YES, my fellow performers, we survived 365 of the darkest days for theatre worldwide 🙏🏼 and the theatre community is slowly seeing a small "Pancaran Cahaya” as our arts scene is slowly coming back to life.
Our hearts bleed for those in the arts community who have lost their source of livelihood over the past year, and companies who have had to suffer cancellations and losses. We at Enfiniti weren’t spared either - we had to postpone Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical TWICE 😪 2020 to 2021 and now (insyaallah) to 2022. No shows mean no work for hundreds of people usually involved in a production like #PGLmusical. And NO BUSINESS to sustain a company of 20 plus staff like Enfiniti 😭
But TODAY, being World Theatre Day, my dearest brothers and sisters in the Arts Community, let’s spend today celebrating WHY we all chose to be performing artists. Pat yourselves on the back for all the stories you’ve shared, the joy you’ve brought to audiences who came to immerse themselves and lose themselves in the magic.
When this passes (soon, hopefully), we will all move into this next normal with a new sense of community, resilience, hope, and optimism. Now we know we need to stay open to new ideas, new technology, new ways of staging, and we will come out of this pandemic stronger than ever.
Let’s look forward to that day when we can celebrate the glory and magic of live performances together with all our wonderful audiences, once again.
Happy World Theatre Day!🎭🩰💃🏻