【海洋9友邦知多少❓特色獎品 #抽起來 🎁】
相約到加勒比海及太平洋友邦走走吧 🏖
#魔法部 和中華民國對外貿易發展協會 - TAITRA
並與足跡踏遍所有邦交國的 YouTuber ▶️
#融融歷險記 男主角 Ben 同台進行經驗分享 😉
衝一波 #經貿外交 及 #文化交流 🐳🐢🐙
⚠️ 重~點~來~了 ⚠️
要來送給 #15位 幸運的粉絲 😍
包括 👉🏻 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯皮雕、海地 REBO咖啡豆、海地辣木茶包、貝里斯辣椒醬、吐瓦魯貝殼項鍊、聖露西亞 Baron 醬料、聖露西亞特色娃娃、馬紹爾群島 Kili Shoulder Bag、馬紹爾群島扶桑花飾品、聖文森國 Grenadines 海鹽罐、聖文森國手工香蕉葉畫、諾魯椰殼鑰匙環、諾魯椰殼手環。
從現在起至 #11月11日 23:59前 (台北時間)
就有機會被小編抽中呦~ 😘
🔺 按下外交部粉專的「讚」(已是粉絲的就不用)
🔺 公開分享這則貼文
🔺 在本貼文下方標註3位朋友,並回答以下問題:
1️⃣ #吐瓦魯 🇹🇻 使用的主要通行貨幣為?
(A)新台幣 (B)澳洲幣 (C)吐魯番幣 (D)比特幣
2️⃣ 在 #諾魯 🇳🇷 的台灣農技團主要飼養的經濟動物為?
(A)台灣黑熊 (B)蛋雞 (C)柴犬 (D)梅花鹿
3️⃣ #帛琉 🇵🇼 為母系社會,但傳說女性擅入男人會館 (Bai) 會變成什麼?
(A)男人 (B)石頭 (C)戰狼 (D)超級賽亞人
4️⃣ 原住民族委員會與 #馬紹爾群島 🇲🇭 去年簽署的雙邊合作協定為何?
(A)東道主禮儀交流協定 (B)南島民族文化事務協定 (C)西太平洋振興計畫協定 (D)北風北大逆轉協定
5️⃣ 下列何者是 #貝里斯 🇧🇿 著名的觀光景點?
(A)大堡礁 (B)大黑洞 (C)大峽谷 (D)大藍洞
6️⃣ #海地 🇭🇹 位處加勒比海地區,但官方語言為何?
(A)法語 (B)海線客語 (C)西班牙語 (D)海地物語
7️⃣ #聖露西亞 🇱🇨 出了幾位諾貝爾奬得主?
(A)0位 (B)2位 (C)20位 (D)200位
8️⃣ 國人持本國護照入境 #聖文森國 🇻🇨 可享免簽證待遇的期限有多久?
(A)6小時 (B)6天 (C)6個月 (D)6年
9️⃣ #聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 🇰🇳 的主要經濟支柱為?
(A)觀光旅遊 (B)Johnny烤餅 (C)漢彌爾頓音樂劇票房 (D)國家寶藏
There is a light at the end of this tunnel that is the global pandemic, and one day we’ll be taking to the skies once more! With a view to that day, MOFA, TAITRA and Taiwan’s Travel Quality Assurance Association are hosting the Caribbean and Pacific Islands Tourism and Agricultural Products Marketing Campaign Event. We’re also holding a #PrizeDraw to to help you get to know Taiwan's diplomatic allies a little better!
The event will be held from 10:30-13:30 at the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Taipei on November 5. Representatives from five of Taiwan’s allies in the Caribbean and four Pacific allies, as well as 60 representatives from the travel industry will attend, with a special talk from YouTuber Ben’s Adventure, sharing his experiences traveling to Taiwan’s diplomatic allies.
Complete the three steps below before 23:59 on November 11 to be in with a chance to win a prize!
1. If you’re not already a fan, hit the “Like” button on our Page.
2. Share this post publicly.
3. Tag three friends in the comments section of this post and answer the following questions:
1️⃣ Which of the following is the main currency used in Tuvalu?
