🌻做個股投資, 看甚麼樣的資訊是最重要的呢? 財報季節到了, 來聽聽財富已自由的名嘴怎麼說, 以跟他學習:
A formal, productive, and rigorous way to research stocks? From已財富自由的電視財經名嘴
🌻這期的Fortune(財富)雜誌有篇介紹去年度最佳商務人士, 由Elon Musk奪魁. 他的領導方式是甚麼呢? 請看下面的截圖.
1. 永遠不從現狀來做創新做突破(他最著名的就是first principles概念)
2. 雇用聰明絕頂的人, 然後給他們挑戰, 讓他們發光
3. 了解顧客的問題在哪
4. 注重禮貌
截圖來源: https://fortune.com/longform/elon-musk-ceo-tesla-spacex-2020-businessperson-of-the-year/
🌻我很喜歡寫東西. 寫東西能夠幫我整理思緒. 剛巧看到Bill Gates也是這樣的想法:
Adult life is so easy to fill up with activities. The ability to step back and read deeply or write up thoughts is largely missing. And so I work hard on my schedule to make sure I'm not filling it up with too many things. It's been a little bit easier with no travel this year. So I think of myself as a student where I need almost like a reading period to consolidate my knowledge. Its was particularly challenging when I was CEO of Microsoft. Eventually, I got to two weeks a year that I was setting aside. Since I retired from Microsoft in 2008, I don't have to do it necessarily as one block, a week at a time, but I do set aside lots of days, and then I say, "Did I write the memo that I intended to write?" The act of writing--when you try to explain it to someone else--is where you really are forced to think things through and not be sloppy in your thinking. (來源: Fortune雜誌)
🌻最近看了兩齣AppleTV+的戲, 都挺推薦:
1. Dickenson (講美國詩人Emily Dickenson的故事). 我一開始看很不習慣, 因為是拍給年輕人看的, 手法不太一樣, 但也挺新奇.
2. The Morning Show. 內容張力很強, 裡面很多資深演員, 看他們飆戲很過癮, 但有紙牌屋那種黑暗算計, 也會讓人掉淚. 得過不少金球獎獎項. 上個周末一次拚完, 很欲罷不能. Overall還不錯, 講很多關於人性的事情, 也讓我去思考一些價值觀與道德的問題.
這劇其實是在講#metoo事件. 跟Amazon Prime的Bombshell是一樣的題材(一樣好看).
Have a nice weekend.
圖片來源: Fortune; AppleTV+官網; https://appleosophy.com/2020/01/22/apple-tvs-dickinson-finishes-filming-for-season-2/