* 판매시간
8월 25일 (토) : 09:00 ~ 16:30 (7h30m) / 공연종료 후 1시간 (1h)
8월 26일 (일) : 09:00 ~ 16:30 (7h30m) / 공연종료 후 1시간 (1h)
※ 공식 MD 판매부스는 일반 판매부스와 EXPRESS 판매부스로 별도 운영됩니다.
- 일반 판매부스에서는 모든 상품 구매가 가능합니다.
- EXPRESS 판매부스에서는 ‘공식 응원봉 VER.3’, ‘AAA 배터리’ 구매가 가능합니다.
(현장상황에 따라 일부의 품목이 추가 될 수 있습니다.)
※ 일반 판매부스는 입장객 안전을 위해 공연 시작 2시간 전부터 판매 운영을 하지 않습니다.
(EXPRESS 판매 부스는 탄력적으로 운영됩니다.)
※ 전 품목 수량 소진 시 판매가 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
* 결제방법: 현금, 카드결제
* 구매제한 수량
1) 공식 응원봉은 1인당 2개 한정
2) 하기품목은 멤버별 1인 1개 한정
-프리미엄 포토
3) 이외 제품은 품목당 1인 3개 한정
※ 현장의 상황에 따라 부스 운영시간과 구매제한 수량의 변동이 있을 수 있으니 이점 양해를 부탁드립니다.
※ MD 판매부스에서 구매하신 상품을 해외로 편하게 배송할 수 있도록 우체국 EMS 접수 부스를 운영할 예정입니다.
※ 외국인의 경우 MD 구매 후 출국 시 면세 혜택(DUTY FREE)을 받을 수 있는 REFUND 부스를 운영할 예정입니다.(여권 지참 필수)
- 구매 전 유의사항 -
1. 모든 상품은 조기에 품절될 수 있습니다.
2. 모든 거래는 한국원화(KRW, ₩)로만 이루어집니다.
3. 현금과 신용카드로 결제할 수 있습니다. (일부 카드는 카드사의 사정에 의해 결제가 어려울 수 있습니다.)
4. 고객의 변심으로 인한 환불/교환은 불가합니다. 제품 불량의 경우 공연 현장에서만 교환이 가능하므로 제품 수령 후 반드시 불량 여부를 확인 바랍니다. 불량 상품 교환 시, 영수증을 꼭 지참해주시기 바랍니다. (상품 조기 품절 시에는 환불조치)
5. 행사장 내 일회용 쇼핑백을 무료로 제공하는 것이 법적으로 금지되어 있습니다.
6. 상품 판매 시간은 현장 준비 상황에 따라 변동이 있을 수 있습니다.
7. 공연 종료 후 일부 또는 전체 상품이 빅히트샵(www.ibighit.com)을 통해 판매될 수 있습니다.
※불법 상품을 구매하지 마세요※
BTS WORLD TOUR ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ 서울 공연 공식 MD는 콘서트 현장 공식 MD 판매부스에서만 판매됩니다. 불법 상품 구매로 피해를 입지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.
We are pleased to announce official merchandise sales for BTS WORLD TOUR ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ SEOUL at Olympic Stadium (Jamsil, Seoul) on Aug 25th~26th, 2018.
* Operation hours:
Aug 25th (SAT) : 09:00 ~ 16:30 (7h 30m) / 1hour after the show (1h)
Aug 26th (SUN) : 09:00 ~ 16:30 (7h 30m) / 1hour after the show (1h)
※ Official merchandise sales booths will be operated as both General sales booth and an Express sales booth.
- At the General sales booth, all the official merchandise will be available for sale.
- At the Express sales booth, the merchandise will be limited to ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3’, ‘AAA BATTERIES’.
(Depends on the operational situation, some of the items can be added to be sold.)
※ General sales booth will be closed 2 hours before the event for safety reasons.
(Express sales booth will have flexible operating hours.)
※ Both booths are subject to closing early depending on the merchandise stock inventories.
* Payment Methods: Cash, Credit Cards
* Purchase quantity limitation
1) OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 is available 2EA per person.
2) Items below are limited to one item of a member per person.
3) Limited to 3 items of the same product per person except the items above mentioned.
※ Please understand that the booth operating hours and limited purchase quantities are subject to change without notice.
※ The EMS postal service booth will be operating at merchandise sales booth for shipping convenience for your purchased products to overseas.
