洪常秀、阿諾.戴普勒尚等名導則未如事前各界預料,沒有進入主競賽,被安排在「首映單元」。至於在「一種注目」部分,奧地利籍華裔導演陳熠霖的《尋找》順利入選,該片由台灣影星柯震東、林哲熹與中國演員曾美慧孜主演,拍攝地點即在台灣。作品《構築心方向 Columbus》(2017)曾來過台北電影節放映的韓裔美籍導演Kogonada也入選該單元。中國導演那嘉佐也以《街娃兒》入選。
本屆的評審團主席將是美國導演史派克.李(Spike Lee),開幕片將是李歐.卡霍的《Annette》,該片同時也是競賽片。美國影星茱蒂.佛斯特(Jodie Foster)則獲得相當於終身成就獎的榮譽金棕櫚殊榮。
李歐.卡霍 Leos Carax
《法蘭西快報 The French Dispatch》美國🇺🇸
魏斯.安德森 Wes Anderson
《聖慾 Benedetta》荷蘭🇳🇱法國🇫🇷
保羅.范赫文 Paul Verhoeven
《A Hero》伊朗🇮🇷
阿斯哈.法哈蒂 Asghar Farhadi
《Tout S'est Bien Passé》法國🇫🇷
佛杭蘇瓦.歐容 François Ozon
《Tre Piani》義大利🇮🇹法國🇫🇷
南尼.莫瑞提 Nanni Moretti
茱莉亞.迪古何諾 Julia Ducournau
《Red Rocket》美國🇺🇸
西恩.貝克 Sean Baker
《Petrov's Flu》俄羅斯🇷🇺德國🇩🇪法國🇫🇷瑞士🇨🇭
基里爾.賽勒布倫尼科夫 Kirill Serebrennikov
布魯諾.杜蒙 Bruno Dumont
賈斯汀.克佐 Justin Kurzel
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul
馬哈馬特-薩雷.哈隆 Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
《Paris 13th District》法國🇫🇷
賈克.歐迪亞 Jacques Audiard
《The restless》比利時🇧🇪
喬坎拉.佛斯 Joachim Lafosse
《La Fracture》法國🇫🇷
凱薩琳.科西妮 Catherine Corsini
《The Worst Person in the World》挪威🇳🇴瑞典🇸🇪法國🇫🇷
尤沃金.提爾 Joachim Trier
《Compartment NO.6》芬蘭🇫🇮俄羅斯🇷🇺
尤侯.郭斯曼寧 Juho Kuosmanen
《Casablanca beats》墨西哥🇲🇽法國🇫🇷
納比.爾艾尤奇 Nabil Ayouch
《Ahed’s Knee》以色列🇮🇱法國🇫🇷
那達夫.拉匹Nadav Lapid
《Drive My Car》日本🇯🇵
《Bergman Island》法國🇫🇷巴西🇧🇷德國🇩🇪墨西哥🇲🇽
米雅.韓桑-露芙 Mia Hansen-Love
《The Story of My Wife》匈牙利🇭🇺法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪義大利🇮🇹
伊爾蒂蔻・恩伊達 Ildikó Enyedi
《Flag Day》美國🇺🇸
西恩.潘 Sean Penn
(主席)安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold(導演、編劇)英國🇬🇧
瑪尼亞.梅杜爾 Mounia Meddour(導演、編劇、製片)阿爾及利亞🇩🇿
艾莎.齊柏斯汀 Elsa Zylberstein(演員)法國
丹尼爾.布曼 Daniel Burman(導演、製片、編劇)阿根廷🇦🇷
麥可.安傑洛.柯維諾 Michael Angelo Covino(導演)美國🇺🇸
《The Innocents》挪威🇳🇴
艾斯基.佛格 Eskil Vogt
《After Yang》美國🇺🇸
《Commitment Hasan》土耳其🇹🇷
森米.卡潘諾古 Semih Kaplanoglu
*法迪瑪.約翰森 Valdimar Jóhannsson
《Noche De Fuego》墨西哥🇲🇽
塔蒂雅.胡艾瑣 Tatiana Huezo
《Bonne mère》法國🇫🇷
阿芙皙雅.艾薇 Hafsia Herzi
《House arrest》俄羅斯🇷🇺
小阿列克謝.蓋爾曼 Aleksey German Jr.
