The littlest in our family turned FOUR in December last year. Yup, he might be four but this boy still asks me to call him "Baby", clings onto me like a koala, likes to be carried, drinks from a milk bottle, runs to me when he is scared, wets the bed now and then, pronounces some words wrongly yet makes it so cute and in more ways than one, he is still very much my baby boy.
We had a very busy year end because of our mum-and-kids cruise, our family trip to Langkawi and our big group outing to Club Med Bintan. The boy's party happened just a couple of days after we came back home but thankfully, despite a drizzle at the start of the day, it all went well and he enjoyed every moment of it. What is the key to the success of our parties? Well, we keep them cosy and simple.
For his 4th birthday, we decided to go for a Batman theme. Our friends were asking me if he really likes Batman but the truth is I chose it because of his hand-me-down Batman swimsuit which he would be wearing for the poolside BBQ party. Haha. The thing is this boy has no preference for now and he is happy with everything I arrange for him - all he wants to do is play, eat and have fun with his friends and blow out candles on his birthday cake. Yup, I hope he stays so easily contented always. Here's sharing more about his Batman party and all the thing we did!
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【#套票】Club Med推出春夏季早鳥優惠,各地度假村套票低至六折起,仲全包住食玩,真係好吸引呀!記得係優惠名額未用曬之前趁早預訂,愈早訂愈著數,保證最優惠價格!
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club med group 在 又飛啦! Facebook 的最佳解答
🎊 嘩!Club Med套票半價起咁著數@@!🎊
今個夏天想過二人世界享受陽光海灘?定係想同小朋友擁有不一樣的旅遊體驗?咁不如去Club Med度假啦!佢哋推出夏天超級優惠,指定地方套票低至半價起,真係好吸引呀!其中以北海道TOMAMU度假村及馬爾代夫卡尼島就最吸引!鍾意新嘅可以試吓意大利切法盧度假村,將於今年夏天重新開幕,未試過嘅真係要試吓呀!
Club Med係一個「一價全包」嘅概念,即係話俾咗錢,入面早午晚三餐全包,全日飲品及小食任食,仲包度假村內娛樂設施、兒童俱樂部等,晚間又有表演活動。如果有小朋友嘅家庭仲可將囝囝囡囡交俾Club Med嘅G.O(即係親善大使)湊住,參與專為小朋友而設嘅活動,父母就可真正享受假期啦!
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