「I was going to」と「I was supposed to」の使い分け
英語で「〜するはずだった」と表現する際、恐らく多くの方は「supposed to」を使っているかと思います。しかし、ネイティブは同じような意味合いで「I was going to」というフレーズもよく使います。しかし、両フレーズには微妙なニュアンスの違いがあるので、今日はそれぞれの用法についてご説明いたします。
1) I was going to ____
この表現は、何かをする意思はあったものの、何らかの理由で結果的にその意思通りにならなかった意味合いとして使われます。例えば、「昨日、ランニングをする予定だったが、雨が降ってやらなかった」は「I was going to go for run yesterday but it rained.」となり、ランニングをする意思があったことを強調したニュアンスになります。
✔用法:「I was going to」+「動詞」
I was going to study English but I played video games.
She was going to attend the seminar but her son got sick.
We were going to go to the concert but the tickets were sold out.
2) I was supposed to ____
この表現を和訳すると「〜をするはずだった」となり、一見、上記1)の表現と同じようですが、実は微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。上記1)の表現は、自分の意思通りにならなかったニュアンスがあるのに対し、“I was supposed to _____”は、意思ではなく約束や義務としてやるべきことをやらなかった意味合いとして用いられます。例えば、「ジェイソンと食事をするはずだったけど、彼は忙しくて会えませんでした」は「I was supposed to have dinner with Jason but he was busy.」となり、ジェイソンとは予め会う約束をしていたニュアンスになります。また、事前に約束していたことをやらなかった相手に「Weren't you supposed to _____?(〜するはずじゃなかったの?)」のように問いかける使い方もよくされます。例えば、パーティーにビールを持ってくるの友達が持ってこなかった場合、「Weren't you supposed to bring beer?(ビールを持ってくるはずじゃなかった?)」という具合になります。
✔用法:「I was supposed to」+「動詞」
✔「Supposed to」の詳しい解説は関連記事『日常英会話における「Supposed to」の使い方』をご覧ください。
I was supposed to get a haircut today but I rescheduled it to tomorrow.
I was supposed to go on a business trip but it got cancelled.
Weren't you supposed to turn in your essay today?
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,很遺憾《Happy Family》沒有得獎。但已經很開心,畢竟歌曲裡面粗話很多,而且大部分都不是中文,能得到評審青睞入圍已經心滿意足。 這首歌的歌詞代表了【你是豬|BABI】整部戲的精神,還有教育體制的問題。 身為導演和音樂人,會透過作品把一些問題提出來。而政治人物的責任就是去解決這些問題,但他們卻...
「bring out提出」的推薦目錄:
- 關於bring out提出 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於bring out提出 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於bring out提出 在 范疇文集 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於bring out提出 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於bring out提出 在 李語蕎Hathaway Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於bring out提出 在 [外絮] 球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻- 看板NBA 的評價
- 關於bring out提出 在 運動情報網紅推薦指南- bring out意思的分享,PTT、DCARD 的評價
- 關於bring out提出 在 運動情報網紅推薦指南- bring out意思的分享,PTT、DCARD 的評價
- 關於bring out提出 在 英文Kao Easy - Why do you bring that up ? (你為什麼提那個 ... 的評價
- 關於bring out提出 在 手帳也能提出漫畫感什麼膠帶都能貼手帳教學- YouTube 的評價
bring out提出 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳貼文
《情陷夜中環 - 車恥品》
曾經有位保時捷收藏家說,法拉利是一件名貴皮草,保時捷是一件質優料靚的白 t-shirt。
駕馭一部保時捷,需要有一種獨特的 temperament——一種有錢也未必會有的 temperament。這種 temperament 是可以跟保時捷互相輝映的,或者這樣說,保時捷的味道是需要有適合的人 bring out 出來的。
道理就好像已故的張國榮先生穿著一件白 t-shirt 一樣——就算你不懂 fashion,看到他穿著一件白 t-shirt,你也會覺得那件白 t-shirt 應該是殊不簡單的白 t-shirt。
配牛仔褲好看、配灰色 chino 好看、甚至配西褲都可以好看,至於是否真的好看,便要看你的品味了。
保時捷很好,我發了幾張照片給他們之後,第二天便有人到我家把車拖走去檢驗。可是,拖走之後幾天,音訊全無。「唔知我架車點呢?」我終於忍不住問 Terry,即是那位負責我這個小客戶的銷售同事。
