家裡的蠟燭只有小孩生日趴剩下的兩根 2 與 5....
另一半說:「永遠25 不是很好嗎?」
這些都不是所謂的‘心想事成’或‘順利’, 但在這個非常時期,世界各地的家人朋友們可以平安健康今日就可以滿足了。
First birthday at home in while. I join the scores of people that have had to celebrate in lockdown😅.
The cake we ordered couldn’t get here today due to a backlog of in the delivery chain all over the country. So in the morning we ordered a piece of cake with our breakfast. We only had left over candles at home leftover from our little one’s birthday😆 (number 2 and 5)
Hubby said,” Isn’t it good to be forever 25?”
I guess.
There’s so much to be thankful for anyway. Family and loved ones are healthy and we have enough to eat and a purpose in life.
Best of all, our Father in heaven is with us through it all.
Happy birthday to me, and I wish that all of y’all will find joy in whatever circumstances you’re in.