Before the year ends, there is so many people from different fields of my life i would like to thank for, so 'ayam' gonna spam so many thank you posts until 11.59pm lol.
Starting with Cosplay, i know i might not be active as the year before but i am slowly trying to get back on my feet again. There are many contributing factors to my inactivity in the scene. First of all confidence issues, i'm not imba or anything compared to all the other cosplayers out there who have a whole army following them around in events (that scares the shit outta me, really), i don't have big boobies to flash to gain followers (apologies for being flat), I can't make props to save my life and let alone making amours isn't my forte (i'll leave them to my skilled buddies like Helios E (y) ).
There are so many things i am lacking off, but one thing i came to realized during my period of hiatus, what made me the person i am in cosplay scene today is just being myself, for the past 10 years of just making costumes and portraying each character the best i can is the least i could do to make up for my lacking in other areas. And i DO have a life outside of cosplay, my world isn't as shallow as most famous people i know. I am experiencing life as a normal working adult with responsibilities & struggles whom strive to find a place in this world.
Opportunities for me to practice my skills as a proper fashion & costume designer aside from just "cosplay".
That i am grateful for, indeed cosplay has opened a platform for my career but it can't always hold me up forever as it eventually crumbles away in time.
In that mean time, this is where i search for solid greener pastures.
And i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who followed my progress throughout the years, watched my grow, b*tch about everything, fall hard on my knees and picked myself back up again.
People whom i can really call friends for they understand my situation, they do not hold grudge against unforeseen plan changes/ postponing but instead in the future pick up where we left off even if it takes us 2-3 years. Thank you.
For the crazy ones who put up with me & impromptu plans, you guys know very well who you are lol hope we still have the energy to pull off crazy stunts like these in 2016 XD
With that i end my long post, which i doubt anyone reads but heck , it's for my "syiok sendiri" moment lol wtf.