我的新頻道-Say and learn words with Gina
adjust 上個星期我上傳過影片,但在改版時,覺得還有用法想要知道,英文該怎麼說?所以,我又跟Kim討論了兩個句子。眼鏡戴歪了,要調整如何說。英文不能直譯,在這個情境下,會用It's on the wrong way這個句子,表示沒有在正常的位置上。眼鏡服貼的戴在臉上要用sit (坐)這個動詞,很有趣吧!眼鏡好好地在臉上坐好。請看第二個句子。
衣服穿錯方向,也是用It's on the wrong way,因為沒有在正常的位置。第三個例句的shirt是指T恤衫,backwards是副詞-向後地,在這裡是衣服前後穿反的意思。
adjust v. 調整;適應
I need to adjust this chair. It’s too high for me.
I need to adjust my glasses, so they sit on my face better. They feel uncomfortable right now.
You need to adjust your shirt. It's on the wrong way. It's backwards.
He needs to adjust his attitude. He’s in such a bad mood all the time.
She told me to adjust a few things on my resume. Then I can send it to the employer.
I just arrived here a few months ago. I still need some time to adjust.
bad mood meaning 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答
#boost #confidence #瓦解 #置信 #運動女孩的思想🖤🔥 english below⬇️
想知道我每天運動的主要原因之一嗎? 因為運動能提升我的信心❣️
當心情不好時 ,我能通過練習將心情轉換180度🖕🏽😑🔜 ✌🏽🥰
特別是在快要“那個來”的時候,我常常會沒有動力沒有自信。 我就會無原因的敏感,情緒化,焦慮和沮喪,而且就會莫名其妙的開始懷疑我所有的人生大小決定和意義......! #壓力 #超煩 😅
但妳知道什麼是有幫助的嗎? 【運動】!!! 💦
就像今天,我早上醒來時感到一陣沮喪,很無緣無故,但還好我還是照計畫起來,騎腳踏車去上瑜伽課,然後經過早上的流汗,搭配很嗨的音樂和我最愛的防彈咖啡,我的心情就很自然的高漲,而我覺得因為早上的運動,我一整天的效益變好了! 🤓🥳 如果我都沒動然後去上班的話,我覺得我應該會悶死在那😆💉 各位,我不能再更強調運動對精神跟心靈的好處多大! 運動就是一種 “natural high” = 自然的嗨!💃🏽
#出去流汗吧 #你永遠不會後悔🤘🏽
Want to know one of my main reasons to exercise every day? Because it BOOSTS CONFIDENCE! 🖤🔥
Through exercising I can turn my mood nearly 180 degrees around when I feel bad. 🖕🏽😑🔜 ✌🏽😁
Especially when it’s time for that “bloody time of the month” I can’t help but wake up without motivation. I feel unreasonably sensitive, emotional, anxious and frustrated, and I tend to doubt the meaning of everything I do for like a week..! #stress 😅
But you know what helps when you feel like that? Working out!!! 👊🏽 Just like today, I woke up feeling all shitty this morning, for no reason (except hormones), but thanks god, after a hammer training session, awesome music, and lovely coffee, my mood was sky high again and my entire day changed for the BETTER!
I can’t stress enough about the MENTAL benefits of exercise! It is the natural HIGH! 👻 #getoutandsweat #youneverregret 💦🤘🏽
👟 @surfaceapparel
#workout #gym #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivation #health #mind #body #balance #positivethinking #運動 #訓練 #正面思考 #健康 #健身 #okbodyproject #kaohsiung #taiwan #surfaceapparel #surfacebikinis #surfacesports #surfacequeen
bad mood meaning 在 Roundfinger Facebook 的最佳貼文
อยู่กับ 'โรคซึมเศร้า' ข้างๆ กัน
สอง-สามปีมานี้ ผมพบว่าคนรอบตัวทั้งเพื่อนพ้องน้องพี่มีอาการเบื่อๆ อยากๆ หรือที่เรียกกันว่า 'โรคซึมเศร้า' กันหลายคน ตัวผมเองก็มีบางช่วงเวลาที่เซ็งๆ เนือยๆ นอยๆ อยู่บ้างเหมือนกัน แต่เมื่อลองนั่งคุยกับคนที่มีอาการของโรคอย่างแท้จริงก็พบว่า คนที่เป็นโรคนั้นมีภาวะที่แตกต่างไป ผมเคยไม่เข้าใจคนที่เป็นโรคนี้มาก่อน ทำให้เผลอปฏิบัติตัวไปในทางที่ผิด คิดอยากช่วยแต่กลับทำให้ทุกอย่างดูแย่ลงไปอีก วันนี้อยากลองแชร์ความคิดและข้อมูลบางอย่างเผื่อจะเป็นประโยชน์ท...
Continue ReadingLive with 'depression' next to each other.
Two-three years ago, I found that people around me, friends, brothers and sisters. I want to be bored, aka ' depression '. Many people have some times that I'm tired. Some of the same time, but when I sit and talk to someone who has a real disease, I found that people with different condition. I didn't understand. People who have this disease before. I accidentally act in the wrong way. I want to help, but I do everything. Looking worse today. I want to share some thoughts and information. In case it's beneficial with depression, including close ones. Of course I'm not a doctor. I just want to tell you and talk about some aspects. If anyone has good information or helpful ways to do it. Feel free to share. It should be beneficial to many people.
