例如,我常常問他們,你們覺得要給學生 feedback 嗎?他們常常點頭說要。但再問下去時,通常就回答不出來了。
• feedback 要怎樣給比較有效呢?
• 你確定你給 feedback 時,學生都有接受到你給的 feedback 嗎?
• 為什麼有些 feedback 比較有效,有些沒效呢?哪些 feedback 比較有效?
• 在口說中,給 feedback 好像會打斷學生,那這樣還要給嗎?
這些問題,如果沒有遇到第二語言習得相關專業的教授的細心引導,大多的台灣外文系 / 英語系出來想要教英文的準老師們,都難以回答(甚至是修完教程)。
用科學、實證研究來回答問題,而非用偏見甚多的「個人經驗」、「個人想法」來回答問題和執行教學,是每個頂尖教師應該對自己的要求 - 至少我在哥倫比亞大學求學時遇到的教授是這樣要求的。
所以不管是英語語用力、英語恆毅力計畫、英語搭配詞、學術寫作、還是全方位口說課,全部都有一個 "theoretical framework",依照著科學已知的內容,再去做教學,學生才不會變成「白老鼠」。
「中文腦有可能剷除嗎?feedback 應該怎麼給好?input 和 output 誰比較重要?口說的自動化如何養成?」
這些問題的答案都在期刊論文裡面呀呀!(在 How languages are learned / Teaching by principles 這種教程生用了20年以上的教科書裡找不到喔)。
✔︎ 以 corrective feedback 要怎麼給為例,頂尖的學者在期刊論文中做了十足的討論。
(以下23篇重要的論文,來自 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics 等重要期刊以及專書。本文純為臉書發文,恕無使用 APA style 呈現。若想知道作者,直接 google 應可查到)
1. How do learners perceive interactional feedback?
2. The effectiveness of corrective feedback in SLA: A meta-analysis
3. Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classroom
4. Learner uptake in communicative eel classroom
5. Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom
6. Reexamining the role of recasts in second language acquisition
7. Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching
8. Uptake in incidental focus on form in meaning-focused ESL lessons
9. Recasts, language anxiety, modified output, and L2 learning
10. Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar
11. A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output
12. Recasts and second language development
13. Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicate classroom across instructional settings
14. Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learner uptake
15. Recasts in the adult English L2 classroom: Characteristics, explicitness, and effectiveness
16. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition
17. Feedback on corrective feedback — A cast study
18. Corrective feedback in second language acquisition
19. Interactional context and feedback in child ESL classroom
20. Feedback, noticing, and instructed second language learning
21. Negative feedback in child NS-NNS conversation
22. Fine-turning corrective feedback
23. The effects of corrective feedback, language aptitude, and learner attitudes on the acquisition of English articles
apa style中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
例如,我常常問他們,你們覺得要給學生 feedback 嗎?他們常常點頭說要。但再問下去時,通常就回答不出來了。
• feedback 要怎樣給比較有效呢?
• 你確定你給 feedback 時,學生都有接受到你給的 feedback 嗎?
• 為什麼有些 feedback 比較有效,有些沒效呢?哪些 feedback 比較有效?
• 在口說中,給 feedback 好像會打斷學生,那這樣還要給嗎?
這些問題,如果沒有遇到第二語言習得相關專業的教授的細心引導,大多的台灣外文系 / 英語系出來想要教英文的準老師們,都難以回答(甚至是修完教程)。
用科學、實證研究來回答問題,而非用偏見甚多的「個人經驗」、「個人想法」來回答問題和執行教學,是每個頂尖教師應該對自己的要求 - 至少我在哥倫比亞大學求學時遇到的教授是這樣要求的。
所以不管是英語語用力、英語恆毅力計畫、英語搭配詞、學術寫作、還是全方位口說課,全部都有一個 "theoretical framework",依照著科學已知的內容,再去做教學,學生才不會變成「白老鼠」。
「中文腦有可能剷除嗎?feedback 應該怎麼給好?input 和 output 誰比較重要?口說的自動化如何養成?」
這些問題的答案都在期刊論文裡面呀呀!(在 How languages are learned / Teaching by principles 這種教程生用了20年以上的教科書裡找不到喔)。
✔︎ 以 corrective feedback 要怎麼給為例,頂尖的學者在期刊論文中做了十足的討論。
(以下23篇重要的論文,來自 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics 等重要期刊以及專書。本文純為臉書發文,恕無使用 APA style 呈現。若想知道作者,直接 google 應可查到)
1. How do learners perceive interactional feedback?
2. The effectiveness of corrective feedback in SLA: A meta-analysis
3. Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classroom
4. Learner uptake in communicative eel classroom
5. Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom
6. Reexamining the role of recasts in second language acquisition
7. Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching
8. Uptake in incidental focus on form in meaning-focused ESL lessons
9. Recasts, language anxiety, modified output, and L2 learning
10. Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar
11. A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output
12. Recasts and second language development
13. Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicate classroom across instructional settings
14. Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learner uptake
15. Recasts in the adult English L2 classroom: Characteristics, explicitness, and effectiveness
16. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition
17. Feedback on corrective feedback — A cast study
18. Corrective feedback in second language acquisition
19. Interactional context and feedback in child ESL classroom
20. Feedback, noticing, and instructed second language learning
21. Negative feedback in child NS-NNS conversation
22. Fine-turning corrective feedback
23. The effects of corrective feedback, language aptitude, and learner attitudes on the acquisition of English articles
apa style中文 在 Re: [請益] APA格式- 看板Master_D - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
: APA格式
: 重點不在於"行高"
: 而是在引用的寫法
: 包括注釋跟參考文獻
: Orz
APA Style
西文個人作者以last name註記之(如Dervin),中文個人作者以姓名註記之(如黃慕萱
1. 作者為一人
(Dervin, 1992)
2. 作者為二人
(Baker & Lancaster, 1991)
3. 作者為團體
(1) 團體有簡稱
A. 第一次引用:列出全稱與簡稱
(American Library Association [ALA], 2001)
B. 第二次之後引用:僅列出簡稱即可
(ALA, 2001)
(2) 團體無簡稱:每次均須以全稱引用
(Microsoft, 2001)
4. 編輯著作
(Beck, 2000)
5. 翻譯作品
(Naude, 1950)
6. 無作者時
(“Online Searching”, 1981)
(Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary and Reference Book, 2000)
7. 在引用文獻的特定部分時,如頁、章、圖、表、或方程式等時,請附註正確的頁碼或
( Cheek & Buss, 1981, p.332)
(Shimamura, 1989, chap. 3)
1. 圖書
(1) 作者為一人
Muirhead, G. (1997). Planning and implementing successful system migrations.