「我即刻幫你問問,」幾忙都好,每次我打去,Terry 都必定替我落力跟進。但他怎樣落力也好,事情明顯超出了銷售部的能力範圍,真正幫到我的部門應該是客戶服務部和維修部。
再過了一星期,終於有人打電話給我。「葉生你好,我哋睇過你架車,因為係人為損壞嘅關係,warranty 唔會包。」唔包唔緊要,最緊要快啲整好有車揸。「好,咁我即刻幫你訂零件。」
又過了很多天,終於有電話來,「呢度係保時捷維修中心,」我開心到好似中獎咁。「葉生,你架車係時候要做 service (定期檢查),唔知你幾時可以攞架車過嚟?」
有懷疑過一秒鐘這是某些前度打來的 prank call,但沒有理由的,印象中沒有一位前度的聲線是如此溫柔的。「小姐,我等緊你哋畀番架車我,你又要我再畀番架車你?」
「人哋都同你講訂咗零件啦,而家 Covid,遲咗少少好正常啫。」
「買得起 Porsche 斷估都唔會手緊到淨係得一架車啦,點知你冇咗架車好似冇咗條命咁?」
係我手緊,淨係買得起一架波子。如果我可以好似田少咁,用完三百幾萬買架 911 Targa 4S 之後,再用多一百萬買架 Macan GTS 做後備,又點會好似而家咁手足無措呢?
突然想起了很久以前一篇刊登在《紐約時報》的「潮文」——Why We Will Marry the Wrong Person。
為什麼我們會 marry the wrong person?其實原因就是,我們自己就是那個 wrong person,每個人都是一個 wrong person。
No,truth be told,we are the wrong person,而我們最錯的,就是我們都覺得自己是對對對對的世界之最。
Dear Porsche Centre,架車你哋慢慢整。
bring out提出 在 范疇文集 Facebook 的最佳解答
Taiwan Can Achieve More,
But It Takes Bilingualism
台灣可成就更高 但需要「雙語國力」
Among all sustaining forces, what Taiwan lacks most is the force of language. When people talk about a country’s competitiveness, most likely the main benchmarks are the military force, wealth force, technology force or even cultural force. The concept of“Force of Language”rarely came into mind. But in fact, linguistic capability is one of the key factors that can make or break a country in the long run , if not in the short.
Examples are plenty. Take the tiny country of Singapore as a sample. Its existence and survival rests upon its capacity in applying and managing multi-lingual resources. Without that force of language, it can’t possibly thrive in a geographical setting as complex as this – with Malaysia on the north, Indonesia on the South-West, India to the West, and, particularly, the landmass of China up north. Geography is both a blessing and a curse to the country of Singapore, but its multi-linguistic capacity is a pure blessing. Without it, Singapore would still have been a trading center in that region and there is no way for it to have become one of the worldwide financial centers as today.
例子不勝枚舉,小小的新加坡就是一個樣本。它的生存,基於它運用、管理多重語言資源的氣度和能力。若缺少了這種「語言國力」,新加坡不可能在如此複雜的地理環境下茁壯 – 北有馬來西亞,西南有印度尼西亞,西有印度,尤其遠遠的北方還有中國這樣一塊大陸。地緣對新加坡這個國家既是祝福也是詛咒,但其多語能量則是百分之百的祝福。若非掌握語言國力,新加坡或許還能成為區域的貿易中心,但沒有可能變成今日的世界金融中心之一。
Hong Kong, in the past tense, also benefited tremendously from its bilingualism. By comparison, the mighty city of Shanghai in China will never replace the economic role Hong Kong used to play for China. I remember a sharp comment made by the past Premier of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Many years ago when visiting Taiwan, he was asked this question by a reporter : “Can you foresee Shanghai replacing Hong Kong one day“? “Never!”was Lee’s reply. “Why?” Here comes the issue of the force of language, “Because I simply can’t see that the Shanghainese can speak better English than the Hong Kong people”. End of discussion.
