Would you like to know what kind of business concept our third finalist has in mind? The concept is a Bus Café Library, and the brains behind it is Ng Wei Kah, a lady from Bentong, Pahang.
As a frequent public transport user since young, buses have always held a special meaning for Wei Kah; however, that changed after she bought her first car. Since then, she has never stepped onto a bus, until one day...she drove pass a bus company and saw all the old and damaged buses set aside in a corner.
“Hey, since I’m an avid reader and coffee lover, why don’t I convert the bus into something I’m passionate about?” Wei Kah thought. And the idea of the Bus Café Library began to form, with hope that this will cultivate a reading habit too.
“My ideal choice would be the school bus because it’s spacious. It would be parked at a fixed location and the business would run as a self-service concept,” she added.
Wei Kah hopes to keep the business as environmentally friendly as possible i.e. to utilize natural air flow instead of air-conditioning, to have old school chairs and tables as furniture, to have book donations and book exchange programmes, etc.
“My target market would be youths, working professionals and coffee lovers. I hope to provide a cozy place where they can read books and enjoy a good cup of coffee,” she said.
One of the panel judges, Bryan Loo, CEO for Chatime, likes the business concept that blends in the green inspiration. “The only challenge I think, is the hot weather in Malaysia. She needs to think about how she can provide the most comfortable environment in such a small space. Besides, she also needs to be clear on how to develop the business into something sustainable, with proper short-term and long-term plans,” he said.
想不想知道“我要做波士”第三位入围者会为我们带来什么样的企业概念?是巴士咖啡图书馆,而概念背后的主人,就是Ng Wei Kah,一位土生土长的彭亨文冬人。
基于经常搭巴士上学与上班,因此Wei Kah一直都对巴士有着一种难言的情意结。可是,自从开车以后,就逐渐疏远了巴士,直到某一天……她在开车的途中,经过一家巴士公司,看见已经陈旧损坏的巴士都被搁置在一旁。
此外,Wei Kah也希望可以走环保式的生意路线,就比如说舍弃冷气,改吹自然风、运用学校的旧桌椅当傢俬、进行捐书与换书计划等等。
评委之一,Chatime的首席执行员Bryan Loo非常喜欢这个带绿化创意的企业概念。“我想,唯一需要仔细思考的挑战,就是我国炎热的天气,要如何在最小的空间达到最大的舒适度。同时,她也必须明确知道,该如何将它发展成永久性的生意模式,拟定短期与长期计划。”他说。