《Blue Bayou》美國🇺🇸
賈斯汀.鍾 Justin Chon
《尋找 Moneyboys》奧地利🇦🇹台灣🇹🇼比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷
*陳熠霖 C.B. Yi
*賈西亞.基尼斯 Gessica Geneus
《Un Monde》比利時🇧🇪
*勞拉.汪戴爾 Laura Wandel
《Women Do Cry》保加利亞🇧🇬
米娜.米列娃 Mina Mileva & 凡塞拉.卡扎科娃 Vesela Kazakova
《La Civil》羅馬尼亞🇷🇴比利時🇧🇪
*緹奧朵拉.安娜.米赫伊 Teodora Ana Mihai
《Unclenching the Fists》俄羅斯🇷🇺
姬拉.高維蘭高 Kira Kovalenko
《Let Their Be Morning》以色列🇮🇱
艾朗.柯里林 Eran Kolirin
《Rehana Maryam Noor》孟加拉🇧🇩
阿卜杜拉.穆罕默德.薩阿德 Abdullah Mohammad Saad
《Great Freedom》奧地利🇦🇹
賽巴斯汀.邁瑟 Sebastian Meise
《街娃兒 Gaey’s Wa’r》中國🇨🇳
《Mes Freres Et Moi》法國🇫🇷
約翰.曼可Yohan Manco
《Onoda, 10 000 Nights in the Jungle》法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪比利時🇧🇪義大利🇮🇹(開幕片)
亞瑟.拉哈利 Arthur Harari
柯諾.穆恩德秋 Kornel Mundruczo
阿諾.戴普勒尚 Arnaud Desplechin
安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold
《Love Song for Tough Guys》法國🇫🇷
山繆.班傑奇 Samuel Benchetrit
《Mothering Sunday》法國🇫🇷
伊娃・胡遜 Eva Husson
《Hold Me Tight》法國🇫🇷
馬修.亞瑪希 Mathieu Amalric
《In Front of Your Face》南韓🇰🇷
洪常秀 Hong Sang-Soo
廷.普Ting Poo & 李歐.史考特 Leo Scott
《Jane Par Charlotte》法國🇫🇷
夏綠蒂.甘斯柏 Charlotte Gainsbourg
《JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass》美國🇺🇸
奧利佛.史東 Oliver Stone
加斯帕.諾埃 Gaspar Noe
《Marx Can Wait》義大利🇮🇹
馬可.貝洛奇歐 Marco Bellocchio
《龍與雀斑公主 Belle》日本🇯🇵
細田守 Mamoru Hosoda
《De son vivant》法國🇫🇷
艾曼紐.貝考 Emmanuelle Bercot
《緊急迫降 Emergency Declaration》南韓🇰🇷
韓在林 Han Jae-Rim
《The Velvet Underground》美國🇺🇸
陶德.海恩斯 Todd Haynes
湯瑪士.麥卡錫 Tom McCarthy
瓦萊麗.樂梅西埃 Valérie Lemercier
《BAC Nord》法國🇫🇷
賽德里克·希門尼茲 Cédric Jimenez
《Where is Anne Frank》比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷荷蘭🇳🇱盧森堡🇱🇺以色列🇮🇱
阿里.福爾曼 Ari Folman
《Babi Yar. Context,》烏克蘭🇺🇦
瑟蓋.洛茲尼察 Sergei Loznitsa
*葉.葉 Yé Yé
《Black Notebooks》以色列🇮🇱
施羅米.艾爾米茲 Shlomi Elkabetz
《Mariner of the Mountains》巴西🇧🇷
凱里.阿努茲 Karim Ainouz
《The Year of the Everlasting Storm》
賈法.潘納希 Jafar Panahi伊朗🇮🇷
陳哲藝 新加坡🇸🇬
馬立克.維塔爾 Malik Vitthal美國🇺🇸
蘿拉.柏翠絲Laura Poitras美國🇺🇸
多明嘉.索朵瑪悠 Dominga Sotomayar智利🇨🇱
大衛.羅利 David Lowery美國🇺🇸
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 泰國🇹🇭
《Party: New World, The Cradle of a Civilisation》希臘🇬🇷美國🇺🇸
安德魯.穆斯卡托 Andrew Muscato
《Mi iubta Mon amour》法國🇫🇷
*諾耶米.梅蘭特 Noémie Merlant
《Les Heroiques》法國🇫🇷
麥西姆.羅伊 Maxime Roy
《熱帶往事 Are You Lonesome Tonight?》中國🇨🇳
*温仕培 Wen Shipei
《時代革命 Revolution Of Our Times》香港🇭🇰
周冠威 Kiwi Chow
《Bloody Oranges》法國🇫🇷
尚-克里斯多福.莫里斯 Jean-Christophe Meurisse
拉呂兄弟 The Larrieu Brothers
奧黛麗.埃司徒格 Audrey Estrougo
考瑟.班.哈尼亞 Kaouther Ben Hania(導演、編劇)突尼西亞🇹🇳
涂娃.娜蘿特妮 Tuva Novotny(導演、編劇、編劇)瑞典🇸🇪
艾莉絲.溫諾克爾 Alice Winocour(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
薩摩赫.阿拉 Sameh Alaa(導演、製片、作家)埃及🇪🇬