Taiwan is good at technology as well as in many other aspects. It produces over 50% of the high-end semiconductor chips for the world’s high-end industrial and military uses, and it also designs at least 25% of the chips for world’s daily electronic devices. Which means, should Taiwan’s economic activities be disrupted by a hostile party , or even worse, should the island country fall under a hostile party’s control, as a consequence, the entire world would be affected severely, even to the point of functionally inoperative.
On top of that, Taiwan is ingenious in meeting unconventional demands for outlandish components. The most apparent case would be that of the birth of Tesla. When Elon Musk couldn’t get designers and factories from other parts of the world to risk making his non-heard-of components, he came to Taiwan and found willing and capable suppliers. Without the ingenuity of Taiwan’s able engineers, Tesla’s EV could have been delayed for many more years and might even have missed its first-to-market timing.
In the political arena, Taiwan has been firmly placed in the first tier among countries of democracy. To be fair, Taiwanese citizens still stand eager for eliminating the residual, inherited authoritarian elements in its political system; however, from a global standpoint, the mere presence of this remaining endeavor, by itself, proves that Taiwan has already passed the point of no return of an evolving democratic country.
In any aspect, Taiwan should have received a much higher level of acknowledgement from the international community than what it gets now. It makes people wonder why it didn’t.
Sure, one can blame the “Cut-Taiwan-off-the-World” program that the neighboring CCP (Chinese Communist Party) exercised. But blaming is not productive, not in everyday life nor in politics. We need self-assertive solutions much more than airing complaints.
Citizens in Taiwan need to be able to speak out for Taiwan, not waiting for others to speak for it. To speak out to the world, you need languages! Presently, over 90% of the citizens on this island write and speak in just one language : the written Mandarin Character and the spoken Mandarin plus dialects.
This causes consequences in two-folds. On the political side, when Taiwan citizens shout in Mandarin, only people who understand Mandarin in other parts of the world can know what Taiwan is shouting for. Sadly, 96% of those who understand are under the firewall enclosure in China. Furthermore, Taiwanese messages are being censored, twisted and manipulated by the CCP in order to prevent its subjects from hearing it.
On the economy side, although the top-layer of the academics, businessmen and technical elites are all quite proficient with a second language, mostly English or Japanese, the majority of the able engineers and middle managers in Taiwan cannot communicate efficiently enough to bring out their personal or organizational potentials.
It’s such an obvious yet ignored national issue : Taiwan needs bilingualism for its political sustainability and economic prosperity. A thriving bilingualism in Taiwan can be achieved by flipping its mentality towards education, or by changing its attitudes towards “outsiders” and installing a more open-minded immigration policy.
Either way, Taiwan must implement a bold and innovative approach to this “force of language” challenge. And that approach can start today. Are you ready? Yes, I meant YOU!
* 更多有關台灣之未來,請往 《范疇 前哨預策網》InsightFan.com
* 註冊為免費會員,瀏覽部份熱點議題電子書、觀點及預先的對策
* 註冊為追蹤會員,支持一個永遠獨立、終身不受任何政治體制管
bring out提出 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文
很遺憾《Happy Family》沒有得獎。但已經很開心,畢竟歌曲裡面粗話很多,而且大部分都不是中文,能得到評審青睞入圍已經心滿意足。
Thx 5forty2 & The Real Masta Clan!
