Frank Nitty for Gucci #24HourAce
居於香港的美術總監兼動畫製作人 的作品不但賞心悅目,同時叫人驚喜連連。其範疇涵蓋時裝、媒體和電子音樂,當中的美學和轉瞬即逝的流行文化經過分解拆細,然後再混合重組,散發非凡的奇幻魅力。作品以1980年代早期MTV的手法呈現巴洛克時期過度裝飾的風格,同時滲入社交媒體世代的新元素,透過微細的畫面帶來最震撼的效果。在這次的#24HourAce,狂熱起舞的運動鞋就如同Busby Berkeley和Rube Goldberg的夢幻組合一樣叫人神魂顛倒。請用心注視紅綠條紋,並讓雙腳盡情隨之狂歡躍動。 --- Samantha Culp
Hong Kong-based art director and animator Frank Nitty creates spectacular eye candy, but this candy bites back. In his work across fashion, media and the electronic music scene, beauties and pop culture ephemera are sliced, diced, and remixed with their own grotesque glamour. It’s baroque excess by way of early 1980s MTV, but updated for the social media age, where tiny screens must convey maximum impact. For #24HourAce, sneakers dance in a fever dream equal parts Busby Berkeley and Rube Goldberg, hypnotizing us all. Keep your eyes on the red and green stripes, and don’t worry if your feet start moving. – Samantha Culp
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