卡洛斯.穆基羅 Carlos Muguiro(導演、編劇、策展人)西班牙🇪🇸
尼可拉斯.帕里澤 Nicolas Pariser(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
《North Pole》北馬其頓🇲🇰塞爾維亞🇷🇸
瑪麗亞.阿賽夫斯卡Marija Apcevska
薩米爾.卡拉霍達 Samir Karahoda
《In the Soi》丹麥🇩🇰
卡斯帕.凱德森 Casper Kjeldsen
穆罕曼德里札.梅哈尼 Mohammadreza Mayghani
《The Right Words》法國🇫🇷
艾德里安.莫塞.杜林 Adrian Moyse Dullin
《Through the Haze》葡萄牙🇵🇹
狄亞哥.薩爾加多 Diogo Salgado
卡洛斯.塞岡多 Carlos Segundo
《天下烏鴉 All The Crows In The World》香港🇭🇰
唐藝 Tang Yi
《August Sky》西班牙🇪🇸
賈思敏.泰努奇 Jasmin Tenucci
《雪雲 Absence》中國🇨🇳
鄔浪 Wu Lang
《The Crusade》法國🇫🇷
路易.卡瑞 Louis Garrel
《Above Water》尼日🇳🇪法國🇫🇷比利時🇧🇪
艾伊莎.梅加 Aïssa Maïga
《Invisible Demons》印度🇮🇳
拉胡爾.賈恩 Rahul Jain
西席爾.迪昂 Cyril Dion
《無去來處 I Am So Sorry》法國🇫🇷中國
趙亮 Zhao Liang
《Bigger Than Us》法國🇫🇷
芙蘿.瓦瑟 Flore Vasseur
《La Panthère des neiges》法國🇫🇷
瑪莉.阿米蓋 Marie Amiguet
(圖為入選主競賽的《The French Dispatch》,由魏斯.安德森執導。)
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅SHO STIME,也在其Youtube影片中提到,GOLD BENZ 🔊🔊🔊🕺🕺🕺🌎🌏🌎 Jeder sollte tanzen und auf Tik Tok und Instagram posten. Für die Welttour müssen wir mit allen zusammenarbeiten, um weiter zu ex...
car front glass 在 Kyopropaganda Facebook 的最讚貼文
Here's something I wanna share with you guys.
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket with the prudence dictated by the new normal. Mask, Safe entry and safety distance.
I then started to get the things that were on my short list, and when I was lining up to pay, between taking the money and storing the phone, the RM50 note I had to pay fell on the floor, and the man who was in front of me finishing paying his purchases slowly bent down and picked up my note.
Woww, How much education and kindness in these pandemic times - I thought. I held out my hand, waiting for him to give me back my money, trying to stay away, so that he would feel safe, while preparing to thank him for the gesture.
But suddenly, what he told me was shocking - What's on the floor belongs to whoever finds it! - and just like that, he left ... naturally, as if he hadn't done anything wrong.
I looked at the lady behind me and the people next to me and they all looked at me in shock and disbelief, whispering things between them.
For a moment there, I was trying to evaluate myself. I wanted to do justice on my own ... I left my purchases, because I had no way to pay (I forgot to bring my credit card), and went after him to the carpark, to have my RM50 returned.
However, I realized that the people closest to the line came after me, curious to know what was going to happen ...
I spoke to him demanding my money but he just looked at me with contempt and acted like I was invisible.