The theme song for the movie [BABI], [Happy Family], was written in four different languages: Tamil, Mandarin, Malay and English. The lyrics bring out the anger of all Malaysians regardless of races towards the education system in Malaysia. We hope this message could spread around the world.
[BABI] is absolutely impossible to release in Malaysia and any other online platform... The reason is simple, we all knew that “they” won’t solve the root cause of the issue, but the people who raised the issues...
【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲【Happy Family】:https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8
La Re
Mi Fa Sol Li La Sol Fa Mi
La Re
Li La Sol Fa Mi
123 My friends here with me
Here with me you and me
123 We are family
I love you you love me
所有人被囚禁 大門都被鎖緊
德智體群美 Fuck!
因材施教 Bull Shit!
他們只要獎盃校譽 和全國排名
就像白老鼠 啃著教科書
幫你注射藥物 然後監督
La Re
Mi Fa Sol Li La Sol Fa Mi
La Re
Li La Sol Fa Mi
123 My friends here with me
Here with me you and me
123 We are family
I love you you love me
Eksperimen dan eksperimen
Dari kecil lagi dah pun jadi specimen
Uji kaji uji lagi walau mati buat lagi sampai jadi
Kalau jadi, puji menteri ; Kalau mati, tak peduli
Apa kita cari?
Apa orang puji? Apa orang keji?
Indoktrinasi, pandang kat depan tapi
Yang kat belakang dipijak lagi
lagi dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi
Cambuk keras binatangkan insan
Yang kedepan dapat penuh belas ehsan
Yang belakang bagai pandang batu nisan (eyyy!)
Mana manfaat, apa yang dapat
Apa yang padat, jasad penat
Akal tenat, nafas berat
Minda sarat pada lafaz kata "bangsat!"
La Re
Mi Fa Sol Li La Sol Fa Mi
La Re
Li La Sol Fa Mi
123 My friends here with me
Here with me you and me
123 We are family
I love you you love me
நாம் வந்தோமே, வென்றோமே!
காலம் இங்கே போயே போச்சு.
போனோமே மண்ணோடு.. புரியலையா?!
என்ன சொன்னாலும் குற்றமே
கேள்வி கேட்க யாரும் இல்லை..
உன் அழுகைக்கு.. கல்வியே பதிலாகும்..
எதிர் கட்சி போட்ட சதிநால
படிப்புக்கே இங்க கஷ்டமாச்சி
காரணம் இங்க மத வேறுபாடு
படிச்சாலும் இங்க வேலை கிடையாது
மடைதனில் வரும் மீன்களைப்
பிடித்து மரத்தினில் ஏற்றியதாறு?
படைகளில் முதல் வரிசையில் வருகிற
யானைக்கெதுக்குடா சோறு?
La Re
Mi Fa Sol Li La Sol Fa Mi
La Re
Li La Sol Fa Mi
123 My friends here with me
Here with me you and me
123 We are family
I love you you love me
123 My friends here with me
Here with me you and me
123 We are family
I love you you love me
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JOOX: https://bit.ly/3k5iWuX
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#Namewee #黃明志

bring out提出 在 李語蕎Hathaway Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文
My dear friends, I am sorry, let you wait for a long time the dance came out! And this time I invite my friend Angela to dance with me 😄Hope you enjoy!!!
For a while ago, I had a rest for a while due to my own foot injury and singing performance. Thank you so much for your support and subscription. I will continue to bring good works. Hathaway would like to open the following message. Please suggest some simple Question, let me be a question and answer film next time😊😊😊
謝謝大家 thank you so much!!!

bring out提出 在 英文Kao Easy - Why do you bring that up ? (你為什麼提那個 ... 的推薦與評價
(2)那麼,(提出一個問題討論)的英語要怎麼說?(提出)就用bring up: He brought up a question for discussion. (他提出問題討論) ... <看更多>
bring out提出 在 [外絮] 球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻- 看板NBA 的推薦與評價