《珍惜每一個平安的日子,昔日風華》Those Were The Days 俄文原版
*1968年膾炙人口的《Those Were the Days》,原本是一首俄羅斯歌曲《路漫漫》(Дорогой длинною),它的曲風浪漫,創作於二十世紀二十年代初,作曲者是Boris Fomin(鮑里斯·福明),填詞者是詩人 Konstantin Podrevskii(康斯坦丁·波德列夫斯基),歌曲描述了懷有浪漫理想主義的年輕人對往事的回憶。
之後,此曲流傳到國外,被一位英國詩人Gene Raskin填上英文歌詞,並正式取名《Those Were the Days》。
1968年,它續經民謠歌手Mary Hopkin錄唱,榮登上了英國熱門排行榜的冠軍。
Once upon a time there was a tavern1
Where we used to2 raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do也曾經幻想著自己的未來那些偉大的夢想
Those were the days my friend
我親愛的的朋友 那是一段往日時光
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose我們可以擊倒一切 不嚐敗績
For we were young and sure to have our way
因為當時的我們那麼年輕 以為我們必將走上自己的路
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la
Then the busy years went rushingby us
We lost our starry notions on the way
人生過程中 我們失去當年如星星一般閃亮的夢想
If by chance8 I’d see you in the tavern
如果 我剛巧在小酒館再遇見妳
We'd smile at one another9 and we'd say
然後 我們會一起唱著
Those were the days my friend
我的朋友 那是一段往日時光
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
我們以為可以以自己選擇的生活方式而活 著
We'd fight and never lose我們可以打敗一切 未嘗敗績
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
那一段時光啊 是的 就是那一段時光
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
今晚 我又佇立於在小酒館前
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection10
Was that lonely woman really me?
那個寂寞的女人 真的是我嗎!?
Those were the days my friend
我的朋友 那是一段往日時光
We thought they'd never end我們曾經天真的以為它永遠持續
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
我們可以為自己選擇的生活方式而活 著
We'd fight and never lose我們戰鬥一切未嘗敗績
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days是那一段往日時光啊 是的 就是那一段往日時光
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la
Through the door there came familiar11 laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
啊 我親愛的的老友 我們已經老去 但未必更有智慧
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same因為在妳我心中
Those were the days my friend
我的朋友 那是一段往日時光
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
我們可以為自己選擇的生活方式而活 著
We'd fight and never lose我們戰鬥未嘗敗績
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
是的 往日時光啊 是的 往日時光
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-》 雲雀 作詞:梶浦由記 作曲:梶浦由記 編曲:梶浦由記 歌:ASCA 翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel) 意譯:CH(CH Music Channel) 版權聲明: 本頻道不握有任何音樂所有權,亦無任何營利,一...
choose one翻譯 在 聽施姐的話-施菲亞Feiya Facebook 的精選貼文
巴夏:2020年,待在暴風眼!2019-12-31 翻譯:笑笑以下是巴夏在12月8日傳訊的最新內容
All right, I'll say good day to you this day of your time日安!
How are you all!大家好啊!
This transmission has been titled 2020, The Eye Of The Storm.這次傳訊的標題為《2020,暴風眼之年》
We would at this time like to get a little bit serious with you現在,我們要和大家聊一點“嚴肅serious”的東西
Not the star system so much倒不是“天狼星Sirus”那麼嚴肅Serious
But have what would amount perhaps to be a Heart-To-Heart可以說是“敞開心扉,傾心相談”的嚴肅Serious
For what's coming up is very important, in terms of your timing.因為即將發生的事,從你們的時機看來,非常重要!
We have said that your year of 2020 is a pivotal point in what you call your history我們曾經說過,2020年,是你們歷史上的關鍵年
You are shifting through a very particular moment, crossing a very particular threshold.你們正在經歷 一個非常特殊的時期,正在跨越 一個非常特殊的門檻
And so at this timing, it is important for certain states of being to be paramount within you所以,在這期間,讓自己內心保持在的某個特定的狀態,非常的重要!
