Rassvet |AW 20 ‘’盼望著明日夕陽 / 創造自由無界風格‘’
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由於時裝與街頭的界線越來越模糊,因此 High Street 風格亦引領著整個服裝界的趨勢。來自俄國的知名造型師 Lotta Volkova,身為 Gosha Rubchinskiy 和 VETEMENTS 的造型師跟幕後推手,她在曾經訪問說到:「There Are No Subcultures Anymore. It's About The Remix.」。現今已經沒有真正的次文化可言,我們所接觸或知道的一切,都是來自於混合後的產物,同樣的服裝文化層面也是。此外,「街頭」與「時裝」品牌已經有著,相互交織與重新演繹此風格的走向。
因此,NE.SENSE 團隊在這個 High Street 世代的輪廓裏, 挑選出最符合NE.SENSE 風格,及具代表性的街頭品牌。由鬼才設計師 Gosha Rubchinskiy ,同時與他的模特兼好友、滑板手 Tolia Titaev 在 2016 年共同創立的滑板品牌 Rassvet (PACCBET)。從「滑板」風格的 High Street 風格為出發點,在 2018 年他的同名品牌終止後,有許多忠實粉絲都感到相當可惜,而他停止營運的原因除了是厭倦創作一季又一季的設計外,設計師 Gosha Rubchinskiy 深深認為只有俄羅斯的本土青年才能充分體現品牌所代表的文化,在拍攝 Lookbook 模特兒挑選方式也相當特別,是透過 Instagram 招攬徵選出本地青年!可見 Gosha 本人對俄羅斯的時尚與街頭文化有相當高貢獻。
俄語 PACCBET 有著「日出」的意思,其讀音是「Rassvet」,品牌蘊藏「美好日子到來」的深遠含義,代表俄羅斯美好的未來。因為 Gosha 想推廣俄羅斯的滑板文化,希望從年輕人的身上入手,透過 PACCBET,把新世代俄羅斯青年的願景,帶著一絲黑暗氣息同時對未來懷抱希望的感覺宣揚開去。仔細觀察 Rassvet(PACCBET) 在 2020 年秋冬系列可發現,最新系列產品受1980 年莫斯科奧運會啟發的 Oversized Polo Shirt,透過神聖的幾何圖形呈現,T 恤衫上的「Bogus」新變體以今日俄羅斯電視頻道徽標為靈感,重新詮釋為 “РассветСегодня” (今天的日出)。
另外,該系列的主要亮點是 Rassvet 與莫斯科普希金美術館所展出地,日本江戶時代啟發的藝術家築岡義俊(Tsukioka Yoshitoshi)和上川貞秀(Utagawa Sadahide)製作的木版畫 “浮世繪”主題圖像合作。畫作本僅以細節的處理表現清晰輪廓線條處理,技術突顯了形式和色彩的驚人融合而聞名,同時創造了日本大師們真正傑出的藝術遺產。這些有力的藝術品表現在系列單品上,例如:高檔牛仔夾克,手提袋和滑板上等,可作為最終收藏品。
Rassvet 不斷努力通過探索與創造力來「發光」在地滑板文化,並將街頭服飾和滑板運動推向一個全新的維度, Rassvet 秋冬20已於實體店面與網路商店發售。
bogus shirt 在 翁靜晶 Facebook 的最佳貼文
((( English )))
'BOGUS MARRIAGE' nun arrested
Kinling Lo
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The chief nun of a Buddhist monastery in Tai Po and three other people have been arrested by immigration officers following allegations the nun was involved in scam marriages with mainland monks.
More than 10 officers descended on Ting Wai Monastery yesterday morning and spent three hours taking photographs and questioning people inside.
Arrested were Sik Chi Ting, 47 , whose real name is Lung Yan-loi; her husband Ru Zhi; an Indonesian domestic helper; and another nun, alleged to be the helper's employer. Chi Ting wore a striped long-sleeved T-shirt and pants instead of her robe when taken away, while Ru was in shirt and pants.
All four were taken to Kowloon Bay Immigration Department office.
Ru, 40, was allegedly found in the nun's private quarters inside the monastery during the swoop.
He was revealed to have packed and left Po Lin Monastery on Lantau, where he served as a monk named Sik Chi Kwong, in a report by The Standard's sister paper Sing Tao Daily on Monday.
Chi Ting and Ru are suspected to have made a false declaration and of making false representation to Immigration Department officers when they got married.
The domestic helper, 30, is accused of breaking conditions of stay, while her employer, about 40, is accused of aiding and abetting the breach of conditions.
The department found that the registered address of the domestic helper was not the monastery.
Officers took away laptops, temporary identity cards and mainland notarized certificates
of marriage and divorce from the monastery.
Chi Ting was publicly accused of bogus marriages and mismanagement of the monastery's funds by lawyer and former actress Mary Jean Reimer, who also serves as a director of the monastery.
Reimer suspected Chi Ting had got into a bogus marriage when she was corrected by the nun for filling in "single" as the civil status for the nun in an official document.
In a tape secretly recorded by Reimer, Chi Ting "admitted" getting into bogus marriages with two men to get them Hong Kong residency.
After the arrests, senior immigration officer Karmen Tam Kok-shan said: "Our work on the case is not completed yet and we will continue to check whether bogus marriages are involved."
In the Sing Tao Daily report on Monday, photos of marriage certificates between Chi Ting and two men showed the nun as a "divorced person" when getting into her second marriage with Ru.
Chi Ting married her first husband, Sik Chi Keung, in 2006. He is also a monk from Po Lin Monastery.
He was alleged to have divorced Chi Ting once he got his permanent residency.
Tam added the department does not rule out making more arrests. The monastery is now closed to the public.
Chi Ting came to Hong Kong from the mainland in 1993 and became a nun in 2002.
[email protected]