【幼智美語小教室】#英文故事教材 #歡迎轉貼分享
✅字彙 Vocabulary✅
📌魔術師 (n.)magician
📌帽子 (n.)hat
📌兔子 (n.)rabbit
📌魔術棒 (n.)magic wand
📌水晶球 (n.)crystal ball
📌鴿子 (n.)dove
📌掌聲 (n.)applause
📌觀眾 (n.)audience
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅微笑男孩Wei Zeng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[16, AUG 2019] 這是我第一次和媽媽說英文,而且還是一整天!雖然他的字彙量不多,但她還是努力開口跟我溝通,超棒的!讓我們給她個掌聲鼓勵她持續跟我說英文吧:) This is my mom’s first time speak English with me. Even though sh...
applause英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
Elon Musk的演講藝術
Elon Musk 違反賈伯斯時代的演講準則,反而加深自己的魅力!
Elon Musk 可說是全世界影響力最高的商業領袖之一,而且在媒體及社群媒體的聲望奇高無比(IG 有200萬追隨者,Twitter 有6000萬),甚至一句話就可以影響市場的走向。
Well... 從溝通成效的角度來看,他是很厲害沒錯,但如果你看任何一場他的演講,你肯定會覺得很困惑。你會覺得:這個人怎麼這麼尷尬,這麼不會講話?
隨便在 Youtube 上面搜尋他演講的影片,看個幾分鐘,你就會知道我們在說什麼了。看個幾分鐘就可以跳出至少以下的問題:
• 說話吱吱唔唔,贅字一堆
• 停頓在很尷尬的地方,感覺不知道自己在哪裡
• 投影片視覺,跟口述的內容常常對不起來
• 容易忘記自己要說什麼,明顯要去偷瞄一下投影片,不然無法繼續說等等...
啊... 那他到底厲害在哪裡?為什麼一個講話這麼尷尬不流暢的人,能夠迷惑全球這麼多人,發揮如此大的影響力?
我們看完一些他演講影片的結論,是他的魅力來源,跟「前一波」的商業領袖,如 Steve Jobs,截然不同。你甚至可以說,**他們的風格是完全相反的。**
我們今天就從 Musk 的一些演講中,來看他的反向操作!
📌 反操作1:Jobs Overstates, Musk Understates
首先,Steve Jobs 開始用的一個「技巧」,說好聽是「讚嘆」,說難聽就是「誇大」,不論發表的產品是否真的是突破性創新,反正就是用 "incredible"、"revolutionary" 等字眼來形容。英文的一個形容,就是 "overstatement" - 把什麼東西都講的「超過」一點。
結果一大堆商業演講的人,做產品無法像 Jobs,但用誇張的形容詞卻學的很像。
Musk 就不一樣。
他自己知道他做的事情很難(讓永續能源普及、把人類變成多個星球的物種),所以他反而用很「沒什麼大不了」的字眼跟語氣來傳達,反而讓這種「謙虛」變成一種效果。這個就不是 "overstatement",而是 “understatement" - 什麼東西都講的收斂一點。
> What is the future that we want? It's consisted of really appealing solar roof... then combine that with storage, and with electric cars.
It's an obvious 3-part solution... Yeah... 3 part solution... uh...
It's really not that complicated.
沒錯,他講完之後停頓了一下,然後說嗯,對,就是三個部分,真的沒那麼複雜 lol。
影片: https://youtu.be/4sfwDyiPTdU?t=187
➜We are building a grand future - a future of endless renewable energy and clean mobility, but with the sort of convenience you couldn't even imagine.
To build this, we've had to overcome a trinity of challenges that have bedeviled generations prior:
1. Houses that generate energy during the day all by themselves
2. Efficient and integrated storage
3. And the best electric cars the world has ever seen
Ok,我寫的有點誇張,但 you get the point。
他最近在發表 Tesla Bot 的演講中,也描述了一個很大的未來,你看看他的說法:
➜ What is the economy? It is uh... at the foundation, it's labor. So what happens when there's... uh... no shortage of labor?
So I think in the long-term, there will need to be universal basic income (applause)... Not right now, because the robot doesn't work (laugh)... we just need a minute.
Essentially, in the future, physical work will be a choice... if you want to do it, you can, but you wouldn't need to do it. Obviously it has profound implications for the economy, because... the economy, at its foundational level, is labor, and capital is just distilled labor, then... is there an actual limit to the economy? Maybe not...