To help you through this time, to help you cross that threshold in a positive and constructive manner這能夠幫助你,以積極正面的、建設性的方式,度過這段時間,跨過這個門檻
For what comes after will be predicated, very strongly on what you do and who you are in 2020因為,2020年之後發生的事,非常大程度上,取決於你在這一年裡,你是誰?以及,你做了什麼?
We will reinforce the ideas we are about to share with you at the end of this transmission in your holotope meditation in a very particular way在此次傳訊結尾的全息冥想環節中,我們會用一種非常特殊的方式,將我們接下來要分享的觀念,強化到你們意識之中
But for now, we would like each and every one of you to know但現在,我們希望你們每一個人都知道:
how important it is for you to truly be yourselves in the coming year.在未來的一年裡,做真實的自己,有多麼地重要!
How important it will be for you to make decisions that are in alignment with your best discernment做清晰的抉擇,明智的決定,對你來說,有多麼地重要!
How important it will be and how important it is for you to remain at the center of the storm保持在暴風雨的中心,對你來說,有多麼地重要!
Because if I may use some of your colloquial language.因為,用一句你們“俗話”來講
2020 is going to be nuts.2020年,真是“見鬼”了(Nuts堅果、瘋狂)
It's going to be crazy!2020年,會很瘋狂的!
And it is of paramount importance that you remain, if you wish to be on a certain train, in the eye of the storm, where it's calm, where peace and solitude rains,所以,如果你希望坐上某列火車,如果你希望待在暴風雨的中心,處在一個寧靜和平,可以怡然自樂、悠然自得的環境裡
where even though you may see the storm raging all around you, swirling around you, thundering and lightning all around you.即使你可能看見四周烏云密布、電閃雷鳴、狂風暴雨、席捲八方
It is more important than ever before, and more important than it will be for quite a long time.那麼,極其重要的,也比以往都重要的多的,並且,在很長一段時間裡,也都越發重要的
During this crossing, during this threshold. During this pivotal year就是在這個過渡階段,在這個門檻上,在這個關鍵一年裡
To be at peace within yourself, to be calm within yourself保持內心和平,保持心態平靜
To be centered within the eye of the storm讓自己待在暴風雨的中心位置
So we would highly encourage each and every one of you to really take stock of who you really are所以,我們強烈鼓勵你們每一個人,好好思量一下:你到底是誰?
And what kind of decisions you really choose to make你真正選擇做什麼樣的決定?
And how they are or are not in alignment with what you truly wish your world to be.以及,它們與你真正希望的世界,是否相符合一致?
We will give you a suggestion that may assist我們提供一個建議,可能對你們有所助益
For most of you are at least to some degree familiar with what we have told you about因為你們中的大多數人,曾聽我們說過,也在一定程度上熟悉:
how our world functions?我們的世界,是如何運作的?
who we are in simple terms?我們是什麼樣的人?
what we stand for?我們代表著什麼?
and what reality we are encouraging you to align with,以及,我們一直鼓勵著你們,調頻到什麼樣的實相去?
So that you can experience eventually more contact with us and us with you.從而使得最終,你們可以與我們有更多的接觸,我們也能夠更多地與你們接觸
It is crucial, critical in this coming year to set the stage, to set the foundation for the years to come after那麼,在明年,你們就要做好準備、打好基礎,因為這非常重要,也非常關鍵
With the state of being that represents that which is most harmonious with the vibration we have shared with you, that is representative of our reality,調整你們的狀態,讓自己與我們曾分享的、象徵著我們的實相的振頻,保持著最佳的和諧共振
if you wish to have a reality, to shift to a version of earth where we can interact openly and freely with each other, in beauty, in harmony, in creativity, in love只有這樣,你們才能在未來的歲月裡,穿越到一個與我們能夠公開、自由地接觸的實相,才能夠擁有一個美麗、和諧、充滿創造力、充滿愛的實相
And to have the ability to look deep within yourselves並且,你們還需要深入自己內心,看清自己
And not allow the idea of fear-based opinion to supersede your deep-seated knowledge of who you actually prefer to be, and what kind of a world you prefer to live in不要讓那些基於恐懼的思想,佔據你們對自我的深層次希望(喜好)的認知,也就是,你們希望(喜好)成為什麼樣的人,以及生活在什麼樣的世界裡
So we encourage you at any time in this coming year, when you allow yourself to stay at peace and be calm in the eye of the storm所以,我們鼓勵你,在明年的任意時刻,當你身處暴風眼之中,當你心平氣和、氣定神閒時
To think好好想想看:
of what it would be like if you were>如果你是我們中的一員,如果你來自我們的星球,卻生活在地球上,那麼,你會做什麼樣的決定?
