4 months preggie with the secondborn at that time....
And still looking slimmer than now, nearly 4 years after having the third.
Haha. I am finding motivation to make myself work out on a regular basis and hopefully lose (some of) the belly fat, so this has got to be one of it.
P.S. This was on board a MSC Cruise which took us to the beautiful fjords of Norway. Love how we get to dress up on formal nights, take pictures for memory and go party all night long. ❤
#ahappymum #throwbacktuesday #findingmotivation #needtoloseweight #slimmingdownainteasy #wannadoitthenaturalway #nodieting #justexercise #didyogalastnightwiththekids #stillprefertodance #anyformofexerciseisbetterthannoneatall #makeworkingoutahabit #letsdoittogether