辣椒固然辣,但究竟有幾辣?原來世上有一個史高維爾指標(Scoville Scale),用感官測試的實驗方法來度量辣椒素含量,稱之為「史高維爾辣度單位」(SHU),指數越高辣度就越高。以下四種辣椒,你知道它們排名的高低次序嗎?
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Relax for a minute- Rank the spiciness of chilis
There is no doubt chili is spicy, but to what extent? Apparently, there is a system of measurement called the Scoville Scale, which uses sensory tests and experiments to determine the amount of capsaicin, and then records the results in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The higher the SHU rating, the spicier the chili is.
Can you rank the four types of chili below, based on the level of spiciness?
Jalapeño Pepper
Bell Pepper
Bhut Jolokia Pepper
Bird's Eye Chili
(Answer will be posted in the comment column.)
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