(A) NT dollars (B) Australian dollars (C) Turpan dollars (D) Bitcoin
2️⃣ Which of the following animals is Taiwan ICDF helping Nauru to raise?
(A) Formosan Black Bears (B) Chickens (C) Shiba Inu (D) Sika deer
3️⃣ Palau is a matriarchal society, but what do the legends say women will turn into if they sneak into the men’s house (Bai)?
(A) Men (B) Rocks (C) Wolf warriors (D) Super Saiyan
4️⃣ What bilateral agreement did Taiwan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples sign with the Marshall Islands last year?
(A) Exchange on etiquette and hosting guests (B) Austronesian cultural exchange (C) West Pacific economic stimulus agreement (D) Mahjong exchange agreement
5️⃣ Which of the following is a famous Belizean tourist attraction?
(A) The Great Barrier Reef (B) The Great Black Hole (C) The Grand Canyon (D) The Great Blue Hole
6️⃣ Haiti may be in the Caribbean, but which of the following is one of its two official languages?
(A) French (B) Coastal Hakka (C) Spanish (D) Mermaidese
7️⃣ How many Nobel laureates has Saint Lucia produced?
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 20 (D) 200
8️⃣ How long is visa-free treatment for Taiwanese nationals on entering Saint Vincent?
(A) 6 hours (B) 6 days (C) 6 months (D) 6 years
9️⃣ What is the main economic driver of St. Kitts and Nevis?
(A) Tourism (B) Johnny Cakes (C) Box office takings for "Hamilton: An American Musical" (D) National Treasures
Prizes: 15 lucky winners with the correct answers will receive one of the following special prizes from our allies:
A leather carving from #SaintKittsAndNevis, Rebo coffee or Moringa tea from #Haiti, hot sauce from #Belize, a shell necklace from #Tuvalu, Baron West Indian Hot Sauce or a doll from #SaintLucia, a Kili shoulder bag or a hibiscus accessory from the #MarshallIslands, Grenadine Wild Sea Salt or a banana leaf painting from #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines, a coconut shell keyring or a coconut shell mobile phone ornament from #Nauru.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅三十歲男子日常,也在其Youtube影片中提到,四天三夜滿滿的曼谷行程,終於可以來放鬆了 這次影片提供給大家曼谷自由行懶人包 換手機SIM卡,省力叫車App,換泰珠最划算的地方 還有好吃又便宜的海南雞飯一次全部釋出 商店資訊 綠色海南雞飯(我這次吃的)Kuangheng Moo SA Te 938 Phetchaburi Rd, Khwaeng...
currency exchange taipei 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最讚貼文
📜 [專欄新文章] Pioneer A Financial Life on Ethereum with A Non-custodial Banking Replacement by Mel Gelderman…
✍️ 田少谷 Shao
📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium
Pioneer A Financial Life on Ethereum with A Non-custodial Banking Replacement by Mel Gelderman 在以太坊上開拓無需銀行託管的新金融生活
On the first day of 2019 Taipei Crosslink, the CEO of Monolith- Mel Gelderman gave a speech on their Monolith Ethereum Wallet + Tokencard and how people are starting to know and embrace Blockchain technology in our daily life, not for gambling or fraud, but for the real positive changes it can bring to the world!
Everything dates back to 2015 when Taipei Ethereum Meetup was merely a small group of people… Mel started off the speech with the memory of him stepping into the Ethereum ecosystem!
Story-telling time!
A brief description of Monolith
Monolith is a decentralised banking alternative on Ethereum, with its current business area in Europe. There are two main products: Monolith app is a contract wallet to transfer cryptocurrency to fiat money; Tokencard is a the debit Visa card that anyone can use just like a normal Visa card.
The Status Quo
Monolith has been through the FCA Sandbox in UK. However, AML(Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC(Know Your Customer) are policies Monolith has to comply with.
AML and KYC can be achieved by simply looking into the origin of the cryptocurrency or tokens, as everything on Ethereum is there, open and transparent: if an address is known to be of illegal source, banning it solves the problem.