How would we respond to the things that happened and come up the circumstances and situations and opportunities that will arise in your year of 2020如果是我們,將會如何應對2020年地球上發生的事,碰到的情況,遇到的機會?
And to come from that center of balance and peace and calm and solitude and assurance and confidence and knowingness靜心獨處,讓自己進入平衡的中心位置,進入和平、寧靜、篤定、自信和覺知的狀態
And come from there, in your actions,然後,以這樣的狀態出發,去行動
in your relations, in your understanding of others that you may encounter on your journey以這樣的狀態去處理你的(人際)關係,去理解你在這段旅途中可能遇到的其他人
And to not settle for those things that you think in your opinion are the things that would serve when you know in your heart they may not不要(委屈自己),勉強接受那些你腦袋認為可能對你有所助益的東西,而事實上,你內心清楚地知道,它們並無助益
Create the vision of the world that you would really prefer to live in創造一個“你希望(喜好)生活於其中的世界?”的願景(發個大願)
A world that contains the ability to interact with us and other beings like us一個讓你們能夠與我們,以及其他類似我們的存在體,自由交流互動的世界
That contains the ability to expand your senses, instead of contracting them一個讓你們可以“擴展”你們覺知力的世界,而不是“壓縮”你們覺知力的世界
So that you may receive as a more receptive antenna, higher frequency information這樣的話,你們就會像一個更加靈敏的天線一樣,接收到更高頻率的信息
By remaining in the center, in the eye of the storm, you will be far more capable of being receptive to the images and the information and the messages that we are always constantly sending通過讓自己立於中心位置,處在暴風眼之中,你們將極大增強自己的接收能力,完全能夠接收到我們持續不斷地傳送給你們的畫面、信息與消息
Remember this!記住這句話!
Remember this!記住它!
Remember this!一定記住它!
And take it to heart.並,銘記於心
We never leave you.我們,從未離開過你們!
It is you that leave us!而是你們,(選擇)遠離我們
So choose the vibration, the frequency, the energy if you wish to have that kind of a world that represents what you believe we would do所以,在面對即將到來的暴風雨中可能出現的各種情況時,(想想看)如果我們是你,如果你是我們,你認為,我們會怎麼做?
if we were you, if you were us, in all the situations that may arise in the upcoming storm如果你想要擁有這樣的世界,那麼,就選擇這個振動,這個頻率,這樣的能量吧!
Stay in the center待在暴風眼的中間
And no matter how it may seem to swirl around you. No matter how scary it may seem.不論四周看似多麼地“摧枯拉朽、翻天覆地”,不論讓人感覺多麼地“觸目驚心、毛骨悚然”
Be discerning of the vibration of those with whom you associate, of those that you would align with that in no way shape or form represent the world that in your heart of hearts you truly prefer to experience.對於那些與你有往來、有聯繫、頻率有所糾纏的人,你要“擦亮眼睛”,明辨出他們是否象徵著(符合)你真心實意想要體驗的世界
Now, of course, it is always up to you to make the choices that you believe are true for you當然了,哪一個才是你認為對自己最為正確的選擇,由你自己決定
And we would never tell you to do otherwise,我們也絕對不會叫你“另作他選”
All we do is encourage you to understand我們所做的,只是鼓勵(促進)你們明白:
That if you wish to align with a version of earth that we are aligned with in your future. And have the interactions and the freedom to play among the stars with us
That you choose to remain in the eye of the storm. No matter what rages around you
And that you look deep within your heart of hearts
And make choices,
Be strong, be courageous and be at peace in the upcoming time, in the crossing of the threshold
For everything thereafter will take its cue from the seed you plant that year.
We are always magnifying and amplifying the energies through the different vortices of your planet
to help balance your world and give you a greater opportunity to slide smoothly across that threshold
We have been talking about times of transition now for quite some time on your planet
And as we already have experienced with you things are changing rapidly on your world.
