隨著全球經濟重心逐漸往東協新興市場移轉,使得擁有近1億人口、人口結構年輕的 #越南🇻🇳,成為外資持續湧入的未來市場👍
越南於2019年提出「新時代吸引外資策略」,並於近年來積極參與國際合作、全球區域經濟整合活動,透過與多國建立雙邊 #自由貿易協議,如 #AFTA、#CPTPP與 #EVFTA 等,預期將可帶動產業及經濟成長與提升國內高科技產業發展‼
此外,今年越南二大電信公司Viettel 與Vingroup也開始積極進行 #5G 部署及商業化,預期未來對於生產用於5G網絡和物聯網軟硬體設備的需求增加,也可能是我國創新應用服務業者切入的機會點😊
World Bank (2020)
The global economy's centre of gravity shifting towards the Southeast Asia market has been making Vietnam with a population of over 100 million and now in a period of golden population structure the world's top destination for foreign direct investment (#FDI).
The authority proposed the strategy for attracting FDI in 2009 and has actively engaged in international cooperation, regional economic integration, and signing Free trade agreements (#FTAs), which anticipate to create economic growth and promote the development of domestic high-tech industries.
Viettel and Vingroup, two major telecom companies in Vietnam, have worked on 5G networks commercialization. The demand for equipment for the 5G network and the internet of things (IoT) have been expected to increase and there could also be an opportunity for Taiwan Innovation application service provider.