我係she.com嘅luxury版「luxshery」分享吓2款今年矚目嘅進化版威士忌 - The Macallan Rare Cask 和 Chivas Regal The Icon。無年份酒款係以另一個角度去欣賞single malt,由威士忌釀酒師去調配屬於蒸餾廠的味道,我覺得這方程式有點像香水,到底Chanel No.5是否你喜歡的那杯茶?
調和式威士忌(blended scotch whisky)並唔係唔罕有,有分量嘅進化版可索價約3萬一支,你又想唔想試吓?
My article in she.com's luxurious platform "luxshery", sharing about d 2 upgraded version whiskies - The Macallan Rare Cask & Chivas Regal The Icon. Non-age statement whisky is another way to appreciate whisky, tasting what the master distiller has blended to show u d unique taste of d distillery. It is like perfume to me. Is Chanel No. 5 ur cup of tea?
Blended scotch whisky can be very rare as well, it can be as expensive as about $30k per bottle! Do u wanna try?
Luxshery #whisky #singlemalt #themacallan #macallanrarecask #macallan #blendedscotchwhisky #scotch #chivasregal #chivas #theicon #chivastheicon #rare #crownroyal