🇨🇦 加拿大 Canada
(english below)
12月開始,好像每個月都在過節,冬至、聖誕、新年、農曆年、情人節... 通常這個時候,都會想要帶家人去吃頓好的!如果你剛好在溫哥華,推薦你去「Heirloom Vegetarian」喔~
這是一家蠻高檔的素食餐廳、裝潢很氣派,就當天所觀察,客人全是外國人,而且大家都穿得很正式耶,害我有點小緊張 (畢竟我穿得太隨便了 😆) 食物方面,如大家所想,就是高級西式料理,最喜歡是「韓式炸雞」CA14,特別野味又開胃;再來,「烤未來香腸」CA19,也很不錯,想吃肉的話,點它準沒錯!
這裡的服務還算不錯,食物水平也很高,所以價位也偏高,加上小費的話... 好喇,就獎勵一下自己吧 😋😝
PS 「Heirloom Vegetarian」有兩家分店,還有第三家親民一點的輕食店呢~
Vancouver│High-End。Western Cuisine
From December, it seems that every month is a holiday month, Winter Solstice, Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day ... Usually at this time, I want to take my family for a good meal! If you happen to be in Vancouver, I recommend you go to "Heirloom Vegetarian" ~
This is a very high-end vegetarian restaurant with a very elegant decoration. As observed on the day, the guests are all foreigners, and everyone is dressed formally, which makes me a little nervous (because I dressed too casually 😆) As everyone thinks, it is all about high-end Western cuisine. My favorite goes to "Korean Fried Cauliflower" CA14, which is particularly tasty and appetizing. Then, "Grilled Beyond Sausage" CA19 is also very good, extremely meaty, if you are craving about meat suddenly, check it out!
The service here is pretty good, and the food level is very high, so the price is also HIGH, plus tipping ... Okay, just
treat it as a reward for yourself 😋😝
PS "Heirloom Vegetarian" has two branches, and there is a third one selling light food which is cheaper ~
Heirloom Vegetarian
📍 31390 Marine Dr (at Ambleside), West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
⏳ 08:00 - 21:00
📍 1509 W 12th Ave (at Granville), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
⏳ Mon-Fri 09:00 - 22:00
⏳ Sat-Sun 09:00 - 22:30
Heirloom Juice Co.
📍 2861 Granville St, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
⏳ 07:00 - 19:00
#highendrestaurant #vancouvervegan #westerncuisine