Can't believe this was just a few weeks ago!!!! 好難想像這個是幾個禮拜前而已!!
How to induce a baby
Well, just like Egan, baby Dylan didn’t want to come out and he was born after his due date. Of course, due dates are just general dates used for us to take into consideration so don’t be surprised if your baby doesn’t arrive on that day. I read somewhere that the odds of being born on your due date are less than 5%!
就像哥哥一樣,Dylan超過預產期都還沒要出來。寶寶還是住的太舒服了吧,感覺沒有要退房的意思。 不過,預產期當然只是參考用的。 聽說只有5%的寶寶是真的在預產期那天生出來,所以不要太介意或是擔心!
We tried all of the old tricks in the book to “induce naturally.” - not all at the same time, mind you. That, I don’t think is recommended by doctors.
我們不希望催生,所以有一些“撇步”可以試試看。有一些是心理作用而已,但有一些是醫生建議的。 當然我不太建議同時都試,而且這應該會有難度哈哈。
Sex 嘿咻嘿咻
Squats 深蹲
Spicy foods 吃辣
Stairs 爬樓梯
Stimulation (of the nipples) 刺激ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ
Silliness with Egan :) (跟Egan)耍 三八
So, on the day Dylan was born, we did 5 of the 6 things on the list above (I’ll leave it up to you to guess which things) and I guess it worked!
所以, Dylan生出來的那天, 以上6項, 我們當天就試了5項(哪5項就不說了, 你們自己猜看看)然後好像真的有效果喔!
Cool Photo by:
Nicophotography 尼可儷影 (and more to come!!)
at odds with意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天介紹這個片語:at odds with
at odds with 意思是「與...意見分歧;與...矛盾;與...不合」。
It's easier to state opinions that are at odds with others' if you know doing so won't damage your relationship with them.
at odds with意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
今天介紹這個片語:at odds with
at odds with 意思是「與...意見分歧;與...矛盾;與...不合」。
It's easier to state opinions that are at odds with others' if you know doing so won't damage your relationship with them.