#36小時內能跑幾個地方 #玩台北 #taipeiactivities
這兩天我為了拍台北市政府的宣傳影片跑來跑去,體驗了各種極限運動也去了好多我平常不會抽空去玩的地方。能接到這樣的工作算幸福吧😆 不過拍完還去忙SurfAce的東西,累到頭暈暈~ 可惜這次身體狀況不佳(眼睛發炎 肋骨受傷 最後還感冒)所以除了第一項運動 #滑水💦 之外我沒辦法真正享受其他活動😢 但我覺得我還算熱情地挑戰到底,攀岩的時候爬到上面時手沒力就真的滑掉了😂
📍板橋 取拍攝衣服
📍Flip Out 跳跳床樂園
起床全身酸痛🙈 累死啦,不過我就愛這樣哈哈🤷🏽♀️😆
So I was running around Taipei for two days, filming an advertisement for Taipei City’s tourism bureau and trying all kinds of extreme sports and other fun stuff. What a pity that I had an eye infection, kinda shitty ribs from my surf accident and a mean cold - otherwise this whole marathon of activities could’ve been even more enjoyable! But it was fun anyway, can’t complain about all the things I got to try😊 #wakesurfing was the best pet of it! We also went to #skate #climb #cablecarmountain #iceskating #nightmarket #baseballhall #playground #trampolinepark #hotspring #ktv ... I surely did sweat my ass off on this shooting and am sore today😂 bye Taipei and back to Kaohsiung, my “slow” lifestyle 🌊 ☀️😜
#entrepreneur #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #crazy #sick #fun #extremsports #wakebaording #surfing #riversurf #riverwake #surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #lifestyle #surfgirl #taiwan #passionforlife @ 嘻嘻哈哈滑水學校 Super High Wake & Surf School