有關媒體報導本會要求國民黨提出 #台灣省黨部資料 之情形,有不實指稱,本會說明如下:
因此,國民黨移交政大託管的台灣省黨部文件系列檔案並非只是內部文書,其中可能包含促轉條例所規定應移歸為 #國家檔案 之 #政治檔案。
因此,本會在今(109)年7月再次函請國民黨補正通報,但國民黨仍函復「並無其餘檔案可通報」。本會並於今年發現,國民黨已將 #未通報 之「 #省黨部檔案」 #自行搬遷至政大,且有再行搬遷之規劃。
鑑於國民黨 #通報不實,有 #隱匿檔案疑慮,為避免影響政黨持有政治檔案之審定,及政治檔案開放之規劃與推動,甚至因國民黨與政大對這批檔案的再次搬移而導致檔案毀損滅失,促轉會秉持最大善意與誠意,於日前拜會政大,希望校方協助進行政治檔案審定作業,確保可於現地保全檔案原件,於促轉會審定過程中不會搬移或毀損滅失,並於拜會時提出就地封存等調查該批檔案之可行方案,或至少由校方保證不讓國民黨取回,但校方均以與國民黨有協議為由,堅決反對本會於該校進行任何調查措施。
本會基於尊重校園自治,認為相較於進入校園逕為行使調查權,命國民黨與政大自行提出檔案,對校園干擾較小,且國民黨與政大依法亦應配合。然而政大卻未積極配合相關調查與審定工作,反以其與國民黨間的合作契約書來規避本會之調查;校方甚至不願配合行政機關依法行使調查權,反要求本會依循一般讀者管道申請閱覽,然本會之 #依法調查 與 #一般讀者申請閱覽 之性質判然有別,且目前校方僅完成部分目錄可供查詢,故本會需透過調查手段取得完整檔案,以審慎進行檔案審定工作。
clarify釐清 在 大學生 BIG Student Facebook 的最佳解答
#大學生夥伴 商僧文摘 《某J管顧系列文 5》什麼是真正的問題? 讀BCG論點思考
「問題找對了,才是問題解決的關鍵。公司總說,Case interview是考察一個人問題解決能力的過程,但剛開始練習的時候,我只覺得這更像一場表演,Repeat the situation, clarify the question, draw the framework, synthesis, identify potential risk, conclude with next step.
在做了一些項目以後,把BCG論點思考、假說思考這兩本書重讀一遍,才發現原來case interview的本意在此。知道什麼才是真正的問題,並且帶著假說(hypothesis)去尋找解決方案正是一個合格的顧問應具備的能力。」—— #商僧文摘
🔹本文分享自 #工作實習打工心得版
#BCG論點思考 #論點 #邏輯思考 #找對問題 #解決問題
clarify釐清 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的精選貼文
祝 平安健康
中央研究院院長 廖俊智 20200322
To all our friends,
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the concern you have shown towards Academia Sinica. I understand that everyone is very concerned about the cluster infection resulting from an imported case. Nonetheless, we have been able to track down people who had contact with this individual and have implement enhanced epidemic control measures, so there is no need to be overly concerned. All colleagues sharing a workplace with the confirmed case have started working from home for two weeks until further notice. Other colleagues are also advised to stay home for work or rest should they feel any sort of discomfort.
I understand that as the number of cases arises so do the unease and fear within us all. Although we might bear an urge to unveil the privacy of the confirmed case, avoiding the subject altogether leads to speculation, rumor, and distrust. Each course of action leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is critical to reach a balance between both options. The decisions we make will mark our progress as a mature society in battling against the virus.
The outbreak of this epidemic has brought relentless challenges to our world, yet in this struggle we are neither clueless nor without power. Apart from striving to find solutions through scientific research, we should also consider this an opportunity to show our solidarity through caring and reaching out to encourage each other. Please refrain from any verbal attacks related to the confirmed cases, colleagues from the same institute, and family members. It is during these darkest of times that we should do our utmost to maintain a sense of reason, support each other, and treasure the trust in our own humanity.
While it may be inevitable that we experience fear as this unpredictable epidemic unfolds, in my opinion the key to our victory is the accumulation of greater knowledge. We should take the initiative to learn about how the virus spreads and infects others, and if you are interested how it evolves plus its relations with human beings. It might not be a bad idea to make good use of the extra time at home in recent days to nourish oneself with such knowledge.
As we become more familiar with this virus and clarify the facts about the epidemic, we should also manifest the sincerity and brilliance of our human nature, work together in earnest collaboration and show enduring tolerance for any possible flaws. Let us patiently communicate with those who disagree, and show the greatest support for people with confirmed cases.
The virus has confronted us with a completely new set of challenges, and we must make very difficult decisions with limited information and time. This not only impels us to exceed our limits in scientific pursuits but also tests our wisdom in the face of adversity while reminding us to share our selfless spirit with society.
It has been a tough fight, and we are all in this together. Once again, I would like to thank the public for its warm regards. While testing the limits of human knowledge, the coronavirus also allows us to reflect upon the links between individuals, society, the nation, and the environment. A long and perilous journey lies ahead, so let us persist in our efforts, protecting ourselves while sympathizing with others.
With Warmest Wishes for Peace and Good Health,
James C. Liao
Academia Sinica President
clarify釐清 在 釐清英文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 的推薦與評價
tw.blog.voicetube.com.釐清- Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果釐清. pinying[li2 qing1]. to clarify (the facts);clarification. 相關詞... 我收到貴公司的來信,我必須 ... ... <看更多>
clarify釐清 在 釐清英文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 的推薦與評價
tw.blog.voicetube.com.釐清- Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果釐清. pinying[li2 qing1]. to clarify (the facts);clarification. 相關詞... 我收到貴公司的來信,我必須 ... ... <看更多>
clarify釐清 在 許藍方博士Dr. Gracie - 有些事需要時間…… 釐清。 To clarify ... 的推薦與評價
有些事需要時間⋯⋯ 釐清。 To clarify something by heart. #pinkcat #timeflow #accompany G. Hsu. ... <看更多>