When he got to the car, he slowly put his four shopping bags on the floor to take the key out of his pocket and open the trunk, and I thought - It's now or never!
I took the four bags and told him the same thing he had said to me - What is on the floor belongs to those who find it! - and I started running towards the exit, between fright and laughter, proud of my revenge.
The spectators started to applaud and I saw that the “smart guy” had been irritated after all, as he left the parking lot dropping security cones in his path.
I swear I felt a rush of adrenaline, fright and nervousness, but then I cried with laughter.
When I got home I opened the bags and found:
- 2 kg XL prawn
- 1 kg of salmon
- 2 box of Aachi biryani masala
- 1 jar of Nuttela
- 5 tube Cŕeam cheese
- 10 kg of basmathi rice
- 1 jar of mayonnaise
I had never made so many purchases with only RM50.
And now here I am ... Having a glass of hot milo, eating and thinking as I write - am I a vigilante or a vindictive person?
This obviously did not happen to me. It's just a campaign to promote reading!
Reading stimulates the mind and imagination, makes us travel to other places and even helps communication.
If you want to copy and paste and produce a smile from your friends.
Please go ahead, stimulate someone else's mind 🤣
Reading an entire article also prevents you from becoming a victim of click bait and fake news 👍
car front glass 在 Plus Size Kitten Facebook 的精選貼文
JOBBIE GOING BANKRUPT VERY SOON💸💸💸…(A gift at the end for you)
In the midst of all the incoming covid-19☢ chaos, many of you would be wondering how is a small Malaysian peanut butter🥜 brand like us doing. Frankly and thankfully we’re doing much better than a lot of other businesses. We have support from many many many kind Malaysians capable of loving like mother Theresa.👩❤👨🙏😇
Due to the lockdown, all of our suppliers have closed down. Suppliers for the raw peanuts, glass bottles, label stickers, boxes, you named it they closed it. We tried many options and wanted to collaborate and help out all the other desperate SME’s like us. Unfortunately, despair was the only thing we saw in their eyes 👀as some silently count the days to their demise…It made us think, ARE WE NEXT? 💔☠🙈
In all desperation we have come up with a solution, a last resort, the season finale. We will be running a pre-order only for all our peanut butter for the next 45 days 📆
That’s true and we perfectly understand by now if you wish to stop reading and leave, but if you have not…the reason is very simple. As greedy as a fat-well-suited-capitalistic-businessman🐖, we need sales aka money💰 more than ever before. Every dollar and every cent we will have to find a way to get it from anyone we can find. By doing a 45 days preorder it'll help us keep afloat and negotiate better ways to deliver and fulfilling orders faster before we "meet our maker"!
Madihah, Lucas, Hanz, Victor, Debbie, Joseph🧕🧔👱♂🤵🙋♀🙋♂
These 6 people are as human as you are. They…like you go to work every day, punch their cards, finish their jobs, go back home 🏠 to their families 👪, sleep 😴and repeat. You guessed it right, these are the people working in a small company called Jobbie. They; like you, have dreams and fears of their own, they pay their taxes and bills, like you they need money to survive (sorry for being so realistic and materialistic but that’s the brutal truth 😢).
We do not want to 🔥 any of our employees, we do not want to leave this beautiful home of ours called Jobbie. As selfish as it sounds we really need all the help YOU can provide… 🙏
“WELL WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME”? You might ask…💁♀
Sadly speaking were not a big corporation🏢 yet, we can’t give big promos, or raise funds like a IPO company and give you our company shares because it might not be worth anything much at the moment (we don’t even know if we’ll survive the next few weeks). What we can do is provide our most sincerest gratitude and make sure we produce the best high quality peanut butter to you once all these lockdown is over! (Also a small gift from us right at the end of this post) So if you’re up for it, read on!
No matter how many loansharks🦈 the founders have to seek, we’ll definitely return and refund your payment in cash 🤑(online bank transfer) if we can’t fulfill your orders within a maximum wait time of 45days from the time you placed your orders, we’ll refund everything. Your trust and satisfaction is our top priority🙇♂🙇♀, even if we have to lose everything we’ll never betray your faith and compassion for us! In 45 days time.
If you’re not wearing your sarong, eating your freshly ground 100% all-natural peanut butter and watching Netflix in a maximum of 45days, your money will be transferred back to your bank account safely!
