话说昨天刚为安缇安蝴蝶饼品牌推出的“巨无霸香肠秀” 反应不错,然后有人开始讨论这个限量版包装设计花了多久时间设计。。。其实一开始并没计划特制任何限量版包装,只不过在4星期前突然不懂sot了哪条根,有个想法把Logo弄成像灯泡的设计(之前设计该“秀”其他POSM时都完全没想到),试了之后发现不赖,就在几小时里与设计师Finalize设计、协调牵连单位、拿到上头批准、确定印刷数量、赶上运输行程。。。之后就是4星期后的昨天起你在全国分店看到的这个限量包装。这应该是我这么久以来在最短时间内完成并推出市场的包装设计,有惊无险成品还蛮满意的,惊喜的是在某个角度灯光下还能看到若影若现的砖块立体感,谢谢各单位配合以及上司的信任!感恩呐~ A packaging design which not in plan at 1st place, but suddenly got the inspiration and took few hours time to start ideation, design, approval, FA, color proof, and proceed printing .... it’s the limited edition packaging for “Jumbo Sausage Show” campaign which just started yesterday and you can see from Auntie Anne's Malaysia outlets started from yesterday until while stock last! Perhaps, this could be the design which I used the shortest time to get it done. Thanks to whoever got involved and coped with it on my crazy decision within a short notice, thanks to my superior who trusted me on the outcome. So, wait what? Come enjoy the “Show” la Wei 🤣.
#LimitedEdition #WhileStockLast
#没有最疯只有更疯 🤣
crazydecisioninshortnotice 在 Workaholic Dickson 蔡迪伸 Facebook 的最佳解答
话说昨天刚为安缇安蝴蝶饼品牌推出的“巨无霸香肠秀” 反应不错,然后有人开始讨论这个限量版包装设计花了多久时间设计。。。其实一开始并没计划特制任何限量版包装,只不过在4星期前突然不懂sot了哪条根,有个想法把Logo弄成像灯泡的设计(之前设计该“秀”其他POSM时都完全没想到),试了之后发现不赖,就在几小时里与设计师Finalize设计、协调牵连单位、拿到上头批准、确定印刷数量、赶上运输行程。。。之后就是4星期后的昨天起你在全国分店看到的这个限量包装。这应该是我这么久以来在最短时间内完成并推出市场的包装设计,有惊无险成品还蛮满意的,惊喜的是在某个角度灯光下还能看到若影若现的砖块立体感,谢谢各单位配合以及上司的信任!感恩呐~ A packaging design which not in plan at 1st place, but suddenly got the inspiration and took few hours time to start ideation, design, approval, FA, color proof, and proceed printing .... it’s the limited edition packaging for “Jumbo Sausage Show” campaign which just started yesterday and you can see from Auntie Anne's Malaysia outlets started from yesterday until while stock last! Perhaps, this could be the design which I used the shortest time to get it done. Thanks to whoever got involved and coped with it on my crazy decision within a short notice, thanks to my superior who trusted me on the outcome. So, wait what? Come enjoy the “Show” la Wei 🤣.
#LimitedEdition #WhileStockLast
#没有最疯只有更疯 🤣