在ATD2019年會的最後一天,我參加了美國培訓之父 @bobpikecplp 的第一把交椅 @beckypluth 的課程,最後竟然抽中超大獎項🎉 (先賣關子)結束後顧不得一切,先衝上去抱她再說,太幸運啦!
Thank you, @beckypluth for your kindnesses and generosity in ATD 2019! I can’t tell how excited and flattered I was when you called my name in the last minute of lucky draw. That’s why I need to give you a big big hug right away after class. Thanks again for giving me this unforgettable “birthday present” ❤️ love you!
#atd2019 #atdmoments #beckypluth #beckypike #bobpike #bobpikegroup #trainfortrainer