Currently, there are already more than 1000 users using Monolith Wallet and Tokencard to cover daily expenditure!
TKN Token: Be our own bank!
Though the topic of TKN wasn’t brought up in the speech, TKN plays a crucial role in the ambition of Monolith: to return the interest of depositing money from banks to users. For more information: CLICK!.
If you’re interested in such ambition, also check out: Compound!
Demo Time
Mel demonstrated how to use their Monolith Ethereum Wallet. During the demo, there’s an anecdote really amused everyone:
The transaction time on Ethereum is surprisingly not really longer than the time on Visa lol
Apart from the above evidence that blockchain is rising ;) Here are a few notes about Monolith Wallet worth mentioning:
Monolith Wallet is a contract wallet with a recovery mechanism, which solves the problem of usual wallets that there is no way to get back your assets on blockchain once the private key is known to the attacker.
Whitelisted addresses are specific addresses not bounded by daily spend limit, and cannot be modified afterwards. Combining the two, even if an attacker gets to know the private key, the attacker can only transfer up to the daily spend limit, and the owner can transfer the remaining assets to the whitelisted addresses.
Monolith is also working on another recovery mechanism to deal with the situation of losing your phone. Stay tuned!
Monolith Tokencard also has every mechanism one needs for a normal debit card: freezing and unfreezing the card, reporting lost card, etc.
The workflow of using Monolith:
Decide the amount of cryptocurrency for exchange -> Decide the targetted fiat currency -> Wait for transaction confirmations on both Ethereum and Visa -> Success! This is now the debit card with money to spend :)
To wrap up this section, Monolith is the purest DeFi you can imagine! — Mel
Future Goal
Back in the days, it’s impossible to live solely on a Bitcoin wallet, as the exchange between cryptocurrency and real-world currencies was never easy.
However, with Monolith Wallet right now, the blockchain technology is mature enough for people to rely on the blockchain solution for daily payments, rather than trusting in banks to deal with our money.
It’s not hard to imagine that in the future, with the mass adoption of the blockchain technology, we might be able to receive cryptocurrency as salary and pay many things to anyone in every corner of the world with only a single wallet and a few clicks on your phone!
1. When or if it’s possible for Monolith to be available in Taiwan?
South Korea may be the first place for Monolith in Asia. Taiwan is on the list for sure, and hopefully, Monolith will be available by the next time when Mel visits Taiwan ;)
2. What is Monolith’s opinions on anonymity and privacy?
AML and KYC are the agreement Monolith made with Visa and FCA. However, Monolith is considering issuing a token to compensate users for going through these policies!
Mel’s is definitely one of the most inspiring speeches: Monolith and Tokencard visualize the dream that blockchain technology can really help make our society a more decentralised place and reduce the risk that we have always been staking on the centralised institutions!
In the end, I’d like to quote a line from Mel to summarize the speech and also his enthusiasm towards blockchain and Ethereum:
We are on the cusp of the most exciting moment in Ethereum since its creation!
Special thanks to Mel Gelderman for the friendly and patient feedback on my questions and recommending me COMPOUND!!! also, to Yahsin Huang for reviewing and her helpful advices and as usual to Chih-Cheng Liang for organizing the TEM column:)
Pioneer A Financial Life on Ethereum with A Non-custodial Banking Replacement by Mel Gelderman… was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌
currency exchange taipei 在 跟隨Shelly 漫步英倫 Facebook 的最佳解答
夏天假期來到 開始陸陸續續有很多人會來英國玩
倫敦雖然是個高物價的地方 不過現在是夏日打折季
就算不打折 凡舉 衣服 精品 名牌等昂貴的物品 都比亞洲便宜太多了
再加上如果有順利退到稅 等於就是在免費幫你打個九折或更多
由於幾年前 在倫敦最出名的購物街(牛津街)上班過
最常被問到的問題 就是有關於如何退稅
感謝眾多疑難雜症 我也都是從不知道被問到太多次 就慢慢都知道了
從此之後 也幫這些觀光客們解答了很多退稅事宜
Q1: 請問什麼樣的店可以退稅?
