【exhibition openings】memorable moments in Hong Kong Heritage Museum #throwback
7 Oct 2020 ~ 22 Feb 2021
香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum
字裡圖間-香港印藝傳奇 Between the Lines – The Legends of Hong Kong Printing
20/20 香港版畫圖像藝術展 Hong Kong Print Art Exhibition
香港沙田文林路1號 一樓 專題展覽館三、四及五
1 Man Lam Road, Shatin, Hong Kong
1/F, Thematic Galleries 3, 4 & 5
#dittoditto #dittodittoworks #hongkong #letterpressprinting #letterpress #letterpresslove #letterpresshk #handprintingpress #chandlerandprice #chandlerandpriceletterpress #heidelbergwindmill #originalheidelberg #screenprinting #craftsmanship #artisans #illustration #香港 #活版印刷 #凸版印刷 #活版印刷好き #版畫 #香港文化博物館 #HongKongHeritageMuseum #字裡圖間 #BetweentheLinesTheLegendsofHongKong #2020HongKongPrintArtExhibition #HongKongPrintArtExhibition #PrintExhibition #ArtExhibition
chandlerandprice 在 ditto ditto Facebook 的最讚貼文
【our first museum exhibition】we are proud to be one of the exhibitors (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ Thank you for inviting us!
7 Oct 2020 ~ 22 Feb 2021
香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum
字裡圖間-香港印藝傳奇 Between the Lines – The Legends of Hong Kong Printing
20/20 香港版畫圖像藝術展 Hong Kong Print Art Exhibition
想發掘更多活字印刷及平版石印這兩種傳統印藝的有趣故事? 展覽除了向觀眾展現快將失傳的印刷技巧,亦介紹年青設計師如何以創意為活字及活版印刷帶來全新面貌,設計出新一代的印刷品。
香港沙田文林路1號 一樓 專題展覽館三、四及五
1 Man Lam Road, Shatin, Hong Kong
1/F, Thematic Galleries 3, 4 & 5
#dittoditto #dittodittoworks #hongkong #letterpressprinting #letterpress #letterpresslove #letterpresshk #handprintingpress #chandlerandprice #chandlerandpriceletterpress #heidelbergwindmill #originalheidelberg #screenprinting #craftsmanship #artisans #illustration #香港 #活版印刷 #凸版印刷 #活版印刷好き #版畫 #香港文化博物館 #HongKongHeritageMuseum #字裡圖間 #BetweentheLines #TheLegendsofHongKong #2020HongKongPrintArtExhibition #HongKongPrintArtExhibition #PrintExhibition #ArtExhibition