[ 9🈷8号,晚上8:15pm免费送🆓指纹手机遥控电子智能锁,祝您好运🙏🏼 ]
1. 套餐A🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 29.7
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 27.7
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 23.7
- 线上2100人S$ 21.7
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 30.7🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
2. 套餐B🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 27.9
- 线上1400人S$ 25.9
- 线上1800人S$ 21.9
- 线上2000人S$ 19.9
🐑直播过后S$ 28.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
3. 套餐C🇲🇾
- 线上1000人RM 99
- 线上1400人RM 89
- 线上1800人RM 79
- 线上2000人RM 74
🐑直播过后RM 103🐑
4. 套餐D🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 24.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 23.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 19.9
- 线上2000人S$ 17.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 25.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
5. 套餐E🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 13.3
- 线上1400人S$ 11.3
- 线上1800人S$ 7.3
- 线上2000人S$ 6.3
🐑直播过后S$ 14.3🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
6. 套餐F🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 35
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 33
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 25
- 线上2000人RM 21
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 37🐑
7. 套餐G🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 18.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 16.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 13.9
- 线上2000人S$ 11.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 20.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
8. 套餐H🇸🇬
👨🍳550克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹/ 450克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹➕1罐酱料👨🍳
- 线上1000人S$ 63/ 𝐒$ 48
- 线上1400人S$ 61/ 𝐒$ 46
- 线上1800人S$ 57/ 𝐒$ 43
- 线上2000人S$ 55/ S$ 41
🐑直播过后S$ 65/ 𝐒$ 50🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
9. 套餐I🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 51.5
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 47.5
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 37.5
- 线上2000人S$ 33.5
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 53🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
10. 套餐J🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 50.8
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 48.8
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 41.8
- 线上2000人S$ 35.8
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 51.8🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
11. 套餐K🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 65.5
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 56.5
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 48.5
- 线上2000人RM 45.5
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 73.5🐑
🇸🇬新加坡朋友们如果购买总数达不到𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎, 可以过来本公司自取,或𝐒$ 𝟏𝟎送货服务,多谢大家的支持🙏🏼
[8th Sep, free delivery at 8:15pm 🆓 Biometric electronic smart lock, good luck 🙏🏼]
🇸🇬🇲🇾 only platform allows you to decide your “price”. CLB platform exclusively provides the market's freshest, unique and most favorable products 👨🍳Want to confirm if it is true, please look down 👇👇
1. Set A🇸🇬
👨🍳200g of premium French pork ball➕about 600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 bottle of Holland beer🍺➕1 bottle of Mexico beer🍺➕2packs of dried noodles➕200g of French marinated low salt pork belly➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟗.𝟕
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟕
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟕
2100 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟕
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟑𝟎.𝟕🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
2. Set B🇸🇬
👨🍳200g premium French pork cubes➕600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 can of restaurant grade premium sauce➕500g dumplings➕2 packs of dried noodles➕200g French marinated low-salt pork belly➕ cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟖.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
3. Set C🇲🇾
👍1 kg of Hokkaido large scallops➕700g of red fish➕500g onion pancake➕150g of famous sauce👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟗𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟖𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟒
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟏𝟎𝟑🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
4. Set D🇸🇬
👨🍳 2pcs pan-fried promfret➕300g pan-fried non-spicy Asam Prawn ➕1 can of restaurant premium sauce➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟒.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟕.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
5. Set E🇸🇬
👨🍳250g of Alor Setar's own recipe vegetables and spices👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟑
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟑
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟕.𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔.𝟑
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟒.𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
6. Set F🇲🇾
👍350g of Alor Setar’s own recipe spice 👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟑
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟕🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
7. Set G🇸🇬
👨🍳1kg Premium Japanese Style Tempura Sotong Ring👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟖.𝟗
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟔.𝟗
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟗
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟎.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
8. Set H🇸🇬
👨🍳550g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab / 450g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab➕1 can of sauce👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟑/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟏/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟔
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟕/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟔𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
9. Set I🇸🇬
👨🍳500g authentic Musang King Layered Cake➕ cooler Bag👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟓
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟕.𝟓
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟕.𝟓
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟑.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
10. Set J🇸🇬
👨🍳4️⃣pcs Super premium special mooncake [Tiramisu core + purple sweet potato jade + matcha red bean + lotus paste single yellow] ➕4️⃣pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus paste + golden jade + double egg yolk lotus paste + double egg yolk golden jade]👨 🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎.𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖.𝟖
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏.𝟖
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟓.𝟖
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟖🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
11. Set K🇲🇾
👍4pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus seed paste+golden jade+double egg yolk lotus seed+double egg yolk golden jade ]👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟔𝟓.𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟓𝟔.𝟓
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟖.𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟓.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟑.𝟓🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
🇸🇬 Singapore friends, if the total value of purchases does not reach 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎, you can come to our office to self pick it up, or pay a nominal fee of 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟎 delivery service. Thank you for your support🙏🏼)
同時也有120部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Normal version https://youtu.be/9T9Isch0cGU #crepe #rose #cake #inabox...