A1: 能夠退稅的店,在門口或結帳櫃台都會寫Tax-Free(甚至有的時候會寫中文) , 如果都沒有看到的話 再問店員Can I get tax free? 不過像是小孩的衣物、書籍、食物等 在英國都是免稅的, 所以都不適用於退稅方案。
Q2: 哪些人可以享有退稅政策?
A2: 非歐盟國家來英國消費的旅客皆可申請退稅。如果持有學生簽證,要證明你將離開歐盟12個月以上才能進行退稅。而且所購買的商品要進行退稅的話,離境時間必須是在三個月以內。
Q3: 要消費多少錢才可以退稅?
A3: 大部份的店家都是規定要滿£50以上(約台幣2400元),因為如果沒有超過這金額,老實講也沒有什麼錢可以退了。
Q4: 收據單可以累計起來退稅嗎?
A4: 可以喔 收據單累計起來退稅,不但可以減少填寫退稅單的時間還有排隊等退稅的時間,更可以省下不少手續費( 如果你是要退現金的話) *所謂累計退稅就是: 1. 在同一家品牌的店(不同分店也可以) 於三個月內都可持不同消費收據,請店家全部幫你累計起來在同一張退稅單
2. 如果是在百貨公司裡消費的話, 則是在百貨裏的不同店家收據都可以放在一起。
Q5: 退稅後 大概可以拿回多少錢?
A5: 英國的VAT是17.5%, 但實際退到大約只有8%-12%左右,不過就差不多是九折左右 。每個店家也略有不同, 通常當你拿到退稅單子時, 最下面都會顯示Refund Money這是你可以退到的正確金額 。
Q6: 究竟退稅的錢 要退現金還是退到信用卡?
A6: 我通常都會建議顧客還有我的家人朋友們退現金,雖然退現金需額外付手續費
£ 2.75( 約台幣150元),但可以當下馬上拿到錢,也比較安心 (到機場時,可以選擇你要退什麼幣值,有的時候如果有台幣也可以退)。如果是選擇退到信用卡, 請在退稅單提供正確的卡號, 退稅金額將會在一到三個月內收到,但如果沒有收到就會很麻煩,要自己打電話或者寫E-mail查詢,全世界都知道英國人做事效率很慢,所以還是建議退現金比較保險。
** 不過也有例外的時候,如果你能夠退到的金額很小,像是£2而已, 而現金手續費就要
£2.75 ,這時就直接選擇退到卡裡吧 (我每次都跟顧客開玩笑說 如果這樣還要退現金,你還要多付75P給英國政府呀)
Q7: 英國退稅公司包含哪些?
A7: 第七點很重要,因為這是很多觀光客不會知道的, 英國退稅公司包含
Global blue,Premier tax free, tax free worldwide, GB tax free
大部份店家配合的公司都是Global Blue, 退現金的統一手續費為£2.75,其他三家公司則是沒有統一的收費標準(是根據品牌和他們公司簽約所訂的金額)
另外如果你拿到的退稅的信封袋是寫Global Blue公司時, 可以直接拿著護照和退稅單到以下倫敦市中心的地址辦理退稅拿回現金,就不需要再等到去機場時才能拿回現金
International Currency Exchange
339 Oxford St, London W1, W1C 2JB London
搭地鐵者請在Oxford Circus或Bond Street下車(走路約三分鐘)
Q8: 如果我還有要去歐洲其他國家消費, 應該如何退稅?
A8: 退稅是以你最後一個離境的國家做退稅, 所以你如果今天去了英國,荷蘭,德國等地Shopping買東西,但最後是要從法國飛回台灣, 那就是全部在各國買的商品都在法國辦理退稅。
Q9: 如果要退稅,大概要提前多久到機場?
