Welcome submit your research from all around the world, HITCON 2020 is the great chance to publish your research and exchange ideas with other great hackers. To link our main theme "Herd Immunity for Cybersecurity", we call for paper including but not limited to following topics:
Malware: Malware Analysis, Malware Development, APT/Cybercrime, Ransomware, Reverse Engineering
Exploit: Red Team, Bug Bounty, Exploit Development, Fuzzer, Wormable Vulnerability, Web AppSec
IoT: IoT security, IoT Protection, IoT Hacking & Exploit, IIoT security, Hardware Reversing Engineering, Radio Hacking
5G Security
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hacking: Data Science for Security, Machine Learning (ML) & AI for Security, Hacking ML & AI, ML&AI Reasoning and Interpretation
Incident Response: Blue Team, CSIRT&PSIRT Operations, Threat Hunting, Threat Intelligence
Enterprise Security: Cyber Security Framework, Cyber Range, Cyber Defense Verifications, Breach Attack Simulation, Patch Management
Talent Education: CTF, Cyber Range
Submit Now ---> https://cfp2020.hitcon.org/
HITCON 2020 Important Dates:
Submission starting date: 6 May 2020
Submission deadline: July 1st, 2020 (any timezone)
Final version due: 10 August 2020
HITCON 2020 Conference Date: 11 ~ 12 September 2020 (UTC+8)