罹患囊腫的機率 高達 75%
Ovarian cysts....hair loss around the tummy area (not attributed to mites) is one of the common indicators of cysts in sows. In many cases sows show limited or no signs they are suffering from cysts....
Other indicators are: crusty nipples, sore tummy, ongoing humping, bleeding from genitals, fat tummy, grumpy behaviour, weight loss....
There are a variety of options to treat/manage : surgery (many vets prefers flank spays), medication, syringeing fluid from ovaries. Flank spays are incisions made along the spine via the back rather than the traditional stomach incision.
We prefer removal so as to negate ongoing health issues and pain. Ages have ranged from 2 years to 6 years & all have been successful.
Around 75% of all sows suffer from ovarian cysts...and those figures have been confirmed by scientific research.
This little girl had hers out at around 5 years of age...she recovered well. Thanks to The Wheelhouse Veterinary Centre who operated successfully and shared story (y)
cysts中文 在 貝克氏囊腫Baker's cyst - 丁良文內科診所 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
關於貝克氏囊腫Baker's cyst 貝克氏囊腫又稱膝窩囊腫,是1877年威廉貝克首先提出的病例,膝窩位 ... ... <看更多>
cysts中文 在 Conjunctival cyst 眼結膜水泡20160315 新眼光眼科診所 的推薦與評價
新眼光眼科診所台北市台灣Taipei Taiwanhttps://www.asianewvision.com潘怡文醫師蕭裕泉醫師For complete eradicate the conjunctival cysts should ... ... <看更多>