「cake in a box」的推薦目錄:
- 關於cake in a box 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於cake in a box 在 SugarCraver Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於cake in a box 在 Hiphippopo.com Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於cake in a box 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於cake in a box 在 cook kafemaru Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於cake in a box 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於cake in a box 在 Cake In A Box - Facebook 的評價
- 關於cake in a box 在 100 Cake box ideas - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於cake in a box 在 How To Make Surprise Cake Box At Home Step By Step 的評價
cake in a box 在 SugarCraver Facebook 的精選貼文
🇬🇧So in love with this Choco Caramel Banana loaf box🍫🍌& Caramel Banana loaf box🍯🍌from @loafboxbychefbus 😻 Swipe left to to see more! Both have an awesome texture, perfectly moist & soft, and a little bit chewy and crunchy at the edges. Also love how they give generous amount of banana, just enough to have it together with every spoonful of cake. 🍫🍌Choco banana flavor is my favorite. The combination is forever classic - Dark choc goes so well with banana! Not overly sweet at all. 🍯 🍌Caramel banana is also very nice. A banana cake with a twist, packed with caramel aroma. If you’re a banana cake fan, you will defo love it. It’s one level sweeter than Choco flavor though. These banana cakes will defo brighten up your days during this bad covid and politics situation here in Thailand. Stay safe & Hang in there everyone! ❤️ @sugarcraver
🇹🇭ได้มีโอกาสลอง ‘เค้กชอคโค่คาราเมลกล้วยหอม 🍫🍌’ และ ‘เค้กคาราเมลกล้วยหอม🍯🍌’ จาก @loafboxbychefbus 😻 เลื่อนซ้ายดูรูปต่อได้เลย! เราว่าอร่อยน้า ❤️เทกซ์เจอร์ดีมาก นุ่มและมอยสท์ และมีความหนึบและกรุบตรงขอบๆ และสายกล้วยแบบเราปลื้มมากที่ให้กล้วยหอมมาเน้นๆทำให้ได้กินเค้กพร้อมกล้วยหอมทุกคำอย่างแท้จริง. 🍫🍌ดาร์คชอค กล้วยหอม เราว่าคลาสสิคมาก มันเข้ากั๊น เข้ากัน หวานกำลังดี แป๊ปๆกินหมดได้อย่างรวดเร็ว 🍯🍌 คาราเมล บานาน่า จะมีความเค้กกล้วยหอมปกติมากกว่า แต่ทวิสต์นิดตรงที่หอมคาราเมลเน้นๆ อันนี้เราว่าหวานกว่าชอคโค่ 1 สเตป ใครปลื้มเค้กกล้วยหอมที่เราคุ้นเคยกัน น่าจะชอบอันนี้จ้า 👌🏻ใครเซงสถานการณ์บ้านเมือง เซงโควิด ไปสั่งมากินกันได้เพลินๆ แล้วจะแฮปปี้ขึ้นเหมือนเรา! เป็นกำลังใจให้ทุกคนผ่านมันไปให้ได้ค่า ❤️ @sugarcraver
📍: @loafboxbychefbus .
💰: caramel 125 THB / choco 165 THB
🚗: Delivery only
#sugarcraverX #chocolatecake #sweet #sweettooth #dessert #desserts #dessertporn #instadessert #dessertlover #food #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #foodlover #instafood #delicious #yummy #yumyum #chocolates #pancakes #icecream #chocolate #bananacake #bangkok #cake #cakes #bananabread #bananas #bkkcafe #banana
cake in a box 在 Hiphippopo.com Facebook 的最佳解答
There are lots of thing I miss about traveling to Taiwan; one of them is the Taiwanese Pineapple Cakes. So happy to know that Ding Tai Fung have the Taiwanese Pineapple Cake available in Malaysia. Just a click of my finger, and I can get my craving satisfy by not travelling to Taiwan!