A9: 由於這段期間一直到九月都是旅遊旺季, 排隊人潮真的是很可怕, 隊伍大部份都是蒙面的中東人和很會買的中國人, 不過包頭巾的中東人還是贏了,通常每個人的手上感覺至少都有50幾張退稅單, 我陪家人等過最久的有兩個半小時,我朋友甚至有排到過三個半小時,還有朋友排到飛機都錯過了,所以如果要退的金額很大,又是在這段期間,建議至少提前五個小時到機場。
A10: 因為其實退稅人潮眾多, 他們真的也沒有時間拿著收據去查你買了什麼, 除非真的買了很昂貴的東西, 但為了保險起見,還是記得把要退稅的物品先攜帶在身上,或全部放在同一個行李箱裡, 以方便查驗。 另外特殊商品退稅,例如昂貴的手錶,珠寶,以及相機或iphone等電子產品需要在辦理登機手續後才可退稅。
Q11: 退稅單要怎麼填?
A11: 最後要告訴大家,其實填寫退稅單真的很簡單, 只要回答以下問題即可:
Passport Number: 護照號碼
Passport issued by: 台灣護照就填Taiwan
Address: 填你住家的地址, 老實講這格我都亂填, 因為格子太小,台灣地址又實在是太長,我都大概會寫個路名然後就Taipei City, Taiwan 和郵遞區號這樣 ( 你要怎麼寫都可以,但就是不要不小心填到歐洲國家的地址就好了)
Arrive date: 到達歐洲的第一天日期
Departure date: 離境歐洲的這天, 也就是你回程班機這天
Final destination: 最後到達目的地
Credit card number : 退款到卡者,請提供卡號
Singnature: 最後在親筆簽名即可
照片為讓我學習到很多的開心牛津街上班回憶 😊
currency exchange taipei 在 三十歲男子日常 Youtube 的最佳解答
綠色海南雞飯(我這次吃的)Kuangheng Moo SA Te
938 Phetchaburi Rd, Khwaeng Makkasan, Khet Ratchathewi, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
960-962 Phetchaburi Rd, Khwaeng Makkasan, Khet Ratchathewi, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Super Rich Currency Exchange 換匯中心
45 ซอยราชดำริ 1 ถนนราชดำริห์ Khwaeng Lumphini, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
量販店Big C Supercenter
97/11 Ratchadamri Rd, Khwaeng Lumphini, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
แขวง ลุมพินี เขต ปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330
if you are not living in Taiwan, you could send it to a new address and interact with me.
中文:23599 中和宜安郵局第144號信箱 (這是完整地址不用懷疑)
English: P.O.BOX 144 Zhonghe Yi-an New Taipei City 23599 Taiwan
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2019 泰國海島“喀比” 漫遊海邊大街 https://youtu.be/jHYc_R3HoXE
世界三大夜景 香港太平山夜景 /電影拍攝Friend Zone 南龍冰室 https://youtu.be/ECTdUhQNkfc
香港打卡熱點 Part1/大館, 華星冰室, 西環泳棚, KAWS https://youtu.be/H71qubknusc
香港打卡熱點 Part2/香港彩虹邨, Pho Le錦麗牛肉河粉 https://youtu.be/RzysIYcIHMY
Sony a6400 / Sony a5100 / Gopro 7 Black
音樂使用來自 Epidemic Sound 付費網站
商業合作請洽 [email protected]

currency exchange taipei 在 Foreign Exchange Rate, Bank of Taiwan - 臺灣銀行匯率利率 ... 的相關結果
Currency Currency Cash Rate Cash Rate
Currency Buying Selling Buying
American Dollar (USD) American Dollar (USD) 27.315 27.985 27.665 27.765
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 3.401 3.605 3.527 3.587 ... <看更多>
currency exchange taipei 在 Authorized Foreign Exchange Bank & Money Exchanger 的相關結果
0020 Guancian Branch 館前分行 TEL:(02)23315528; FAX: (02)2314...
0030 Simen Branch 西門分行 TEL:(02)23814949; FAX: (02)2375...
0040 Yanping Branch 延平分行 TEL:(02)25554111; FAX: (02)2556... ... <看更多>
currency exchange taipei 在 Banks and Malls with Best Currency Exchange Rates in Taipei 的相關結果
Banks and Malls with Best Currency Exchange Rates in Taipei · 1. Bank Branches near Tourist Areas in Taipei · 2. Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Currency ... ... <看更多>