If everything ends differently from what we have planned so far and we could not rise from this battle…🔫⚔💪
This year 2020 marks the 6th year since Jobbie was born, we started from 0 selling in a mall that organised weekly small bazaars, stationed in a small booth right in-front of a public toilet🚽 (because the rental for that location was the cheapest). With a humble beginning starting from a 600sf flat, to a 900sf condo, to a 2000sf shop lot.🍻🎉🎊
The point is we do not blame any MakCik Kiah, Doreamon or government bodies. We started this with eyes wide open🤓, understanding its great potential to serve all Malaysian 🇲🇾with the most healthy and delicious peanut butter, together with all the risk and danger that came along with it! If this beautiful dream ends in the next few weeks, the only thing we want to tell you is…
“It has been an amazing ride serving many wonderful people like you (That’s if you’re still listening to our grandpa story up till now) for the past 6 years, we are immensely thankful for each and every one of our customers whom had been with us, allowing us to grow and learn while we improve by making many many mistakes 😄.” Even if you have bought a single bottle from us, we want to say “THANK YOU"! 💞💓
After the MCO, if we survive this you’ll definitely see us using the money you supported us with and putting it back in the product to provide you with the best quality while keeping it as affordable as we can. It will be the best peanut butter ever! #MakePeanutButterGreatAgain
You won’t see any of us driving a big BMW 🚘or wearing a expensive AF Rolex ⌚watches anytime soon. Heck even now the 3 founders are driving a 20 year old proudly made in Malaysia Proton Waja 🐅and a car that makes all dream possible-Myvi ✈️🚀🚢!
Many of you have told us you noticed our peanut butter tastes more potent/rich, our glass jars are getting thicker/heavier, our packaging looks more cantik as the years passed by. It’s all only possible because we reinvested every dime 💰back to thinking ways to make your lives better.
5 years from now we’ll definitely redefine natural 🍃peanut butter together and make our healthy PB that you chose the preferred choice. And commercial peanut butter that are injected💉 full with artificial BS that are harmful will be something everyone should avoid. All these would be possible with the warm hands you have so kindly reached out to us during these cold and unforgiving times! It’s us versus the world and all its cruel odds now! 🇲🇾⚔️🌎
As promise here is the gift 🎁
Promo code : LASTJOBBIE
Discount : RM10 off store-wide (no minimum order)
Period : 7/4/2020- 30/6/2020
Website : www.jobbienutbutter.com
car front glass 在 SHO STIME Youtube 的最佳貼文
GOLD BENZ 🔊🔊🔊🕺🕺🕺🌎🌏🌎
Jeder sollte tanzen und auf Tik Tok und Instagram posten.
Für die Welttour müssen wir mit allen zusammenarbeiten, um weiter zu expandieren.
SHO - 型落ちGold Benz
型落ちGold Benzダウンロード
iTunes.Spotify.LINE MUSIC その他多数配信会社よりリリース
Total Produced by S.TIME STYLE RECORDS
Mixing & Mastering by 太陽
Old GOLD BENZ(lyrics)
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Gold Benz used Benz Yeah Foohhhh
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
Running golden temple
Pour green curry on Coriander eat in the car
Check the leather seat immediately after eating to ensure they’re clean
Good lyrics come together because the Benz speakers are drip
My Lucky color is gold bling bling Good
Won’t stop don’t end can’t stop the time
Don’t yell don’t get mad can’t remove the car
Traffic jam around the city
Tailgating is dangerous
Drive safely
Bling bling bling bling bling bring my Benz is the shiny car they talk about it
Everyone looking at me because ICON
People don’t forget my sharpe sense
Big rims, big diamond ring on the tattoos hand hold the steering wheel
Getting more diamonds, dazzling and shining around
Use to be too busy to socialize, now making time for new experiences
My car take me to great places where I can hang out good people
Forget everything refresh go Straight a head full throttle
Simple elegance is sometimes best no dout
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
Not an S600 or 550
S350 just fine
Reliable comfortable affordable
All-in-all $22 thousand
I’m not thinking about the next car
I don’t make boo koo bucks
Breaking my limit
Reaching for the top
I released FOCUS album to show my stay of mind
Pointed front light
Taking the spotlight
I love latest W221 model
With the 21 inches Carlsson rim
Everyone appreciate Gold Benz
Everyone knows it’s SHO’s car
Celebrities treasure benz gang taste body line
Old S class is amazing
Pairs well in the back seat Champagne glass
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
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SHOの出演依頼は [email protected] までお気軽にメールください。(イベント、テレビ、雑誌、ラジオ、インターネットメディアなどなどブッキングをお待ちしております)

car front glass 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的精選貼文
Nissan today unveiled the Z Proto, signaling the company's intent to launch a new generation of the legendary Z sports car. Shown at a virtual event beamed around the world from the Nissan Pavilion in Yokohama, the prototype car features a new design inside and out, as well as a V-6 twin turbocharged engine with a manual transmission.
