你知道嗎? 布拉格市市長賀吉普(Zdeněk Hřib)就讀醫學院期間曾經來台灣當交換學生,種下對台灣的認同感,及往後在國際社會中成為知名「友台派」成員的種子。
獎學金制度為國家間深化交流互動之重要途徑,捷克參議長韋德齊(Miloš Vystrčil)去年訪問台灣其中一個成果就是設立「台歐連結獎學金:捷克專案」,今天他親自為赴台灣就讀的捷克學生主持行前簡報會,本部吳部長及駐捷克代表處柯大使受邀與會。
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu gave a virtual welcome to 36 #Czech recipients of the Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship program in anticipation of their upcoming journey to #Taiwan. The students are part of a special Czech quota under the program, established as a result of the delegation Czech Senate President Miloš Vystrčil led to Taiwan last year.
Minister Wu stated that he hopes the students will form a bridge of friendship between the two countries, helping to communicate our #SharedValues and spurring greater mutual awareness and cooperation. He also explained his one major point of disagreement with Vystrčil, stating that although Czech beer is good, Taiwan beer is great!
Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib - primátor Prahy was once an exchange student in Taiwan and serves as a great role model for these students, as they embark on what we hope will be the trip of a lifetime!
#CzechRepublic #WhichBeerIsBetter?
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,320的網紅Today is my day,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訂閱《Today is my day》👉https://bit.ly/2Roz2qd #宇宙人外信 全收錄:https://bit.ly/3wO4KwA 來IG找我們玩吧:https://bit.ly/2PNGJ8J 「Thamk you for listening」、「My topic toda...
「as is to be簡報」的推薦目錄:
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 Today is my day Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 網頁設計x廣告行銷 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 As is To Be PowerPoint Presentation Slide Template - YouTube 的評價
- 關於as is to be簡報 在 As Is To Be PowerPoint Presentation Slides - YouTube 的評價
as is to be簡報 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
「我們持續呼籲相關當局停止針對獨立媒體、扼殺媒體自由,及限制資訊自由流動……言論自由亦體現為新聞自由,對於單純行使這些普世價值的人,我們將繼續與他們站在一起。這是我們堅定不移的原則 。」—— 國務院發言人普萊斯於國務院例行簡報, 2021年6月21日。
💡了解更多: https://bit.ly/3xPF5nw
“We continue to call on authorities to stop targeting the independent press, efforts to stifle media freedom, to restrict the free flow of information…… We will continue to stand with those who are seeking to do nothing more than to exercise what should be a universal value: freedom of expression, as manifested in a free press. That is something we will always stand by.” ----- Ned Price, Department Spokesperson, State Department Press Briefing , June 21, 2021
💡Learn more: https://bit.ly/3xPF5nw
as is to be簡報 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最佳貼文
📜 [專欄新文章] Scaling Ethereum 參賽心得
✍️ Johnson
📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium
Scaling Ethereum 是一場由 ETHGlobal 所舉辦的線上黑客松,也是我第一次參加與以太坊有關的黑客松活動,這篇文章就來分享一人參賽的過程與心得。
一開始是在 telegram 群組中得知這場比賽的消息,因緣際會之下剛好有人想組隊參賽,於是就在報名截止的前一天一起跟著報名了。
報名的方式除了填一些基本資料外,最特別的是還要 stack 以太幣,也就是要傳送 0.01 顆以太幣給主辦方,規則是必須在比賽的最後,有提交作品的人才能贖回 0.01 顆以太幣,之後看到 meme 頻道有人留言:
When your project is incomplete but you submit to get back stake.
比賽方式是由 25 個左右的贊助者(sponsor)分別提供獎金,每個 sponsor 都有錄製一段影片,說明怎麼獲得他們的獎金,大部分會要你使用他們開發的工具,或者必須跟 sponsor 在做的研究有關,去實作出創新的作品。可參考:Prizes — Scaling Ethereum
你的專案可以選擇要投入哪個 sponsor 的獎金,一個專案可以投入多個 sponsor 底下,這樣獲獎機會也會比較高。
我選擇的 sponsor 是 zkSync,他們的說明如下:
zkSync is a user-centric zkRollup developed by Matter Labs. It uses zero-knowledge proofs to keep data availability on mainnet to achieve exponentially lower transaction costs. You may have seen us powering projects such as payments and Gitcoin Grants. We are currently rapidly developing zkSync 2.0, which will feature EVM-compatibility in testnet May 2021, soon followed by zkPorter, our new exponential scalability solution.
PrizeszkSync will be awarding their Prizes as follows:
- 1 winner — 4,000 USDC
- 2 winners — 2,000 USDC
- 4 winners — 500 USDC
We encourage builders to utilize zkSync SDK’s, implemented in JavaScript/Typescript and Rust. Prizes will be awarded to projects that make it simpler and easier for non-technical users to use zkSync, other ideas include integrations of current tools such as in Gitcoin Grants and tools for easy mass payments and multi-sigs.