你很難想像有人可以把一些這麼遠大的願景 - 人力工作變成一個選擇、每人都享有基本收入等等 - 用更平鋪直述的方式,沒什麼好大驚小怪的語氣說出來。
連開發萬用機器人的難度,他都只是說 "We just need a minute" lol。
Again 歡迎你們自己看影片,體驗一下:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUP6Z5voiS8
Btw... Musk 還隨口說了一句 "capital is just distilled labor"。別叫我翻譯,因為我根本不知道這是什麼意思,尤其是 "distilled" 在這裡的用意。如果你去 google "distilled labor",也找不到什麼東西,只有不到兩千個 search result。
有人會覺得 Musk 太聰明了,所以才會常常說出正常人不懂的話,但我個人覺得他是故意的:就是要「埋」一些每人聽得懂的話,才能加深他「天才」的形象。
Musk 把複雜困難的事情說成很簡單,還有另一個好處:就是大家可能會覺得「這些很難的事情,好像難不倒他耶,嗯他看來真的是個天才!」
📌 反操作2:尷尬反而是魅力
其實,在賈伯斯用流暢的舞台表演稱霸市場之後,很多企業家都下苦工,練就一身演說武功。如 Bill Gates 或是 Mark Zuckerberg,都很明顯的從內向而且不會演講的人,變成老練的演說家。
Musk 很明顯沒有。Honestly, he's not even trying。
上面的影片,一個是2016年,一個是2021年,你覺得哪個舞台上的 Elon Musk,比較尷尬?這個當然有點主觀,但我兩個都看完之後,會覺得今年的他,講的更卡,更不好。
但是 Elon Musk 很明顯的根本沒有在 care 這一塊 lol。如果他有心要成為非常流暢的講者,你覺得這種小事能夠難倒他嗎?
還需要Musk暗藏玄機的演講技巧嗎? 需要的同學請按個讚和留言「Must learn from Musk」。
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3mKfjyX
applause英文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
【你從不知道的靈異世界 竟然如此不可思議!】
Books recommendation: The Inexplicable World of Spirits That You Are Clueless About
祝 開卷有益。
This midnight, let's talk about the incredible world of spirits that you do not know about.
We live in a world of spirits, yet most of us are largely ignorant about the vast expanse of this world. We become blinded by our very limited sensory perceptions and arrogantly presumed that only science is the real deal.
Problem is, only a rare few can transverse the world of Yin and Yang, ghosts and gods. Even fewer are willing to reveal the truth through writings. Why so?
I am just an insignificant person. Yet since my debut a few years ago, I have had my fair share of oppression, cyberbullying, smearing and insults. Any person, who puts him/herself in the public eye yet walks against the general direction of the masses, is bound to be an easy target for personal attacks by people with vile intentions. Uninformed bystanders are also likely to follow the crowd.
Such pain and hardship can only be understood by those who went through it. Ever since this, I grew more respect for my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. He is my role model. The faith, tenacity and courage He demonstrated in delivering sentient beings for the past 40 years are worthy of applause.
Despite facing vicious forces again and again, He boldly chose to reveal the mysterious truth behind the world of spirits, for us to have the right knowledge, and no longer be lost. Only then we can eventually cease all evil and cultivate all good.
This is why when we seek Buddhist teachings, we should have utmost respect and be thankful to our virtuous teachers who impart the teachings to us. Many a time, these teachers exchanged their lives to receive such precious Dharma empowerment and risked their personal safety to propagate Buddhsim and deliver sentient beings.
Yet all we have to do is to ask and we can receive the teachings effortlessly. If we behave improperly and have impure intentions, we will plant the seed of being reborn into the Three Evil Paths, banished into a world of darkness, never to hear a single word of authentic Dharma for life or be liberated from sufferings.
While these 4 books are written by Grandmaster Lu some 24 years ago, to read them in the year 2021 can still be shocking to some of us. Our society may have progressed but this is a false appearance, as our spiritual self are still lacking and in turmoil. I recommend these four books for your spiritual pursuit:
1) The Incredible Paranormal Stories (in Chinese)
2) Experiences of Spiritual Manifestations (in Chinese)
3) Revelation of the Spiritual World (in Chinese)
4) Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm (in Chinese and English)
May you benefit from the readings.
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149 Rochor Road, Fu Lu Shou Complex, 02-01, Singapore 188425
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125+126+127+129 一套四本
125《 不可思議的靈異 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551193
126《 神變的遊歷 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551209
127《 靈異的真面目 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551216
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》
🇲🇾 馬來西亞 Malaysia
125+126+127+129 一套四本 https://bit.ly/3huZFmJ
125 《 不可思議的靈異 》https://bit.ly/3uM0SeO
126《 神變的遊歷 》https://bit.ly/33NomUU
127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/33SnZbD
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/3olHvag
🌏 台灣/香港/全球觀眾 International Audience
金石堂 Kingstone:
125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3dEOwz2
126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3ndAXtI
127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/32G3MVS
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/32Dqb6w
博客來 Books.com.tw
125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/2Qljh32
126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xdM22r
127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/2QljoeY
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3dFrzfd
三民書局 Sanmin
125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3tGyMRR
126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xaX8Fv
127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/3eiidVI
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3elUqnZ
129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm
applause英文 在 微笑男孩Wei Zeng Youtube 的最佳解答
[16, AUG 2019]
This is my mom’s first time speak English with me. Even though she’s lack of vocabulary, but she still spoke out in English, I felt that she did a great job, Let’s give her a big applause👏🏽
Follow Wei's steps🐋
我帶我媽媽去的餐廳在 The restaurant🍜
合作邀約 Business Inquiries📧
► dynowei957@gmail.com
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► 相機:Sony a73/ Gopro Hero7
► 收音麥克風:Rode VideoMic
► 剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro
更多影片 More video📼
►愛上墨爾本 Falling in LOVE with MELBOURNE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ighWfTsO_Hw&t=3s
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