First hinted at in a video named "Nissan A-Z" in May, the Nissan Z Proto pays full respect to 50 years of Z heritage. At the same time, it's a thoroughly modern sports car.
"The Z, as a pure sports car, represents the spirit of Nissan," said Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida. "It's a key model in our Nissan NEXT transformation plan, and it's proof of our ability to do what others don't dare to do, from A to Z. As a Z fan myself, I'm excited to announce that the next Z is coming."
A global community of fans young and old attended today's virtual unveiling. Members of the Z Club in Japan, ZCON participants in Nashville, Tennessee, and enthusiasts in various other markets tuned in for the event.
Exterior: past meets future
Penned and developed by the design team in Japan, the Z Proto boasts a fresh, attractive exterior design with a silhouette that communicates respect for the original model. It sports a bright yellow pearlescent paint – a tribute to a popular paint scheme on both the first generation Z (S30) and the 300ZX (Z32) – and a black roof.
Combining a retro theme with one that also projected futurism was challenging, said Alfonso Albaisa, head of design at Nissan.
The shape of the hood and the canted, teardrop-shaped LED headlights are both unmistakable reminders of the original Z. The rectangular grille's dimensions are similar to the current model with the addition of oval grille fins to offer an updated modern look. The form continues to exude both sportiness and elegance.
The link to the original Z is most striking when viewing the Z Proto from the side. The roofline flows from the nose to the squared-off rear to create a distinctive first-generation Z profile whose rear edge was slightly lower than the front fender height giving the Z its unique posture. The signature transition from the rear quarter glass to the low-slung position of the rear tail adds to the effect.
The rear takes inspiration from the 300ZX (Z32) taillights, reinterpreted for the modern world. Set within a rectangular black section that runs across the rear and wraps around the outer edges, the LED taillights convey a sharp glow.
Lightweight carbon fiber treatments on the side skirts, front lower lip and rear valance ensure nimble performance. 19-inch alloy wheels and dual exhausts complete the Z Proto's striking road presence.
Interior: modern tech with a vintage touch
Designed to fit driver and passenger like a glove, the Z Proto's cabin seamlessly blends modern technology with vintage Z touches.
The interior design team sought advice from professional motorsports legends to give the Z Proto an ideal sports car cabin, both for road and track. This can be seen in the Z's instrumentation. All vital information is found in the 12.3-inch digital meter display and arranged to help the driver grasp it at a glance, such as the redline shift point at the twelve o-clock position.
The new, deep dish steering wheel offers the driver quick access controls without losing its vintage aesthetic.
Yellow accents are found throughout the cabin, including stitching on the instrument panel. The seats feature special yellow accenting and a layered gradation stripe in the center of the seats to create depth.
Sports car joy: an exhilarating, dynamic performer
The original Z was built to bring the joy and excitement of sports car ownership to as many people as possible.
Each new generation had a more powerful engine, although the Z is about more than power increases.
"Z is a balance of power and agility," Tamura continued. "It is a vehicle that creates a connection with the driver not just on the physical level, but emotionally, and responds to the driver's impulses."
Make no mistake though, the Z Proto packs a powerful punch. Under the elongated hood is an enhanced V-6 twin-turbocharged engine mated to a six-speed manual gearbox. As a prototype, work is now underway on synchronizing the power with the grace and control that has defined the Z for the past 50 years.
"With the launch this summer of the groundbreaking Ariya EV, we've started a new era of electrification and autonomous driving technology," said Uchida. "With the Z, we're bringing drivers the excitement of a pure sports car. For more than 50 years we have been creating the legend of Z together. I'm glad you're with us for the next exciting chapter. The new Z is on its way."
