[翻轉視界] 台灣國際勞工協會成員陳秀蓮
All persons, regardless of their nationality, race, legal or other status, are entitled to fundamental human rights and basic labor protections, including migrant workers and their families.
原文及圖片授權來自於Humans of Taipei和TIWA台灣國際勞工協會
My family was in the candle wholesale business, and since I was little, I would wear an apron with four pockets to sell joss paper with my family. Business was good back then, and we would make millions of NT$ each Lunar New Year. My father would take us everywhere—Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia. When China lifted its travel ban on Taiwan, my family was one of the first groups to go. My parents never cared much about our education, and my mother thought girls ought to work in beauty salons. My first job was a sales clerk at a cosmetics and beauty shop. I left my job later and became a bookstore clerk. Because I felt a calling and wanted to contribute to Taiwanese society, I set my sights on becoming a reporter. I switched majors and was accepted into Chinese Culture University’s Journalism and Communications College.
1. joss paper 金紙
2. lift the ban on travel 解除觀光禁令
3. never care much about 從不太在意
4. beauty salon 美容院
5. sales clerk 櫃姐、售貨員
6. cosmetics shop 美妝店
7. a calling 使命感、強烈願望
8. set your sights on sth 決心;立志*
When I started studying sociology and Marxism, I learned about concepts such as class struggle and the proletariat, and I began to have doubts about the world. When I took Professor Zujun Yang’s Cultural Studies course, she taught us about the Rice Bomber, Ru-Men Yang. Before, I felt that the line between good and evil was clear. Those captured by the police were all ”bad.” However, when I attended Ru-Men Yang ’s trial, he did not seem like a bad person. Parts of his testimony were inadmissible and ignored. For example, even though his bomb “exploded,” it only emitted smoke. Also, he said that he turned himself in outside the police station. However, the prosecution felt that since he did not enter the station, the police were the ones who caught him. Moreover, at the time, most people were apathetic to the plight of farmers under the WTO framework.
9. sociology 社會學
10. Marxism 馬克思主義
11. class struggle/class warfare 階級鬥爭
12. the bourgeoisie (馬克思主義理論中的)資産階級,資本家階級
13. the proletariat 工人階級;無產階級
14. the distinction between good and evil 善與惡之間的區別
15. testimony(尤指法庭上的)證詞,證言
16. inadmissible (在法庭上)不可接受的,不能採信的
17. emit smoke 散發煙霧
18. prosecution (被)起訴;(被)檢舉;訴訟
19. turn sb in 將(某人)送交警方
20. apathetic(尤指對重要事情)不關心的,無動於衷的
21. the plight of... ...的困境,窘境
22. framework(建築物等的)架構,框架
I later protested (Ru-Men Yang’s treatment) everywhere. Ru-Men Yang’s case eventually came to an end, so I returned to my studies. After I got to know the news industry a little better, I felt that I had pretty much learned what being a news reporter was like. So, I wanted to learn something new and began studying at the Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies at Shih Hsin University. There, Professor Te-Pei Huang encouraged us to experience social organizations, so I became a volunteer at the Taiwan International Workers' Association. I've been here since 2007.
23. protest (v.) 抗議
24. come to an end 完結,結束
25. return to 回到
26. encourage us to... 鼓勵我們去作某事
27. social organization 社會組織
Being in this line of work has really opened my eyes to what people are truly like. When I began work at TIWA, I assisted a foreign care worker in transferring to another employer. The grandmother she took care of felt that she was abandoned by her children, so she contracted the worker to care for her. She then thought that her husband cheated on her with the worker, and became quite nasty. She would yell at the worker and once threw leftover bones in her bowl.
28. line of work 行業*
29. open sb’s eyes 使(某人)認清,使(某人)了解
30. foreign care worker 外籍看護
31. transfer to(使)調動;(使)跳槽
32. be abandoned by 被…遺棄
I still remember this mediation session in New Taipei City. It was Christmas at the time, and the “Christmasland” in New Taipei City had these Christmas trees shaped like bamboo shoots. The foreign care worker said to me, “Sister, could I take a photo with you here?” She wiped away her tears and did her best to put on a smile for the photo. She wanted to show her family in Vietnam that she was doing well in Taiwan, even though she was mistreated. Every New Year, she would do her best to send back a box of gifts with toys for the children.