And as we have said they will only get crazier in the year to come.
So do not make the measure of who you are as a being by what you see swirling around you
Make that measure by who you know you prefer to be
And stay in the center of the eye
Where the calmness and the peace in your heart and your mind, your soul, your spirit
will allow you to have the resolve to stand firm in what you know to be true.
Really true, deep within your soul, deep within your hearts
So that you can let go of those things that are truly not vibrationally compatible with the world you prefer to create.
There will always be another path.
Just because sometimes your choices may seem limited doesn't mean they actually are.
There is always a third alternative!
So let yourself be at peace enough
to find it, to see it, to walk it, together in harmony and unison and love.
We will crystallize this idea again in the meditation at the end of this transmission
But for now, we wanted to have this heart-to-heart with you.
但現在,我們想和你們 以心傳心、心心相印
And if you simply want to allow yourself to simplify everything we have just said
So that you can make your choices, your decisions and discernment more easily
Then once again, I simply remind you
And it can be any name in this position that is representative of the same kind of energy, of the energy of your higher mind
It doesn't have to be specifically us
But if you're confused at any point
If you feel yourself being tugged away from that center at any point.
Just ask
What would the Essassani people do?
And do that
And you will be fine and back in the center
For you know us well enough to know what we would choose
Up to you.
We thank you for allowing us to have this heart-to-heart with you
And in return for that gift, we ask how may we continue to be of service to you now in your dialogues and question作為回禮,我們非常樂意,在接下來的對話環節,繼續為大家服務!
Please begin as you so desire請隨心開問!
choose one翻譯 在 十二葉 Facebook 的最讚貼文
四月八日,WHO 秘書長譚德塞於正式場合,公開針對台灣發表長達三分鐘的不實發言,此事件引起台灣民眾高度關注。發起團隊決定透過嘖嘖群眾集資平台,集資刊登紐約時報廣告,希望透過大眾的支持,以贊助者共同名義,向世界發出一個訊息: “Who can help? Taiwan.”
在不到一天的集資期間內,集資專案獲得 26,980 人的贊助支持,平均每二秒有一人投入支持。在嘖嘖集資平台與貝殼集器的計畫專頁,集資啟動至今累積超過兩百萬人次的瀏覽,充分顯示台灣人對於公眾事務的參與熱情。刊登於紐時的廣告文案,先經過所有關注者的投票選擇版本與提供建議後,也經過深諳國際關係和外交事務的專業人士細修推敲。文案定稿後,接著是多達五個版本的視覺討論與紐時閱報者的識讀力定位,廣告最終於 #今日美國時間上午於紐約時報紙本平板與線上同步露出
WHO can help?
In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity
You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.
We know what you are going through. We know how hard it is.
Taiwan, having been devastated by the SARS epidemic in 2003, knows.
Taiwan, having been isolated from the World Health Organization, knows.
That is why we are contributing to international efforts by sharing how we contained the outbreak, kept our schools and businesses open, and ensured masks for all.
In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical workers around the world and has worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.
Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.
Because we are here to help.