Z Proto specifications
Engine V-6 twin turbo
Transmission 6-speed manual
Length 4,382 mm
Width 1,850 mm
Height 1,310 mm
Wheel and tire size Front: 255/40R19

car front glass 在 SHO STIME Youtube 的最佳貼文
SHO - 型落ちGold Benz
型落ちGold Benzダウンロード
iTunes.Spotify.LINE MUSIC その他多数配信会社よりリリース
Total Produced by S.TIME STYLE RECORDS
Mixing & Mastering by 太陽
#GoldBenz #ベンツ #Benz
型落ちGOLD BENZ(歌詞)
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Gold Benz 中古のBenz Yeah Foohhhh
型落ち俺のBenz 今日も転がす中古のBenz
話題のGold Benz みんな振り向くヤバめのセンス
俺は変わってる 日本で浮いてる
個性出して行く Benz光ってる
マジで気に入ってる キャラに染まっていく
繰り返す売名 名前はSHOに改名(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
走る金閣寺 車内で食うグリーンカレー IN パクチー
食後汚れてないかレザーシートすぐ確認 Clean
時間止まらない 終わらない 止められない
車内怒鳴らない 怒らない 退けられない
車 都心は大渋滞避けられない
煽り運転ダメ 前の車焦らせない
型落ち俺のBenz 今日も転がす中古のBenz
話題のGold Benz みんな振り向くヤバめのセンス
俺は変わってる 日本で浮いてる
個性出して行く Benz光ってる
マジで気に入ってる キャラに染まっていく
繰り返す売名 名前はSHOに改名(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
S600 550ではなく
経済的 壊れない車内快適
取っ払う上限 掻っ攫う頂点
尖ったフロントライト 浴びるスポットライト
Carlsson wheelは21インチ
Gold Benzをみんなが認知
イカツイボディーライン セレブこれハマる
型落ち俺のBenz 今日も転がす中古のBenz
話題のGold Benz みんな振り向くヤバめのセンス
俺は変わってる 日本で浮いてる
個性出して行く Benz光ってる
マジで気に入ってる キャラに染まっていく
繰り返す売名 名前はSHOに改名(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
型落ち俺のBenz 今日も転がす中古のBenz
話題のGold Benz みんな振り向くヤバめのセンス
俺は変わってる 日本で浮いてる
個性出して行く Benz光ってる
マジで気に入ってる キャラに染まっていく
繰り返す売名 名前はSHOに改名(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
Old GOLD BENZ(lyrics)
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Gold Benz used Benz Yeah Foohhhh
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
Running golden temple
Pour green curry on Coriander eat in the car
Check the leather seat immediately after eating to ensure they’re clean
Good lyrics come together because the Benz speakers are drip
My Lucky color is gold bling bling Good
Won’t stop don’t end can’t stop the time
Don’t yell don’t get mad can’t remove the car
Traffic jam around the city
Tailgating is dangerous
Drive safely
Bling bling bling bling bling bring my Benz is the shiny car they talk about it
Everyone looking at me because ICON
People don’t forget my sharpe sense
Big rims, big diamond ring on the tattoos hand hold the steering wheel
Getting more diamonds, dazzling and shining around
Use to be too busy to socialize, now making time for new experiences
My car take me to great places where I can hang out good people
Forget everything refresh go Straight a head full throttle
Simple elegance is sometimes best no dout
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
Not an S600 or 550
S350 just fine
Reliable comfortable affordable
All-in-all $22 thousand
I’m not thinking about the next car
I don’t make boo koo bucks
Breaking my limit
Reaching for the top
I released FOCUS album to show my stay of mind
Pointed front light
Taking the spotlight
I love latest W221 model
With the 21 inches Carlsson rim
Everyone appreciate Gold Benz
Everyone knows it’s SHO’s car
Celebrities treasure benz gang taste body line
Old S class is amazing
Pairs well in the back seat Champagne glass
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
My old Benz
Keep on riding my Used Benz
Gold Benz everyone’s talking about it
Gold Benz turning heads for different sense
I’m different man
Different in Japan
Expand my world
My shining benz
I really love it
Act character
Keep my promotion
Changed name for SHO
(SHO⭕️ S.H.O❌)
SHO INSTAGRAM【sho_official365】
SHO twitter
SHO blog
SHO facebook page
SHO facebook
SHOの出演依頼は [email protected] までお気軽にメールください。(イベント、テレビ、雑誌、ラジオ、インターネットメディアなどなどブッキングをお待ちしております)