterpieces in VR ArtJam!
#fineartasia #fineartphotography #vr #ar #hkig #explorehongkong #hkart #awethenticgallery #augmented reality #awethenticvr #awethenticar #art #antiquesfair #wanchai #artfair #collectors #artlovers
#hk #hongkong #asia