※ Also for international purchasers, the REFUND booth will be operated near merchandise sales booth for their tax exemption benefits when leaving this country. (Please bring your passport.)
1. Products may be sold out early.
2. Payments are accepted in Korean Won (KRW, ₩) only.
3. Accepted payments are cash and select credit cards.
4. Refunds/exchanges are only applicable to damaged or defective items, purchased only on the purchased date with a valid receipt. Please check your item upon receiving it and keep your receipt with you. (In case of the item being not available, your refund will be returned via the original purchase method.)
5. It is forbidden by the local regulation to provide disposable bags for free.
6. Sales hours are subject to change without notice.
7. All or limited items may become available for purchase through BIG HIT
SHOP(www.ibighit.com) after the concert.
OFFICIAL MERCHANDISES for BTS WORLD TOUR ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ SEOUL are only sold through the official merchandise booths. Please beware of the risks when purchasing counterfeit products.ㅍ
「bring to light代購」的推薦目錄:
bring to light代購 在 Kpop 周邊代購 x 韓瘋Diary' Facebook 的精選貼文
2017 BTS LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE III THE WINGS TOUR in Seoul공식 MD #首爾高尺巨蛋演唱會週邊商品 #防彈少年團
#若多數粉絲都有代購需求小編研究一下是否前往現場 :P
* Operation hours:
Feb 18th (SAT) : 10:00 ~ 15:00 (5h) / 20:00 ~ 21:00 (1h)
Feb 19th (SUN) : 10:00 ~ 15:00 (5h) / 20:00 ~ 21:00 (1h)
※ Official merchandise sales booths will be operated as General sales booth and Express sales booths.
- At the General sales booth, all the official merchandise will be available for sale.
- At the Express sales booths, the merchandise will be limited to ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.2’, ‘AAA BATTERIES’ and ‘2016 OFFICIAL SLOGAN’.
※ General sales booth will be closed 2 hours before the event for safety purposes
(Express sales booths will have flexible opening hours)
※ All the sales booths are subject to close early depending on the merchandise stocks situations.
* LOCATION: The official merchandise booths in front of Gocheok Sky Dorm.
* PAYMENT METHODS: Cash, Credit cards
* Limited purchase quantity
1) Limited 3 items of the same product per person.
2) ‘IMAGE PICKET’ and ‘KEYRING’ are limited 1 item of each member per person.
3) ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.2’ is limited 1 item per person.
※ Please understand that the booth operation hours and limited purchase quantity can be changed depending on the situations.
※ For your convenience, the post EMS reception service booth will be operated at merchandise sales booth. So you can easily ship your purchase to overseas.
1. All the products may be sold out early.
2. All the payments are accepted in Korean Won (KRW) only.
3. Payments can be made with cash and credit cards. (Certain credit cards may not be accepted.)
4. Refund/exchange is not possible when a customer changes his/her mind.
Exchange is limited to damaged or defective items only on the day of purchase, so please check your item after receiving it. For exchange, please be sure to bring the receipt with you.
(In case of sold out, you will be refunded with the original purchasing options)
5. It is forbidden by the local regulation to provide disposable bags for free.
6. Sales hours can be changed depending on the time of circumstance.
7. All or some of items may be available to sell through BTS OFFICIAL SHOP(www.btsofficialshop.com) after the concert.
bring to light代購 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
"Backpacker? Tourists with luggages? "
In the past I always carried a big luggage to travel. This way I could buy lots of things there and also bring many not too necessary things with me from home. After I met Fabian, I received a backpack as a gift from him and I became a backpacker.
Cute ppl I met in Taiwan:
When they saw us backpacking, they thought we were going mountain climbing :P
However in Europe, there are many backpacker on street.
Actually there is lots of space in backpack, and it has many smart and useful design. In winter indeed I couldn't bring too much but I would start to think about what I shall bring and what I shall just leave it at home. During my 10-day trip, I only brought 3-4 pullovers or hoodies. We went shopping too but becuz of the space of our backpacks, we would consider what we really need to buy and somehow at the end we save some money.
A good backpack makes you comfortable and feel light. Being a backpacker is good when you see the old buildings or metro without elevators or escalators.
Which kind of travelers are you? backpacker? tourists with luggages? shopping lovers ? nature and sights lovers ?