這個 hackathon 很棒的地方是他把使用者體驗做的很好。每個人都會有自己的 dashboard 顯示目前專案的進度和一些訊息。
Check-In #1 和 Check-In #2 的階段會要你提供專案的構想,你隨時都可以修改。主辦方會看你提交的資訊,幫助你找到適合的 sponsor,或是給你一些建議,就算是一人參賽也能感受到回饋。
整個賽程期間,社群都是使用 discord 在互動,discord 裡頭有很多頻道,像是基本的大會報告的頻道,或是一些不重要的迷因、閒聊頻道都有。
每個 sponsor 也都有自己的頻道,我就會在 sponsor-zksync 的頻道詢問技術的問題,例如我想問問 zkSync 一些關於專案構想的意見:
Hi there, I want to build a gas fee relayer which make my ERC-20 token transfer without transaction fee, to be more precise, delegating gas payment by another party. I think this is done by GSN https://opengsn.org/ , but maybe it could built on L2 with zkSync? I’m not sure, could somebody give me some advice about this topic?
zkSync 團隊的人回應我:
This is an amazing idea! This can totally be built, as we support batching transactions which can be used for all kinds of creative things such as paying for transaction fees in an erc-20 token. Your idea seems like a combination of that and the gitcoin grants integration. To get started, I suggest you watch the short 10 minute presentation I made on using the SDK and batching. Looking forward to your project!!
在 Check-In #2 的時候,我提交新版的專案構想,有一個欄位是問:「目前專案遇到什麼阻礙?」我的問題應該是被主辦方貼給 zkSync 的團隊,於是 zkSync 的團隊成員就用 discord 私訊我,貼了一些程式碼教我怎麼使用他們的 Javascript SDK,這突如其來的救援也幫了大忙。
除此之外,主辦方每個禮拜都會寄 email 通知一些重要的活動,賽程期間舉辦了四個 Summits 研討會,邀請世界各地有名的以太坊開發者分享議題,主辦方還有一個自己的 TV 網頁,直播所有的線上活動。這些活動都有錄影,可以在 youtube 看到過去所有的演講內容:https://www.youtube.com/c/ETHGlobal/videos
因為我的作品是使用 zkSync 的 Javascript SDK 製作的,好像也只能投稿 zkSync 作為獎金的 sponsor,不過主辦方在最後一個禮拜,也寄 email 告訴我說可以多投稿不同的 sponsors 看看,他依據我的專案構想給我一些適合的 sponsors 作為參考。
不過最後我還是只投稿了 zkSync,有點懶著再看其他 sponsors 的文件,也覺得其他 sponsors 的題目需要花比較大的功夫才能完成,一個人能力有限,就做點簡單的東西就好。
關於我的專案 — Gas Relay Service
在以太坊的世界,每一筆交易都需要額外付一筆交易費,也就是以太坊的 gas fee。
在黑客松之前,我就想研究「第三方支付手續費」的議題,因此我大部分時間其實都在研究一般的 meta-transactions 是怎麼實作的,有興趣的人可以看看 simple meta-transactions 的原始碼:https://github.com/chnejohnson/simple-meta-transaction
之後我才開始玩 zkSync 的 SDK,並研究怎麼在 Layer 2 實現第三方支付手續費的問題,以下就附上作品連結以及簡單的專案介紹給有興趣的人參考:https://showcase.ethglobal.co/scaling/gas-relay-service-on-zksync
The target is that token sender can choose to find another account to pay for fee. The another account can be (1) the token receiver’s account, (2) sender’s another account, (3) third party’s account.
In this project, I finished the demo, which is the (1) above, that receiver pay gas fee for the sender.