1. Before speaking, we should listen.
People around patients with depression often judge and look at their own eyes. We always try to sedition to be strong, have goals, ask about passion, and whatever you think it will be powerful with life. Sometimes I accidentally scold. Said why he is so tired, lazy, long spine, doesn't do anything. Sometimes I encourage him to get up to do something. All of this with best wishes, but know that for patients. These things. The more it makes the situation worse because it shows the understanding of the condition he is experiencing. If someone close to be bored before he lets him do many things, we should give him a bit of how he feels about the world and our lives. To understand more
Lol he didn't want to be
When we listen, we will understand that the condition he is very difficult because it is an insensitive feeling about everything, no negative, no negativity, nothing, no meaning, don't want to don't want to do anything, don't want to talk to anyone, which he doesn't even want to be The more pressure in the world that everyone has to work hard, the more you feel worthless. I want to get up to work, but I don't have enough strength. Besides being tired, we still have to fight the value that society around you. It's a time that is not easy. I am.
Lol he may not be stressed by anything. Suddenly it happens.
Everyone has stress, but it's all caused by something. While this disease is different. Sometimes - one day this symptom happened yesterday, I still smile. Today we can't tell him. " Hey, keep thinking positive " or " just change the way of thinking, life changes " something like that. When it happens, it will last for weeks or months. During that time. Patients will be the one who don't want to do anything, whether it's work. Playing or even showing love with love is a great time of understanding and if he says " you don't understand me that's what he really wants to say
4. Give him time to give us time
During that time, he will change to a different person. It may be a bad person who has been active. May not be bored of work. I may not get out of bed or insomnia, no strength. Sometimes I don't think that they don't want to live. It's a time when people. All around you should give time to not try to make him get well quickly because it's impossible. But it shouldn't be more pressure or take care of it. Because this moment, he may not have much mood to interact with anyone. Give time. Him and with us.
Lol it's about chemicals in the brain
What we should understand is that this disease is not caused by an attitude or perspective to the world. Even when it affects the world, but the cause of the brain, there may be some chemicals in the brain that is low or some medical disorders. Still can't answer. What is the real cause of it? It may be genes or mixed environment. When we understand this, we will see that it's normal that people have some disease in some times. Comparison to cold may not be right, but think about it. Sometimes some diseases come into life. Give it time. It will slowly unfold.
Lol call it a disease to feel normal
When this is a symptom of a disease. Instead of a disease, we should feel like it is normal for human beings. It should not feel that we should not feel bad. We have a disease or someone beside us. Just a normal thing that happens to keep us beside each other to support and understand together.
7. Do you want to change the name of the disease?
I really want to rethink about this disease. The word ' depression ' makes us not want to tell anyone that I have this disease. In fact, we are not going to be depressed for the rest of my life or all the time. I want to call it ' disease. What are you tired? ' because it's temporarily tired. Well, people can be tired? It's only temporary. I will come back to have new power. Just ' I'm not ' not ' depressed ' Go forever. Don't panic.
Haha. Invite him to go to the doctor.
Many patients don't know that there is a disease in the world. Some people may not admit that they are in America. There is an average that each patient takes more than ten years to ask for advice from the doctor. Even going to the doctor can help you feel better. Sitting and talking. Paying medicine to balance brain chemistry, including doctor's advice is beneficial to patients. If someone close to have some symptoms, you should recommend him to go to the doctor. It's like we have a sore throat and fever. We need to find a doctor. Isn't we find a doctor? Doctor cures this disease. It's not a shocking thing. As I said it's normal. People can have a disease.
Haha. You are not weak. You can tell each other.
Whether we have this disease or close ones, one thing we should understand is that we are not weaker than others. It's one condition that something in the brain is unbalanced. In that condition may have an idea to compare ourselves to others, such as opening Facebook. I feel like everyone is happier than me (a little less on Facebook) or compare to myself when I'm brighter, but it's similar to when we ankle. We can't go back to being the same right away even if I speed up the day. No matter how much you speed up, open-minded talk can heal the feeling, including telling the thoughts of suicide can help reduce the risk of suicide too. The close ones should open your mind and listen and some people should open your mind to tell the feeling. People we can trust. Tell the world that I have this disease. People around you will understand that in the midst of society that don't understand. Patients will make patients feel worried. We don't dare to tell anyone. So we need more understanding in society for the story that are walking around. Inside will be told more comfortably.
Lol let's exercise
I found that many brothers and sisters who have a disease. Better, brighter, more power from exercise. Even if you try and do it continuously, you will slowly feel better. Exercise may cause some chemicals in the brain to add good feelings for us. Some people say that we have lived in the field before. Before we have to run for food. Now we have to sit in a narrow air conditioning room all day. It makes it unnatural. So we should find When you return to our natural activity. Exercise is a magic pill. It helps both chemicals. It helps to help healthy. If there are people close to you, try to invite them to exercise together. But don't have to much pressure. Take it slow.
All that I think spreading knowledge of understanding is very important. Both close level is to interaction with patients in the house. If we understand, we will treat each other better and at the level of Society is wide. If society understands, patients will dare to speak. Dare to tell others stories and feelings.
It's not strange that we have some moments to cross over. Whether at the level of family or society. I think we need understanding of each other to be beside each other to cross that time. There is still a bright tomorrow waiting. I'm still here.
If it's not too disturbing, I want to share this information to help create more understanding of this disease. If anyone has any information, please comment and tell me. It should be beneficial to everyone.
Thank youTranslated