33. a mediation (session) 協調會,調解會
34. bamboo shoots 竹筍
35. put on a smile 露出笑容
36. do well 過得好 ; 做得好
37. be mistreated 虐待
Another thing I cannot accept is that no one cares about foreign workers unless there is news of their maltreatment. The Taiwanese people need to consider them as legitimate workers and not only care about them when there is a human rights violation.
38. cannot accept 無法接受
39. maltreatment 被虐待
40. legitimate 合法的,正當的,法律允許的
41. human rights violation 人權侵害
Six years ago, my father passed away. My brother took over and tried to reinvigorate and transform the family business. He designed specialized joss paper to ward off backstabbers and even joss paper for dead pets. July is the peak season for the business, so I went back home to help out. I hand packed the products and folded paper lotus flowers for the dead. It's funny that we can get along with the dead, but we still attach labels to the living and draw lines between us. It’s quite ridiculous when you think about it.
42. pass away 過世
43. ward sb/sth off 避開;阻止;擋住
44. a backstabber 背後插刀者;背後講壞話的人
45. peak season 旺季
46. fold paper lotus flower 折紙蓮花
47. attach a label to someone 對(人)貼標籤
48. draw a line (between something) 畫界線*
Visit Humans of Taipei for more stories!
如何增進同理心: https://bit.ly/34qSKnC
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過63萬的網紅沛莉 Peri Story,也在其Youtube影片中提到,便宜好用的保養品+開架式彩妝示範甜美臥蠶學生妝 來囉~ 有些根本可以加入凹凹賞了!哈哈哈 天氣變化很大,皮膚乾癢記得使用成份單純的保養品喲~影片中合作示範的美膚娜娜是沒有添加會刺激肌膚的香料、酒精、色素、果酸、Paraben 防腐劑 ,連小朋友都可以使用,好用我才推薦~可以放心選購。美膚娜娜臉書粉...
back to basic袋 在 一級嘴砲技術士 Facebook 的精選貼文
BMW 的影片,內容是賓士的執行長 Dieter Zetsche 退休回家之後第一件事就是開著 BMW i8 roadster 電動跑車出門。
Retirement is when you can finally be yourself…
BMW i8 Roadster: Energy consumption in kWh/100 km (combined): 14.5. Fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 2.0. CO2 emissions in g/km (combined): 46. The values of fuel consumptions, CO2 emissions and energy consumptions shown were determined according to the European Regulation (EC) 715/2007 in the version applicable at the time of type approval. The figures refer to a vehicle with basic configuration in Germany and the range shown considers optional equipment and the different size of wheels and tires available on the selected model. The values of the vehicles are already based on the new WLTP regulation and are translated back into NEDC-equivalent values in order to ensure the comparison between the vehicles. [With respect to these vehicles, for vehicle related taxes or other duties based (at least inter alia) on CO2-emissions the CO2 values may differ to the values stated here.] The CO2 efficiency specifications are determined according to Directive 1999/94/EC and the European Regulation in its current version applicable. The values shown are based on the fuel consumption, CO2 values and energy consumptions according to the NEDC cycle for the classification. For further information about the official fuel consumption and the specific CO2 emission of new passenger cars can be taken out of the „handbook of fuel consumption, the CO2 emission and power consumption of new passenger cars“, which is available at all selling points and at https://www.dat.de/…/ver…/leitfaden-kraftstoffverbrauch.html.