有趣的是,我在研究 meta-transactions 時學到很多智能合約的寫法,結果在最後專案上都沒用到(沒寫到合約的程式),zkSync Javascript SDK 其實很簡單,他們的文件寫得很清楚。最後 Demo 還是用 zkSync 團隊的成品修改來的…XD。
所幸在沒有懂太多技術的前提下完成了這場黑客松的專案,成功贖回了 0.01 顆以太幣。
整個賽程來到最後一個禮拜,主辦方安排兩天的時間進行 Judges,使用 zoom 進行線上研討會,一個人基本上是 7 分鐘,前 4 分鐘播放 Demo 簡報,後三分鐘會有評審問問題。
第一個問題是說:「Demo 中你是使用 zkSync 的錢包網頁去操作,那實際上你做得部分是什麼?」
我就回答我在他們的網頁上加了一顆按鈕,使用他們的 SDK 做出 gas relay 的功能,還有一個後端的 server 去作 relay。
第二個問題大概是問:「什麼樣的情境下會需要由 receiver 幫 sender 支付 gas fee?」
最後一場直播就是 Finale 決選,主辦方選出十二個隊伍,公開再 Demo 一次,以及提供線上觀眾詢問問題,至此整個賽程就差不多進入尾聲。
決選後的不久,主辦方就公布了這次有獲得獎金的隊伍,幸運拿到了 zkSync 頒發的小獎~
zkSync — Matter Labs
- Zeneth — 2000 USDC
- ZeroSwap — 1500 USDC
- Kangaroo — 500 USDC
- Gas Relay Service — 500 USDC
這次的參賽隊伍中,Zeneth 跟我的主題非常相似:
Zeneth — Use Flashbots to enable arbitrary meta-transactions so EOAs can enter L2s without ETH
另一個我覺得有趣的專案是 Alexandria:
Alexandria — A dApp using STARKs to verify aspects of your identity without revealing more than you should
沒想到主辦方 ETHGlobal 下個月又要再舉辦一場黑客松,有興趣的人可以看看:https://defi.ethglobal.co/ ,這次的主題是 De-Fi。
最後,只要有到 ETHGlobal 的 TV 網頁參加 Summit 研討會的直播,就能夠獲得 POAP 勳章,它就是一個酷東西~😋
POAP: Proof of Attendance Protocol
Scaling Ethereum 參賽心得 was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌
as is to be簡報 在 Today is my day Youtube 的最讚貼文
訂閱《Today is my day》👉https://bit.ly/2Roz2qd
#宇宙人外信 全收錄:https://bit.ly/3wO4KwA
「Thamk you for listening」、「My topic today is...」太僵硬了!開場、中斷和結尾,最適合的英日韓句子應該這樣說!
01:41 presentation 報告(口頭)
01:54 report 報告(書面)
03:26 paper 報告、論文
03:45 topic 話題
03:48 theme 主題
05:11 In the next fifteen minutes I will be talking about...
05:50 present 報告、簡報
06:44 I'll be sharing with you... 我將會和你們分享(什麼主題)
07:09 プレゼンテーション purezenteeshon
07:22 プレゼン purezen
07:39 발표 balpyo
07:56 レポート Repouto
08:05 리포트 lipoteu
08:09 레포트 lepoteu
09:38 markers 標記
13:40 テーマ Teema
13:49 プレゼンのテーマ Purezen no teema
16:36 Thank you for listening 感謝聆聽
16:57 Thank you for your time 謝謝你空出時間(聽報告)
17:13 coclude 總結
17:25 That concludes my presentation 我的報告到此結束
17:45 I'm happy to answer any question 我很樂意回答任何問題
18:35 I'm happy to answer any question you might have as the presentation goes along
19:30 ご清聴ありがとうございます Go seichou arigatpugozaimasu
20:05 경청해 주셔서 감사합니다(gyeongcheonghae jusyeoseo gamsahabnida)
20:17 들어주셔서 감사합니다(deul-eojusyeoseo gamsahabnida)
🌍英文主播:Ethan &國際編譯:Ryan/隔壁老王
🗣 閒話家常學微知識
《Apple Podcast》: http://apple.co/3eSztCS
《Google Podcast》:https://bit.ly/3vUvBr1
#Podcast #報告 #簡報 #口頭報告 #提案
as is to be簡報 在 網頁設計x廣告行銷 Youtube 的最佳解答
字幕 雙語
Hi my name is Janet Lee and here's my short video to hopefully give you guys a better idea of my teaching experience as well as my teaching approach.
各位朋友你們好,我叫JANET 希望可以透過這部2分多鐘的介紹短片,讓您了解我的英語教學經驗及我的教學方法。
My teaching journey first began in high school when I was helping my own grandparents pass their US citizenship test.
For this I downloaded materials online, I was creating lesson plans and also was doing a lot of recordings explaining everything in both English and Chinese.
From here, they ended up spreading a lot of the curriculum I was making for them to their own friends and so naturally I began leading a class.
This lasted for two years and this is where I really truly fell in love with teaching.
Another large classroom experience when I had was for my uncle's university, Sichuan Normal University.
Here they had a yearly community service event where they had one student from each discipline go to a very large high school in a much less privileged area.
I taught English and also again I really truly felt like I was making a real impact. It was a life-changing experience for me.
Other than that, most of my teaching and tutoring has just been for my classmates as well as my two younger siblings and their friends as well.
This I genuinely just enjoyed doing because I liked helping others.
Since I began my finance job, which is my most recent job experience, I really haven't had the free time to do this anymore or things I used to enjoy, but I quit two months ago.
Now I have been learning again through online classes and learning digital design from mentors, as well as teaching again at Sunday school to first graders.
This will last up until I move back to Taipei in September where I'll be helping my dad with his own small business, continue learning on my own time and hopefully also be able to tutor.
As for my teaching approach I really believe in a flipped classroom experience.
This would be where the student is also teaching the teacher as well.
I love this because I think I love interacting with people and I love seeing students interact with each other.
This would be through group work, presentations and games. Basically it's not just one person talking and the other person listening.
This would apply the same way even with one-on-one tutoring I would make sure the student is speaking back to me, so that I know they're also learning and have feedback as well.
#英語會話教學 #英文家教
as is to be簡報 在 As is To Be PowerPoint Presentation Slide Template - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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