【2020 #亞太安全 通通來對話‼️】
#魔法部 和 財團法人國防安全研究院合辦的
「凱達格蘭論壇 2020亞太安全對話」
今明兩天正式登場 🎊
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統今天在開幕致詞時
強調台灣 #防疫作為 #自我防衛 #供應鏈重組 及未來 #5G發展 的重要性
表示台灣有堅定決心 #捍衛自由民主 👊🏻
確保 #開放 #自由 #繁榮 的印太區域
打造後疫情時代的繁榮契機 ✨
美國前國安顧問 #麥克馬斯特 也透過視訊出席
提出 #三點加強 #放大台灣的聲音 📣📣📣
🔺 學術及研究機構方面 ─
強化台美兩國大學間的緊密聯繫,#反制中共間諜活動 🚫及對校園和機構的賄賂、監視與恐嚇。
🔺 國際場域和重大全球問題方面 ─
凸顯台灣在 #公衛 #能源 #氣候 #環境 #糧食 #水資源 等全球議題的領導地位。 👍🏻
🔺 媒體與影視文化方面 ─
擴大 #台灣新聞平台 的影響力,讓美國和外國閱聽大眾更加認識他們可能不熟悉的 #台灣歷史。📖
麥克馬斯特也強調所有人都應透過 #捍衛台灣
#抵抗中共侵略 促進疫情後的 #世界和平❗️
另外陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen前副總統及來自 #美 #日 #英 #法 #波蘭 #越南 #印度 #澳洲 #紐西蘭 #加拿大 #墨西哥 等 #理念相近國家 共20位官員及學者
或聚焦 #地緣政治的變化 #疫情對亞太安全的衝擊與影響 #台海 #南海安全 #全球公衛安全 #經濟安全 等議題
魔法部新聞稿 https://reurl.cc/Ezrmga
In her opening address at the ‘#KetagalanForum: 2020 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue’ President Tsai Ing-wen criticized the militarization of the South China Sea and called for economic cooperation with #LikeMinded nations for the peace, security and prosperity of the #AsiaPacific region. This year’s dialogue is being held partly online due to the #COVID19 pandemic, with keynote speeches by former United States National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster and former Vice President Chen Chien-jen. A range of other figures from politics and academia from countries including the #US, #Japan, the #UK, #France, #Poland, #Vietnam, #India, #Australia, #NewZealand, #Canada and #Mexico are also taking part in the event, including Japanese Councillor Matsukawa Rui and Representative Makishima Karen, former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel, Australian Representative Andrew Laming, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences Jerzy Duszyński and others. Discussion is to center around changes in the geopolitical order of the region in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
General McMaster's speech was focused on how Taiwan can amplify its voice in various fields and forums:
👉🏻 Amplifying Taiwan’s cooperation in research and academia by partnering with more institutions in the United States can help counter-balance the CCP’s influence on American campuses.
👉🏻 Amplifying Taiwan’s voice in global forums and on issues vital to global health, energy and climate, among others, can foster positive change in the Indo-Pacific region and counter the Chinese models being propelled by the CCP.
👉🏻 Amplifying the influence of Taiwan’s media can help counter the CCP’s co-option of American media.