The pineapple cakes from DTF are made with light & buttery crust, paired with sweet filling made with Taiwan pineapples; no preservatives and additives. They are available in 10 packs and 6 packs, packed in a limited edition special gift box with the mid-autumn festival design. What’s more! Purchase 6pcs x 3 boxes or 10pcs x 2 boxes to get FREE limited edition “Taiwan Lantern Festival” 活力牛 from @taiwantourismbureaumalaysia and also RM10 gift voucher from @dintaifungmy.
Order now at www.dintaifung.com.my or send your orders to https://wa.me/+6011-6996-3930.
@taiwantourismbureaumalaysia @dintaifungmy
#timefortaiwan #dingtaifungmalaysia
cake in a box 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳貼文
Normal version
#crepe #rose #cake #inabox
cake in a box 在 cook kafemaru Youtube 的最讚貼文
フォロー&いいね! も お願いします!!!!!!
大人気YouTuber “cook kafemaru”の
「世界一作りやすいおうちスイーツ 」
【Ingredients】Make 20 Cookies
50g unsalted butter
35g Powdered sugar
20g Egg yolk
vanilla oil
★120g cake flour
★20g Almond flour
*Granulated sugar
(for dressing cookie dough)
①Mix butter (room temperature) with a spatula, add powdered sugar and mix well.
②Add the egg yolk, and mix.(little by little)
③Sift the dry ingredients (★) over it.
④Fold it until the lumps are forme.Flatten and let it sit in a fridge for an hour.
⑤make it stick-shaped (1.2 in diameter),cool it in the freezer 30 mins.
⑥Coat the dough's surface with generous amount of the sugar.
⑦ Slice the dough into 0.4in thick.
⑧Put them on the pan lined with parchment paper.
⑨Preheat the oven to 320°F/ 160℃ . In the meantime, let the dough sit in a freezer. Bake it at 338°F for 18-20 min.
⑩Cool completely on wire rack.
無塩バター 50g
粉糖 35g
薄力粉 120g
アーモンドプードル 20g
cake in a box 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
ごはん 250g
A酢 大さじ2
A砂糖 小さじ2
A塩 小さじ½
白ごま 適量
卵 1/2個
塩 適量
サラダ油 小さじ1/2
しめ鯖 適量
ガリ 適量
とびこ 適量
鯛 適量
ちくわ(2センチ角) 2本
きゅうり(5ミリ細切り) 1/2本
紅しょうが 適量
金箔 適量
Skateboarding with Chirashi Sushi
Servings: 1
250g steamed rice
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Some white sesame seeds
1/2 egg
Some salt
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
Some vinegared mackerel (shimesaba)
Some ginger pickles (gari)
Some tobiko
Some red snapper
2 sticks chikuwa fish cake (diced)
1/2 cucumber (cut into 5mm pieces)
Some red ginger pickles (benishoga)
Some edible gold leaf flakes
1. Mix all A ingredients in a bowl. Stir until sugar is dissolved.
2. Pour (1) over the rice. Stir with a rice scooper (shamoji).
3. Using a hand fan, cool the rice.
4. Put sushi rice (3) in a bento box.
5. Place egg threads (kinshitamago), ginger pickles, tobiko, red snapper sashimi, and vinegared mackerel on the rice.
6. Write “YUTO” with red ginger pickles on top.
7. Decorate with chikuwa and cucumber pieces.
8. Sprinkle with edible gold leaf flakes on top.
9. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network
cake in a box 在 100 Cake box ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Sep 5, 2020 - Explore Nurul Atikah's board "cake box", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about cake, cute desserts, dessert boxes. ... <看更多>
cake in a box 在 How To Make Surprise Cake Box At Home Step By Step 的推薦與評價
Hey everyone THANKYOU so much for loving my last video diy gift box but a lot if people asking for measurements for one kg cake so i thought ... ... <看更多>
cake in a box 在 Cake In A Box - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Cake In A Box. 16416 likes · 142 talking about this. Cake In A Box is Sydney's favourite Gifting and Cake delivery service. Delivering Monday to Saturda. ... <看更多>