London: Library Association Pub.
(2) 作者為二人
Baker, S. L., & Lancaster, F. W. (1991). The management and evaluation of
library services. Arlington, Va: Information Resources Press.
(3) 作者為團體
American Psychological Association. (2001). Thesaurus of psychological index
terms. Washington, DC: Author.
(4) 編輯著作
Beck, S. R. (Ed.). (2000). Library training for staff and customers. New
York: Haworth Information Press.
Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research (Rev.ed.).
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
(6) 翻譯作品
波卓斯基 (Petroski, H.)(2001)。書架:閱讀的起點(The book on the bookshelf
Laplace, P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott
& F. L. Emory, Trans). New York: Dover. (Original work published 1814)
(7) 編輯著作或論文集中之單篇論文
Shaughnessy, T. W. (1996). The library director as change agent. In J. J.
Branin (Ed.), Managing change in academic libraries (pp. 43-56). Binghamton,
NY: Haworth Press.
(8) 書中之章節
Coughlin, C. M. & Gertzog, A. (1997). Growth of academic librarianship. In
Lyle’s administration of the college library (chap.3, pp. 29-46). Lanham,
MD: Scarecrow Press.
2. 期刊論文
(1) 各卷分期單獨編碼之期刊文章
Takishita, F. (1997). Constructing an electronic library web page. The
Indexer, 20(3), 125-129.
(2) 連續編碼之期刊文章
Lee, S. (1996, May). Commentaries on choosing our futures. College & Research
Libraries, 57, 216-230.
3. 會議或研討會論文
(1) 正式出版之會議或研討會論文集
Clyde, Anne (1993). Distance education and the challenges of continuing
professional education. In B. Woolls (Ed.), Continuing Professional Education
and IFLA: Past, Present, and a Vision for the Future (pp. 24-33). London:
IFLA Publications.
(2) 未出版之研討會中發表之論文-僅在會議中分發論文
Kass, T. (1978, June). Management, automation and staff development. In J. B.
Whitlatch, C. Bakke and J. Reynolds(Comp.) Management and Staff Development:
CARL Workshop Proceedings, paper presented at the California Academic and
Research Librarians Workshop, Chicago, Illinois.
4. 博碩士論文
(1) 正式出版之博碩士論文
(2) 未正式出版之博碩士論文
A. 國內之博碩士論文
B. 美國之州立大學
Palmer, P. R. (1985). Graduate education of academic librarians. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, Memphis State University.
C. 美國之其他大學(須註明州別)
Mulvaney, J. P. (1989). The characteristics of a quality library school.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
D. 美國以外國家(須註明國別)
Smith J. M. (1992). DNA polymorphisms as genetic markers in cereal rust
fungi. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Imperial College of Science and
Technology, Great Britain.
(3) 電子版之博碩士論文
Wilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and
obese [Abstract]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri,
Columbia. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertation.
5. 百科全書或字(辭)典
(1) 有署名之文章
Cawkell, A. E. (1996). Informatics. In International encyclopedia of library
and information science (pp. 176-184). New York: Marcel Dekker.
(2) 未署名之文章-以款目或文章名稱起始
Divided catalogue (1995). In Harrod’s libraryians’ glossary (p. 208). Hant,
England: Gower Publishing.
6. 研究報告/技術報告
McClure, Charles R., Bertot, John C. and Zweizig, Douglas L. (1994). Public
libraries and the Internet: Study results, policy issues, and recommendations
(National Commission on Libraries and Information Science). Washington, D.C.:
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science.
7. 網路資源
(1) 電子期刊
A. 從網頁取得
a) html形式呈現-須註明上網日期,最後加註網址。
Herring, M. Y. (2001, April). 10 reasons why the Internet is no substitute
for a library. American Libraries, 32(4), 76-78. Retrieved August 14, 2001,
from https://www.ala.org/alonline/news/10reasons.html
b) PDF檔形式呈現-無須註明上網日期,最後加註網址。
B. 從資料庫取得
Nocera, J. (2001, August). The Boards. Money, 31(9), 57-59. Retrieved
September 04, 2002, from Business Source Premier database.
(2) 網站中之文件
者時,則將網頁標題置於出版年之前取代作者;若無出版年,西文以(n. d.)表示,中
Aikman, C. (2000, September 29). Why study near earth asteroids? Retrieved
August 27, 2002, from https://www.seameadow.com/why.html
Flash Planet. (n. d.). Retrieved September 04, 2001, from
以上內容主要參考 American Psychological Association. (2001) Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association. 4th ed. Washintgon. DC:
Author. 以及 謝寶煖(民90)。APA Style完全上手指南。台北市:文華圖書館管理。
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