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
Learn more about Taiwan’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. https://taiwancanhelp.us
圖像語意 ——
2.「WHO can help? 」下方洞口圖像:
Taiwan can help,這件事沒有人能孤立。
依據集資贊助者的投票結果,剩餘款項約 1,500 萬的 45.82%,將用於數位廣告宣傳「Taiwan can help」;31.97% 將捐助國內醫療器材或資源;22.20% 將捐助國外醫療器材或資源。合計將有過半的款項直接捐助並協助國內外的防疫行動。
在世界共同對抗疫情的此刻,發起團隊全體成員想跟 26,980 團隊的贊助夥伴,以及所有支持我們的熱血朋友、網友再次強調,本次參與企劃、執行、設計、翻譯的團隊以及嘖嘖平台與貝殼集器均為完全義務參與,絕不會在執行計畫中謀求任何利益。
choose one翻譯 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
《ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-》
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
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Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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背景 / Background - Ending scene from the anime :
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
大事なものをいつも 私は間違えるの
微笑みに みんな何かを隠してる
もう誰も知らない 約束がひとつ
物語の始まりと 終わりを繋いでた
呼び合っているような 雲雀の声だけ遠く
雲の向こうへ 草原に優しい影を残して
ねえ 本当はいつだって 光の中にいたよね
愛の形を 見つけにゆくの
羽を休めることを 雲雀は知らないの
ひたむきな 風を選んで 天高く
太陽の元へと 駆け上がるようだと
子供たちが指さした 光の道しるべ 空へ
懐かしくあどけない 悲しみを捨ててゆこう
ひとすじ空へ舞い上がる 翼に心をのせて
ねえ 本当はいつだって 一人は寂しいからね
大事なものは ひとつじゃないの
呼び合っているような 雲雀の声だけ遠く
雲の向こうへ 草原に優しい影を残して
ねえ 本当はいつだって光の中にいたよね
辿りつきたい ところがあるの
愛の形を 見つけにゆくの
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
As always I misunderstand what really is important
Everyone seems to hide something behind those smiles
There is a promise that no one knows
Connecting the beginning and the ending to complete a story
Far away echoes only the Skylark's song calling each other
Heading to the cloud, leaving a gentle shadow on the grassland
Hey, the truth is you have always been in the light
The you who's been searching to find the form of love
The Skylarks has never rested their wings
They choose the relentless wind,
And soar to the sky
Flying up high to where the sun lies
The children pointed their fingers
Guiding them to the path of the light
To the sky..
Let's throw these pains away
By reminiscing about our nostalgic and innocent days
Put your heart on the wings and soar to the sky
Hey, you who always alone,
The truth is you're also surrounded by sadness
The most important thing is not just one,
Far away echoes only the Skylark's song calling each other
Heading to the cloud, leaving a gentle shadow on the grassland
Hey, the truth is you have always been in the light
The place you've been searching for always
The you who's been searching to find the form of love...
choose one翻譯 在 Halo Mackey 文具口袋 Youtube 的精選貼文
XS Energy drink's Vending Machine in Auckland | XS能量飲料
Hello everyone! This is a small video aabout a year ago when I was in Auckland , I think it will be really wasted if I just keep in inside my computer~ Because I really like to drink XS. If let me choose, I hope there will be unlimited supply of XS energy drinks in my house everyday ~~~~ I really think it's a very good drink because it minimise the harm of soda that does to our body~
Why XS Energy Drink
The first energy drink is " sugar-free "
The first energy drink has " a variety of tastes ."
The first energy drink is to add a "variety of natural vitamin B "
The first energy drink so that the public venture ! Last year, more than 40 countries worldwide marketing , has created $ 150 million in business opportunities , XS unlimited business opportunities !
See you in the next video ^^
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
▼ My Favourite Circle Lenses ▼
Brown/Hazel Circle Lens: http://goo.gl/mtCaUv
Dark Brown Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/AsEDK3
Grey Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/E1fmWG
COUPON Code : MacnificentLife
Get ONE free mysterious gift for every pair of lenses you purchased :)
▼ Lighting Equipment that I use ▼
My Bestie teach me how to DIY this amazing Ring Light, send her some love(tell her Mac send you^^): http://goo.gl/wqcSF4
Daylight: Free...
▼ Discounter Websites I shop at! ▼
• Earn CASH for shopping online on EBATES http://goo.gl/sfZdT5
ie. 3.5% Kate Spade, 6% Ulta, 8% Sephora and SO Much More! ;)
→ GILT https://goo.gl/YT0PF1
→ RueLaLa https://goo.gl/RltMFo
→ HauteLook http://goo.gl/sL3jRs
→ Nordstrom Rack http://goo.gl/uVJBHR
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Connect with Mac here~ :)
B L O G ➳ http://halomackey.blogspot.sg/
I N S T A G R A M ➳ https://instagram.com/halomackey
F A C E B O O K ➳ https://www.facebook.com/halomackey
E M A I L ➳ halomackey@gmail.com
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
F T C Disclaimer ➳ This video is NOT sponsored. My honest opinion as always. Xoxo :)
◆關鍵詞 / Keyword
xs energy drink, energy, drinks, energy drink, auckland, vending machine, usa, america, calcium, wake up drink, california, sports drink,
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