back to basic袋 在 聽說荷蘭 Facebook 的精選貼文
[ Back to Basic ]
很喜歡 2019 的開始,一些在 2018 撒下的種子,最近小小收成,周末趁著難得露臉的冬陽出外走走,2 度的冬天,有了飽實的陽光餵食,在厚重外套與圍巾的環繞,暖得我走著走著臉上也發汗,途中經過這幾顆大樹,這條路就在家附近,只要天氣好,我就會到此走走,但卻好像是第一次驚訝這株大樹的高大與靜謐。荷蘭冬天雖然大多寂寥,但少了枝枝葉葉,大樹的雄偉反更加明顯。
2018 年有些日子過得慌張,這個年代很多事都可能發生,而且很快發生,抓了前面又擔心後面,還好金城武那句「世界越快,心,則慢」偶而會冒出,提醒我不要再發神經(XD)。上周末煞有其事的去買了行事曆筆記本,腦袋能記的空間越來越少,過去幾年習慣用電腦記事,也開始變得依賴Google Calendar ,但在年底前踏踏實實的寫下目標後,發現紙本的感覺真好,用自己的筆記方式,這邊拉一點,那邊小字補充一下,亂亂但又只有自己一看就懂的筆記是電腦學不來的。
back to basic袋 在 沛莉 Peri Story Youtube 的最佳解答
便宜好用的保養品+開架式彩妝示範甜美臥蠶學生妝 來囉~ 有些根本可以加入凹凹賞了!哈哈哈
天氣變化很大,皮膚乾癢記得使用成份單純的保養品喲~影片中合作示範的美膚娜娜是沒有添加會刺激肌膚的香料、酒精、色素、果酸、Paraben 防腐劑 ,連小朋友都可以使用,好用我才推薦~可以放心選購。美膚娜娜臉書粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/frusirnana/
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影片中使用的商品▼Products I Mentioned▼ LINKS ▼
🔍 美膚娜娜X歡唱99俱樂部聯名盒裝面膜 http://ppt.cc/oDW4s
Frusirnana Mazu Mask
🔍 嘻哈舒敏系列呵呵噴霧 http://ppt.cc/PVdSF 365元
Frusirnana Anti-Sensitive Spray
🔍 嘻哈舒敏系列呼呼凝膠 http://ppt.cc/fSheu 314元
Frusirnana Anti-Sensitive Gel
🔍 嘻哈舒敏系列-嘻嘻防曬隔離乳 http://ppt.cc/uxux4 340元
Frusirnana Anti-Sensitive Sunscreen Lotion
🔍 嘻哈舒敏系列哈哈乳霜 http://ppt.cc/2ODIW 280元
Frusirnana Anti-Sensitive Cream
🔍 1028 超吸油蜜粉餅
1028 Ulimate Oil-Control Powder
🔍 戀愛魔鏡 水感透顏粉底精華SPF50/PA++++ #LB明亮色
🔍 1028 瑪卡龍眼妝盒
1028 Macaron Eyeshadows
🔍 Canmake 花漾戀愛修容組 #05
Canmake Glow Fleur Cheeks Blush
🔍 BeautyMaker 戀愛小粉撲腮紅 #戀愛粉紅
BeautyMaker Love Pu Pu Cheek
🔍 CANMAKER 淚袋美妝筆 #02粉色
Canmake Lighting Liquid Eyes #02
🔍 KATE 凱婷 雙用立體眉彩筆 #BR-3自然茶色
Kanebo KATE Lasting Eyebrow W #BR-3
🔍 KATE 凱婷 造型眉彩餅 EX-4
Kanebo KATE designing eyebrow N EX-4
🔍 Maybelline BABYLIPS 寶貝護唇膏 #粉紅狂想
Maybelline Baby Lips Color Bright Out Loud #Pink Alert
🔍 Miss Hana 花娜小姐X CHOO CHOO CAT 小貓掌呵護潤唇膏
🔍 KissMe 花漾美姬新翹力防水睫毛膏 纖長款
Kiss Me Heroine Make Long & Curl Mascara Super Waterproof #Black
🔍 Solone異想追逐彩妝遊戲盒
Flight of Fancy Makeup Box | solone
🎀 影片中今天的我私穿搭/彩妝品:
粉紅行動化妝箱 https://youtu.be/1LK2N3wyaQ4
珊瑚橘色耳機開箱 https://youtu.be/yoEdGhM553U
假髮們 https://youtu.be/kXReKdYbsEc
🎀 更多沛莉彩妝、保養、穿搭、生活分享...
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仿妝教學 Imitation Makeup Playlist
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初學者彩妝保養教室 Basic Makeup Skincare Routine Playlist
► http://ppt.cc/Az1So
彩妝教學、保養教程、愛用品分享 Advanced Makeup Skincare and Favorites Haul playlist
► http://ppt.cc/XcpGe
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