任務是保護不幸的老奶奶baozha一個年輕的守護天使逃脫了她的日常職責利用她的遊戲來實現她成為英雄的夢想 儘管她經常在工作上的失誤, 但她總是設法在尼克里救外婆. 幸運的是, 幸運的是...
看看更多幕後的藝術作品: https://baozha2016.wordpress.com
“I guess you could say I’m Guardian of the Granny but I am SO bored to death...”
Tasked with protecting hapless old Granny, Baozha, a young guardian angel, escapes her mundane duties, using her Gameboy to live her dreams of being a hero. Despite her frequent lapses of concentration on the job, she always manages to save Granny in the nick of time. Unfortunately luck runs out as Baozha runs into a prickly situation...
See more behind-the-scenes artworks here: https://baozha2016.wordpress.com
"Baozha!" is a short 2D animated film directed by Jasper Liu and created by Jasper Liu, Bryan Goo and Jolene Cheng. Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media (NTU ADM). Music and sound design by Patrick Kuhn Botelho, Studiengang Musikdesign.
Jasper Liu:
Bryan Goo:
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#animation #baozha #shortfilm #ntu #adm